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Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Gamesmith420, 8 May 2017.


Will fixers ever receive compensation for a job well done? And do you think they should?

Poll closed 18 May 2017.
  1. Yes

  2. Maybe? Should definitely be considered!

  3. No

  1. JJf

    JJf Member

    22 Apr 2017
    That's exactly how I've done all the time I've played fixer. I have used explosive cannon and blast cannon and most of time I am not in a position I could shoot when my weapon is ready. If a ficer fices the other players there isn't much time to aim enemies. You must focus on your teammates instead.
  2. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    guys whats the better perk for a repair pulse? the lesser cooldown or the bigger repair effect? is it good to use one of each when i have just two slots for the perks or should i use both slots with the same kind of perk?
  3. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    My 2 cents,
    3 green -2.5% cooldown will decrease the repair pulse 13.9 about a second.
    5 minute matches * 60s/m = 300s matches
    13,9s pulse = 21.6 or really 21 pulses / match max since there is no OT
    12.9s pulse = 23.3 or really 23
    so 2 extra pulses per match assuming you even used them right away and immediately on every cooldown
    and since the pulse is heal over time even if you managed an extra pulse in a fight it won't usually save someone on the brink of death because it doesn't heal enough immediately.

    For that reason I am using the +repair boost..I would think you should use the more efficient perk in all cases and not mix them.
    @Climax and mang inasar like this.
  4. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    thanks, that was pretty helpful advise.
  5. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    +% to healing would be my pick for all healing items.

    It adds a higher %, gives you more time to press other buttons and you need to be in range less often.

    Or most significantly, healing for more pr click gets a speeder cycling past for quick heals back into the action faster.
    mang inasar likes this.
  6. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    yep ill try the +healing perk, thanks :)
  7. ThirstySeal

    ThirstySeal Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Ugh, I'm hating playing fixer right now. All my teams seem to fracture as soon as we engage with the enemy.
    behumble likes this.
  8. Jerbears

    Jerbears Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Is my fixer good enough? I can't seem to win many games as a fixer. My usual boat is a shooter and I Have been bouncing between 900-1200. When I play fixer I lose hard, seems like I can't keep anyone alive and only do about 1k damage. On my shooter I'm usually doing between 3k-6k damage. Both are Mk3

  9. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Jerbears I found Fixer to be amazing at low level (mk2,3,4). That was before legendary weapons though, I could imagine their presence makes healing much less efficient.
    Best advice I can give for low level games is to identify the strongest shooter or defender and follow them around - Trying to safe the suicidal players usually gets you killed aswell. Teamwork and players making themselves easier to heal will come at higher infamy :)

    Your setup looks good - Id recommend using Turbo instead of the shield (and then Turbo+shield from mk4). Level that repair pulse up first, its a Fixers best friend.
    @Climax and Jerbears like this.
  10. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    id try using turbo instead of the shield. your ship is too slow to catch up with a team and heal them properly if the team is mobile.
  11. Jerbears

    Jerbears Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    I tried out using my level 18 uncommon turbo yesterday instead of the shield and it helps. Combo's good with the overboost so I can get in and out a little faster. Also I think kitterini might be right about following the best guy around on the team. Some people are just going to die no matter what and I have to accept that... Wish there was a way at the start of the match to see your team mates weapons. That would help greatly in the decision of who I should support!
    ThirstySeal likes this.
  12. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Look at infamy on the prematch screen, helps choose in some games
  13. ThirstySeal

    ThirstySeal Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Fixer contribution is seriously under-rewarded. I mostly play enforcer these days because of it. At circa 1000 infamy I just unlocked the 10k repairs in one battle achievement - over 12k of fixing - kept one ship and myself alive til the clock ran out but team was defeated - and dealt about 5k damage myself including a kill - no stars. Whereas when I play enforcer I can usually gain one star, often 2, on a loss while dealing less damage and no fixing. I realize it's based on an average for the game but this isn't cricket. One of the impediments is how impossible it is to get epic or duplicate rare green items. I'm running level 20 rare box and pulse with lvl 10 epic cannon but the game rewards my use of the lvl 10 rare frost blaster and lvl 10 epic fire bomb on the enforcer WAY more heavily.
    Last edited: 21 Jun 2017
  14. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    I am not a fixer, never even tried the ship once and don't plan on doing so in the future either

