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Not getting correct bonus or ranking, stars, etc. at the end of battle

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Trevor Falk, 26 Jul 2018.


Are you having the same problem after the update?

  1. Yes, I’m missing significant bonuses after battle too!

  2. No, I’m getting my regular gold and sugar bonuses.

  1. Trevor Falk

    Trevor Falk New Member

    12 Nov 2017
    Southern California
    So I noticed for the last day or so I’ve only been getting like 8k gold, etc after a WIN and significant damage when I usually get 35-40k. Also at the end of a WINNING match when I’m 1st or 2nd in damage and 3 kills I might be listed as last in damage with 0 stars and only 8k gold, maybe 5k sugar. PLEASE HELP! As this deficiency really adds up in the long run, I’m just glad I caught it sooner than later! And is there any way to get reimbursed for the missing bonuses? Thanks for your time! Still love the game even with all its issues. :)
    InGameName: SDPilot33
  2. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    you are in "infamy tanking zone" (probably)
    what's your highest and your current infamy? if the difference is bigger than 800, then you are in "infamy tanking zone", in which you recieve reduced stars, sugar and gold
    if yes, then you need to get back to less than 800 infamy dofference between highest ever and ylur current to get normal rewards back:)
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  3. Trevor Falk

    Trevor Falk New Member

    12 Nov 2017
    Southern California
    OMG, never knew there was such a thing! And yes, my highest ever infamy was 2803, and because I’ve been using my crappy weapons for doing quests I’ve dropped about 1000 infamy over a 2 week period! So I guess I need to make it back to at least 2003+ infamy to start receiving the same gold, sugar, etc. as before correct? Or will it take a while to get back to that level? Bc like I said I was getting 35-40k+ gold and 25k+ sugar for a decent win with good damage.
  4. Trevor Falk

    Trevor Falk New Member

    12 Nov 2017
    Southern California
    Also, thank you so much for the info and quick response!
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  5. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    not sure about it, it's not exactly 800, it seems to be "floating line", devs never said (at least never read it) how much infamy can we lose before being in the zone, they have good reason for it
    once you get above the "line", you'll recieve your normal rewards
    you're welcome, I like helping others (and I was online at that moment) so it was no problem for me to respond
  6. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    You might have to get back over 2000 infamy to get normal rewards again :)
    Good luck!
    Also, using other weapons also counts towards specific weapon quests in guild, just not as much. If you win more with your normal weapons then you might not necessarily have to use crappy guild quest weapons.
  7. Trevor Falk

    Trevor Falk New Member

    12 Nov 2017
    Southern California
    Hey thanks for the info. And yes, I really like how they still give credit for quests even though you don’t use that specific weapon. It’s just when you’re tryin to get 1st in rivalry and you have a tough guild to beat it’s a no-brainer
    to use the actual quest weapon to get 10x the quest points. The only thing that doesn’t make sense is the fact that if you use the actual weapon on your boat but you don’t happen to do any damage with it then you will actually get 0 points toward the quest, but if you don’t use that weapon on your boat at all you get the 1x. I feel that if you use that weapon and don’t happen to do any damage with it you should still AT LEAST get the 1x as if you didn’t use it at all. Ya know?
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  8. Carnistix

    Carnistix New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    I'm trying to figure out how I can do the most damage in the match and tie for most kills, but only get 2 stars, while a guy with less damage, and no kills gets 3. Also trying to figure out why a MK6 has the same speed, turret, and rudder stats as a MK4 and you have be MK7 to get back the stats I had at MK5. (My MK6 w/ lvl 27 epic turbo w/ 3 epic speed perks & lvl 34 rare turbo w/ 3 rare speed perks was out run by a MK5 w/ 1 lvl 10 epic turbo w/ 3 epic speed perks. WTF???) and how many battles do I have to fight to get a legendary weapon?? More than 11K battles and still haven't seen one, not even from parts. I take it this is an effort to force people to spend money. If this the case, please let me know so I can quit wasting time in this game. It's no fun if all I can have is rare or epic, when most of the competition has legendary.
  9. Trevor Falk

    Trevor Falk New Member

    12 Nov 2017
    Southern California
    Well unless you’re in “infamy tanking zone” as stated before I’m not sure why you would get less stars. All I can come up with is it may be some kind of algorithm that takes into account things like how much you move around the map compared to where everybody else is, or if those kills were mostly from your damage or someone else and you just happened to be the one to kill them, and how accurate your shots are and if you lead your shots etc., etc.

