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"Cover" Repair Bolt Speed perk

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Scourge Argaen, 15 Jul 2018.

  1. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    @c3n3 I think it's quite obvious what you're saying.. I just want to understand why the difference in mechanics with a Tesla Shield. A proper explanation on that for my understanding would satisfy me. Unfortunately no one on the thread is qualified to give it as we can only discuss our opinions which don't align.

    It's a 3 sec protection window where what "you're" saying is never really going to happen is it?

    But let me address this in particular with a rhetoric and this isn't to be an asshat on the topic. If you had 5 players with 5x legendary T5 explosive cannons simultaneously shooting a player with protection, what do you expect to happen?
  2. c3n3

    c3n3 Well-Known Member

    1 Aug 2017
    Well the cannons would simply wait out the 3 seconds to shoot, it's not really that hard. Also if you didn't want feedback from fellow players on this you should have just pm'd a developer. The forums are for community discussions
  3. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    The difference between Tesla shield and Invunerability:
    Tesla shield is like and outer shell of a nut, and once enough damage is applied to it, it breaks.
    Invunerability is completely different. The ship may look like it's surrounded by a bubble but it is just an effect to show that it is invunerable. It simply can't take any damage.
    ShipCrusherCz and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  4. Chardaim

    Chardaim Member

    10 Jul 2018
    I believe it's fine the way it is, I can appreciate a way to slow down fire damage. I once had a shooter with 5 different fire dots, however with my dual bolt setup I was able to mitigate, "with some timing between the bolts" about 5 and a half seconds of fire damage. The way I see it, it's a way to catch up in healing.
    ShipCrusherCz and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  5. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    You would wait the 3 seconds of course but that's beside the point I was raising in relation to TheAntiSnipe's comment.

    A forum is indeed a place for discussion but again that comment is also misplaced. I placed it in the bugs and issues thread and not the general discussion thread.

    I am indeed looking for feedback otherwise I wouldn't have raised it but the feedback I'm after is from factual source, not general opinions which we're sharing.

    I'm also of the opinion that it's better to sometimes raise such queries on the forum where a solution can become shared knowledge which you can't have by keeping it to a PM (that and I'm sure the Dev team get a lot of nuisance PMs anyway).

    Now, I'm not looking for contention with yourself and I can clearly see that this is becoming a loathsome thread going in that direction so I'm happy to agree to disagree and let this thread die. Hopefully no harm done.
  6. c3n3

    c3n3 Well-Known Member

    1 Aug 2017
    Nope its all good, just a frustrated me showing a bit.
  7. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    Sorry for the frustration I've caused and thank you for your thoughts and the contribution, it is appreciated :)
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.

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