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New Event, what are your thoughts?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Flint, 26 Jul 2018.

  1. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Hello everyone,

    What are your thoughts on the new Event? I heard mixed reviews in the in-game forums.

    Is it a keeper? Or does anyone have ideas for some improvements?

    Fire away!

  2. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    The matchmaking got much worse in this event. I'm an mk5 and half the battles there are mk7s. And nearly everyone I face is 7k+ gearscore and I'm 5.4k gearscore. The rewards distributions also isn't really fair.

    The reason I'm still playing the event is because tis event's perks are good for me.
  3. GGodHand

    GGodHand Member

    1 Jun 2017
    CTF is fun, but a complete waste of time in regards to farming for gold/sugar/coins because most matches end in a draw. Save coin grinding for another event.
    FearsomeChicken likes this.
  4. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    Yeah, I'm having fun on escort duties for a change. Try taking my flag - I'll make you famous ;)
    Bradley Thorinsson likes this.
  5. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Agreed. I am just going to play this weekend for fun and to rack up as much damage towards achievements and quests as possible. Averaging 40k+ per game. I probably won't even get 1 Legendary Perk this weekend though :(
    Last edited: 26 Jul 2018
    FearsomeChicken and Aether_Zero like this.
  6. #Executed /•|•\

    #Executed /•|•\ Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Last edited: 26 Jul 2018
  7. Stalie

    Stalie Member

    25 Sep 2017
    It's a bad event!
    Good for speeders and enforcers but not for other ships you get stunned all the way well before you can do anything or see anyone.
    Also I've captured the flag a crew times and then it doesn't count??? WTF??? When is it really captured? Do I have to keep the enemy flag for 5 minutes in my circle or what? Also please reduce the 5 min per battle it really kills game play
    Earel likes this.
  8. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    both flags should be at the same base to be counted as a capture for that base , your flag should be at your base to capture
  9. Stalie

    Stalie Member

    25 Sep 2017
    Ok that makes things even harder how amI supposed to capture the enemy flag whilst ensuring my own flag is in my item capture area?
    This event is not worth 5 min of my time to lose for nothing
    Thx for the crap enemy devs I'll just go back to the normal game
  10. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    well you need your team help , but carrying the flag is counted as a contribution even if you didn't capture ,
    and you are right it is bad but iam playing it for achievements
  11. RippinKittin667

    RippinKittin667 Member

    29 May 2018
    it's pretty well rounded for all boats. Speeders can get to the flag faster but once they have it they can't boost or nitro so they are now a normal boat. As a fixer I have won almost all of my matches. I play human healing shield once my guys grab the flag. As far as the capture, your flag needs to be in your base when you return the flag. I will say that the sheer carnage is pretty out of control but hey, it's also an easy way to level up your weapons through achievement rewards.
    Shadow Moon! likes this.
  12. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I think I enjoy this event more than all the others... it's chaotic, it's challenging, and it requires more teamwork than any event or regular match to win consistently. Your team must split to take care of both flags. I've seen some insanet

    I agree the event appears to be well rounded for all boats. In fact a Selfish Fixer has some advantages here.
  13. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    It's a lot of fun! Chaos is real and you get to be really excited about capturing or returning your flag. It's awesome!

    I still have complains about the perks. The Quickshot Fire Damage Perk is still avaliable in this event, I think it's been available in 80% of the events, and it just sucks to get a 5th or a 7th one :mad:. Meanwhile other perks haven't been available in more than 2 events. It's frustrating. Rotation must be a reality and the perks for yellow items are still missing :confused:
  14. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Agreed... I was hoping for better rotation. For example the last time I saw the Missile perk was about 4 events ago, the time all perks were up for grabs.
  15. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    This event is fun,I enjoy both doing dmg and capturing the flag,so far I already got a rare vigor turbo perk,which brings my ship hp near to 7000 even with rare t4 bshield
    That's weird,I got 6.7k gear score in mk6 and I usually get matched against WEAK mk6's,although this event is also a bit challenging for me as I'm using enforcer
  16. DragonLegend

    DragonLegend Well-Known Member

    22 Jan 2018
    i haven't been in a single draw yet. you need to reconsider your strategy.
    Shadow Moon! likes this.
  17. DragonLegend

    DragonLegend Well-Known Member

    22 Jan 2018
    you need both the flags in your zone to point a score. Also if you are a shooter try defending. if you are having trouble catching up park yourself on the shortest route. help escort as well as defend your flag.
  18. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    those struggling on this event are those who go just for damage and don't work as a team. I am averaging 8k damage but at least 2 captures! winning 80% of games :) much better than usual damage mayhem!
  19. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Bravo Devs! Great event, also finally good perks that fit my items.

    Few problems tho:
    • People don't understand the roles of their ships (eg. shooters trying to go for capture, etc), but that's out of your control.
    • Coins. You're getting less coins in a longer period of time (compared to last events). It'll be really difficult to aim for 900 coins this event. You should either increase the amount of coins we get or decrease the amount needed for leggy perks (that's just my opinion - I understand legendary perks are supposed to be hard to get :)).
    • Defense should be rewarded more. When I protect our flag, kill every enemy's flag carrier and return the flag, I should be rewarded as much as our flag carrier (he can't capture if our flag isn't home - I think we both deserve the same amount of contribution for that capture).
    • Damage on flag carrier seems to be undervalued, unless you also return the flag (in my opinion killing the flag carrier is more valuable than driving over that flag - I hate when I solo kill their carrier and one random teammate gets all the contribution for "returning the flag").
    But that's minor issues, most importantly, the event is really fun. I'd say my 3rd most favourite one (after 1v1 and 2v2 with fleet).
  20. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    nice post. I think the coins are ok as it is easier to get the higher amounts but I will never argue with an increase ;)

    I agree defence is not valued in this event as much as it should be, the number of times I have the flag but have to wait for someone to return our flag shows how valuable it is!

    This is my favourite event so far closely followed by 2v2.

    Top tip for everyone fleet a speeder and shooter, speeder for capture shooter for defence then it doesn't matter what your team does!

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