my opinions about thing suggested in your poll
Spoiler: TL;DR
all variants have cons, usually too harsh or even purpose killing nerfs, none of the things suggested in the poll should be added (even my idea would be problematic, just wanted to give one, imho, kinda better option)
and people, please, think about your suggestions! some of you keep suggesting "nerfs" which would completely kill items or make it impossible to use them for their original purpose, I doubt that anyone want anything like frost/stun like nerfs, we don't need to make any other items useless
I never saw NORMAL nerf to double bubble which would not affect badly the single shield users, why...
interesting, yet it would be imho better if devs started by adding shorter period, 10 seconds might be too harsh
10 seconds-almost blast's/grenade's cooldown, enemy breaks your shield with one weapon-->you fall back to wait for second shield-->you get out with new shield-->enemy breaks your second shield with same weapon, it would force enfos to use cover before they could use second shield, enfos can't survive conctentrated fire for too long, they will ofc dance but enemies (especially at higher levels) will lead their shots
nope, then limit some other (or maybe all? ) items and buff/rework frost launcher
why should be limit added, when there are many more items used in pairs (or in even higher numbers) and some of them as annoying as DB or even more, then limit bi-nitro, double flare/fire bomb/ex cannon/sniper/blast/mine/torps/mortars/repair bolts/shields/turbos etc., let's forbid all pair of items! and buff/rework frost launcher because it's only other 2 slot point yellow item
wtf no, see below
so tesshields are supposed to protect you (and block) aerial projectiles but now, you want some of them to penetrate the shield? there would be no way to see that the projectile will go through, so this would cause many frustrated complaints here, also unnecessary nerf to single shield, noone complains about them
no, killing purpose of tesshield-blocking shots, also nerf to single shield
tesshields would act as only temporary defense points, not that usefull and again, unnecessary single shield nerf
no, see above
almost same as above
no, again nerf to single shield, it would hurt all tesshield users, also why would you use weak shield, when it will break after one shot and you will get stunned for longer time than now (4 second is imho perfect)
if it was too long, it would act like tesla bolt...
no, nerf to single shield users and no real nerf to DB
no, see above, it would also kill all low(er) lvl shields, they're even too usually too weak
no, see two above
thanks for adding my idea, this would ofc also nerf single shields, yet it's imho not that harsh nor purpose killing (and it would add one possible counter-sniper cannon, which is now useless against stronger shields)
so 8 out of 10 ideas would nerf also single shields, yet noone really complains about them