    Only reason I even keep upgrading my foxer is cause it gives me more slots to store cool items in so I am probably not qualified to comment here

    However, I've played with a lot of fixers

    Some lame, some amazing (I once played with a legendary fixer who was running circles in the opposite direction and launched heal box in front of me when I was running in the exact opposite direction, he was healing 3 players at the same time btw)


    I comment here cause I am curious and wanted to know how best to play with fixers

    I try to stay in front of them and protect them from damage

    I try to stay close to them so they can heal me

    But most of the times, fixers get overboost or nitro and always get in front of me and stay there

    It's annoying cause I can neither tank for them and protect them

    Nor can I take fire at the enemy (trying to stay close to fixers for heals with them being in front of you ends with them blocking my view and shots)

    It's rather annoying and I have missed many a crucial hits cause of them fixers

    I don't have the same issue with the other ships much cause I don't have the necessity to be close to them or try to tank for them (Even when I play defender, cause defender slow as fudge and always ends up at the back)

    So instead of being a bish and blaming fixers, I want to know if I'm playing with fixers wrong

    Are fixers meant to charge and take the lead?

    Aren't they supposed to stay at the back and heal people?

    If my fixer has a nitro and overboost build and is always running in front of me

    How am I supposed to play with these fixers if I can neither stay close to them nor tank for them?
  15. ThreeFloyd

    ThreeFloyd Member

    25 May 2017
    First off, good job for trying to stay close to the fixer. Secondly, you should, as the BB tip goes, "always be moving" which means you should never just stop and fire behind a fixer or any ship for that matter. Strafe and fire ... or at least get in a good clear position not too far from the fixer. Battles are fluid... moving... changing... if you stop then you become a sitting duck waiting death.

    To answer your question directly, no, fixers should not be taking the lead and should ideally be in the back of the pack.
    CheekyDevilGod likes this.
  16. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017

    Lol, when I said I always stay right behind the fixer

    I didn't mean I was literally just floating behind the fixer

    I'm not THAT dumb lol
  17. Craigjnoble

    Craigjnoble Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Can we change the name of this thread to the Duct tape union?
  18. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Shocking development this is!
    Doesn't really change much, just makes us abit worse - Speeder Bay continues :)
  19. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    I think the entire system of ship upgrades is faulty

    People use speeders a lot simply cause all ships at higher levels have the worst ship speed and agility

    The 1 anti speeder ship in the game, the enforcer is easily the second slowest ship in the whole game despite it's high agility and turret agility

    The reason I used to love enforcer was because of it's badass ship and turret agility and that's no longer there at higher mk levels

    I have no reason to use enforcer if I need a level 20 uncommon gear lube just to get back the turret agility I had at mk1

    I think it'd be nice if the devs could rework the whole upgrade process

    Instead of giving higher hp and armor to all ships in return for lower speed and agility

    How nice would it be if it gives better speed and agility for speeders and fixers, turret agility for shooter and enforcer.

    Defender alone can have gain higher hp and armor at the cost of speed and agility for each upgrade.

    Yes I realize this makes a speeder much more faster and harder to land hits on

    But if the hp remains the same 500, it's kinda well balanced

    It's super easy to land 500 dmg with higher mk ships
  20. RESQMI

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    It should be worse than expected Kit, don't forget they are introducing a new healing item. It will have some impact on the crew skill tree.
    Which buff will get replace we still do not have a clue.
    Side note... luckily I did not scrap my epic duct tape. LOL.

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