    Also, what boats are being compared? With the speed and being outrun. Both the same boats? And you need to take into account the swells. If you’re sailing along WITH the swells you’ll go a lot faster, if the swells are moving AGAINST you then you’ll feel like you’re goin a LOT slower. (Took me a while to figure that one out)
  10. Trevor Falk

    Trevor Falk New Member

    12 Nov 2017
    Southern California
    As for the legendary issue, are you saying you do not have ANY legendary (leg) pieces, parts, or cells?! Nothing? After 11k battles??? Because that’s just crazy, I’ve never heard of that before. Even free play people should still get the same percentage (ex: .01% chance for leg piece) when opening free boxes or star boxes as everyone else and with that many battles you should have received at least a few leg pieces, parts, and cells by now.
  11. Carnistix

    Carnistix New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    At my lowest, I was about 500 or 600 from my highest infamy, It does tend to tank on its own when I'm doing guild quests. as for the speed issue, both ships were mk 6 shooters same start point with the current. As for the legendary stuff, I've gotten 23/40 pieces (nothing higher than 8/10) 84 parts, 37 cells for 11k battles. Parts and cells don't do any good if you don't have anything to upgrade. So for 11K+ battles my net is 23 pieces. Have yet to find a usable legendary. But I'm getting blasted with legendary weapons in almost every battle.
    Last edited: 16 Aug 2018
  12. Marcel Prime

    Marcel Prime New Member

    5 Nov 2017
    IMG_0399.PNG Same for me, most damage, I'm the weakest ship in my team, zero stars...infamy tanking zone seems an explanation, but i never cared about infamy and I try to win every fight! But if I loose 10 in a row and then get this reward for the first win, i feel pissed...
  13. Marcel Prime

    Marcel Prime New Member

    5 Nov 2017
    Following this logic, one should never get too high in infamy and stop winning streaks with purpose. Makes no sense for me
  14. Marcel Prime

    Marcel Prime New Member

    5 Nov 2017
    The other thing is, in special events, my opponents are same level like me, mk5 with decent weapons, that's fine. As soon as i get back to normal fights, ALL my opponents are way stronger. So how should I hold my infamy??
  15. Fish

    Fish Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    This is the least upset/most accepting response I have seen from somebody who just learned about the “infamy tanking zone” . I’m impressed. I will strive to have an equally peaceful outlook in the future (but doubt that I can achieve it).
    Marcel Prime likes this.
  16. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    Hi :)
    Kills don't count towards final rewards (I guess so that people don't kill-steal as much)
    If someone uses a lot of fire weapons and people get fire damage boost with cannons then the contribution also counts towards him, putting him higher in the end results.
    Also, the achievements already make it a lot easier to get legendaries. 11k battles without one from pieces is portably bad luck, I got mine from pieces with 6.5k battles and I don't spend any money.
  17. Carnistix

    Carnistix New Member

    18 Sep 2017
  18. Marcel Prime

    Marcel Prime New Member

    5 Nov 2017
    Please tell me the truth, did you ever drop infamy by purpose?
  19. Carnistix

    Carnistix New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    If stars are based on damage alone rovio has some explaining to do. These are just a few of screenshots I've grabbed. Almost every battle is jacked up. I'm doing more damage than players with leg weapons and don't get any stars but they do. By pieces I'm still at least 2 away from getting something leg. The only chance I've seen for pieces is guild raffle, and only get 1 chance every 12 drawings, and that 1 chance gets me a 1 in 12 chance of getting a peice since there is never more than 1 leg piece on the board.
  20. Carnistix

    Carnistix New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    Why in the hell would I want to do that? Everyone in my guild is above 1K except me. I seem to get stuck with at least 1 floater in most battles. And most of the time I'm the last to die in my battles, (the rest of the time, I'm first to die, but often take someone with me.) some of the pics I posted show I've done more damage than some with leg weapons, but they got stars and I did not. If I was tanking my infamy intentionally I would not be complaining about anything. That accusation is just asinine.

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