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Can we have equal amount of Fixers in each match on both teams?

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Napolike1926, 30 Jul 2018.

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  1. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    I still fight too many battles versus team with fixer, while mine haven't got one. Now, I know you have a tab with % win/lose with/without fixer and it's so balanced, but you didn't consider that in that % many people got high % of fixers in team, other people (like me) ever see fixer in the other team (if there is just one fixer in 10 selected fighters). My question: is it really that much hard to make a matchmaking with equal fixers? (0-0, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3). I think only shooter can be not equal, but it's another thing. We just need at least balanced fixer, please. I can't take it anymore.. all days the same.
    I'll post other 2783474 posts like this still you will fix that BUG! Because it's like a bug. Just imagine a map where you can stay under a wall (almost all) and in the moment first ship see the other, they shots and go back in the group. Why one of them can get heal and the other can't? Sometimes we almost kill one and all damage begin useless because fixer heal him. But if one of us is dying, he just have to die! Please, really, it's so easy to fix :( i'd love the game much more, and promise I'll spend money for vip and other things if u fix lol. Regards!
    BasedCarpen likes this.
  2. Fish

    Fish Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    Only way to guarantee that you always have at least one fixer on your team is to play fixer yourself - and then you will qucikly see that balanced/unbalanced fixer numbers are sometimes good and sometimes bad. All works out in the end to about 50% wins anyway.

    And I would think trying to balance fixer numbers would be hard - entirely depends on who just clicked “battle” at that moment. Nobody wants to wait 3 minutes to start a battle if there is a fixer shortage at that moment.
  3. Peasant ignore me

    Peasant ignore me New Member

    8 Jul 2018
    Just dont play old mode because you will end up with mk6 or mk7 who heal lots while me a mk5 just give up
    The best update they ever did is the event every week so its a battle of gear score rather than infamy which in my opinion is better
  4. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    3 minutes? To wait another fixer or just another ship not fixer? Because I didn't say "I want ever a fixer", I said I want equal number of fixers (also 0) in both team. I know about tab with stats near 50%, but it's a stats. Many lucky people got often a fixer in the team while no fixer is in opposite team (I'm often in that one). And I said why(hope u have read it all) it's not balanced. And if you could take a look to the battles of that stats of that tab, you should check that the wins battles without fixers have an extreme unbalanced tot damage of the teams. (If fixer in other team worked good, for sure). It's not subjective, it's objective problem. And it's false that you have to wait 3 minutes. Maybe sometimes 5 sec more -.- we are so many in battle bay and they should let we stay comfortable u.u
    NeptuneGaming likes this.
  5. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    I haven't problem. I've just upgraded to mk6 and almost reached nightmare (3907 top). But fixer unbalanced is a problem anyway, and I know it.
    BasedCarpen likes this.
  6. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    Or fleet with a fixer ;)
  7. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    Sure.. so I can't play without a fixer online because matchmaking ever put me in teams without when there is a fixer in 10 selected players and because rovio can't fix a thing so easy like this?
  8. Fish

    Fish Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    Clever. Wish I thought of that before I built a fixer :)
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Teams without fixer still stand a good chance of survival against team with one.
    Fish, Cavy and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  10. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    Well in my case, when im up against fixer while my team have no fixer, i'll locate the fixer first and thats my top priority. I usually find a chance to attack from behind (and do it carefully so that other unfriend doesnt notice). You will be surprise how people doenst notice their fixer is being taken down because they r too busy attacking and forget to cover their fixer back. If that doesnt work, i'll take down the fixer even if i have to die, that way my team have higher chance to win.
  11. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    Here is 1 example of how the fixer teammates doesnt even know their fixer was being take down. I just freely shot him till he die. There r some other example from my game play but this is the that i saved a long time ago.

    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  12. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    Man, I'm a speeder, I know my job lol. It's not an answer.
  13. wreck your day

    wreck your day Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D
    somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
    What makes you so sure?

    Matches are fun because of the variety of ships, build and playstyles of your teammates and enemies... and that includes unequal fixer team matches. One fixer more on their side means that you have up to 5 more guns to take them down. Similarly, being able to heal back up quickly is a huge advantage, but they make up for that with a severe drop in firepower. Miika's stats show that no one side of a 1-0 fixer match has any significant advantage to win over the other, and whatever you feel about it, that's a fact that cannot be denied. If you're so unhappy about fixer teams being unbalanced, go be the fixer.
    Cavy, ShipCrusherCz and NeptuneGaming like this.
  14. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    Fixer is not some superior ship that determines wins and losses of matches. It's just unique in it's own way, like all the other ships.
    Also, you keep saying that you're unlucky and often get less fixers in your team, but you also said that you know that the stats say winrate is around 50%, so I don't see why it's a problem that your team gets less fixers when you know it doesn't really give them an advantage in terms of statistical probability.
  15. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    Guys if you don't read all, keep your thinks for you lol. You are answer me like bots. Or maybe like noobs u.u
  16. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    And about it: you sure team without fixer got more fire power? And if there is a team 4 shooters+fixer vs 1 shooter and 4 other ships? Because it can happen, and happens! And you have to consider that many fixers also shots. Please go play pokemon :)
  17. wreck your day

    wreck your day Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D
    somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
    Shooter is the best at doing damage (obviously), but doing damage is part of the other ships' prime concerns too. The difference is that the shooter's main role is to do damage, and damage alone, while the other ships have other abilities and roles that they have, or are highly recommended, to play. One may argue that (for example) speeders are meant to distract, and enforcers/defenders are meant to tank hits; but even if they were good at doing so, they still would not get good rewards if they do not dish out a reasonable amount of damage as well. They are still supposed to, and are relatively good at, dealing damage.

    Of course, fixer 'shots', but dealing damage is not its main priority. Fixers have weapons to pop in a shot once in a while, or to defend themselves, but they are pretty much dependent on their team to do all, if not nearly all of the damage in a match.

    You're in a higher league than I am, and you should know this better than I do.
  18. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Sure, everyone who disagrees with you is a noob who should go play pokemon. Great argument, I'm sure the devs will listen to you now.
  19. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    If you feel that your team never can beat a team with a fixer then it's your own fault :rolleyes:
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  20. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    Where did i say it? I don't know why some people talk just to talk.

    Thanks for training. We'd really need it.
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