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When is carronade worth it?

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by weaponX2071, 25 Jun 2018.

  1. weaponX2071

    weaponX2071 New Member

    14 Mar 2018
    I have an epic carronade I about to bring to tier 2. When does it become effective and not liability? What boats are the best fit and why? Thanks..
  2. PhoenixLife

    PhoenixLife Well-Known Member

    26 Mar 2018
    Behind U
    Speeder is best fit. It isn't really a liability except at captain level 0-20
    Last edited: 25 Jun 2018
  3. weaponX2071

    weaponX2071 New Member

    14 Mar 2018
    Don't user speeder typically, what would be second choice?
  4. wreck your day

    wreck your day Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D
    somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
    I'd say it's good for every ship; what really depends is what other weapons/gear you have on them.

    Also, carronade is a late game weapon, so don't be surprised if it's really weak at first. When you get it levelled up, you can really cause havoc in the enemy lines :) Unless, of course, if a big blue boat suddenly appears in front of you
  5. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Don't insult people that are asking a normal question. Also, yes it is a liability early on. Carronade needs its extra projectiles to be decent, and its extra range and slow effect to be good. Before those things, it's just bad.
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Y so rude? Plus, YES it is a liability till it crosses at least 75 a pellet. That's when it starts hurting through defence in midgame.
    I'd go with either enforcer(mk5+) or fixer(mk6+). Third priority is shooter with its five weps and situational requirement to deal with speeders, coupled with a no-loss training(trainings don't conflict in case of carro), tied with defender with its susceptibility to speeder attacks.

    If you do intend to use carros on shooter or defender, USE GEAR LUBE for best effects. You need fast turret tracking to handle speeders. Again, this is only compulsory on the defender, but if you wish to be a dedicated brawler, gearlube is your best friend.

    On enfo it's best to pair carro with your basic two weapon combo, just make sure you have your bases covered.

    On fixer, pair carro with snipe, both are the type of weapons that require a low amount of thinking to run, so you can focus on fixing and only run weps when needed.
  7. PhoenixLife

    PhoenixLife Well-Known Member

    26 Mar 2018
    Behind U
    Mine as u know is uncommon T3 and is 55 a pellet and shreds the opponents.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  8. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Carronade is really a late game item. It doesn’t get good until you have all the extra projectiles unlocked.

    Speeder is actually one of the most awkward ships to run it on, because it clashes with all of Swift’s speed talents. You can’t even think about running it on a Speeder until you have a really high level Epic Turbo to pick up the slack.

    I would actually caution you against upgrading an Epic to t2, because you’re gambling a lot of resources on being able to find 3rd and 4th duplicates, faster than you could upgrade a Rare. It’s best not to even start until you’re sure you can get it to t4. Otherwise, you can get stuck with a really underpowered item ‘late game’, that’s impossible to complete.
    ShipCrusherCz and The Black Rain like this.
  9. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Tier 4 epic or use something else. Simple. Because ship speed is much more important and training weak carronade isn't worth it.
  10. The Black Rain

    The Black Rain Member

    11 Jun 2018
    From my limited but astute observations, Speeder doesn’t need every speed source available to be effective.
  11. Will-o-the-Wisp

    Will-o-the-Wisp Member

    7 Jun 2018
    Why do you like the range perks on carronade?
  12. super_sonic181

    super_sonic181 Well-Known Member

    30 Sep 2017
    Somewhere on EARTH!
    Try Enforcer with Frost Blaster + Carronade
  13. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Here's my build.
    I'm playing around with this in nightmare at the moment and pretty much tested every skill/perk combinations with this setup and here's what I found. Keep in mind that this only applies to speeders
    • both of the gimmick abilities are worthless if you're playing speeder.
    • Speed reduction is ONLY useful when you're in 1v1 with another speeder and I don't know why you would sacrifice 15% speed and 1 point of range to slow down ships that are way slower than you in the first place. You can catch up and get away from them even with a weak nitro.
    • Even if you max out your slowdown talents to 70%, it's nothing a max rare overboost or nitro cannot overcome. You can dream all day about shredding that opposing speeder with your op carro but in reality he will just overboost and nitro away from your reach even with all the slow effects stacked on top of him. And guess what, you can't catch up because a) your yellow items are already weaker because of carro trainigs and b) you just reduced your speed by 15% and your effective range by 1. Lol.
    • Turret slowdown looks impressive in the talent tree but it's negligible in real battle. It's the same case as other talents. You don't need to slow down defenders/shooter turrets because you can outrun their turret all day with max speed and No it doesn't help you against enforcers or any unlucky soul with legendary gear lube because they will 360 no scope you in no time. So no, I'm not sacrificing carronade damage, nitro cool down and speeder hp for this skill.
    • If you're a speeder main, keep all your speed talents except maybe swift level 5 because what you can do in late game is that make use of that extra over the limit speed by replacing turbo perks by ship hp perks. You can get extra 100-250 hp for free while staying at max speed.

    HAPPY SITHSHA Well-Known Member

    24 Feb 2018
    A Place that u could never imagine :P
    Qn:When is Carronade worth it?

    Ans:When you are in the middle of deadly match and also when u face enemies face to face.:):)
  15. Will-o-the-Wisp

    Will-o-the-Wisp Member

    7 Jun 2018
    Great, interesting post, especially for me as speeder carronader in Ace. I’ve found I like some of the slowdown talents (not sacrificing 10% speed) and all of the turret debuffs, but to each their own. My real question is: how important do you think range is on the carronade?
    Hokuse likes this.
  16. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    If you’re using it to slow the enemy more, then you can tag the unfriendly from pretty far away with range perks. It slows them down even if only one pellet lands.
  17. Hokuse

    Hokuse Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    If you using it on speeder range isn't important. If you using it on other ships still carronade has too low range to increase it with perks as percantage. Buzzkill and burnice final talents seems pretty enough to me. No need to cut off its damage with range perks.
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  18. jfcliche

    jfcliche Member

    21 Sep 2017
    I agree with a lot that was said so I'll just add two things :
    1) I think the carronade can be useful on just about any ship, but in different ways. It is a short range weapon, so on slower boats like Def and Shooter, it is mainly a defensive weapon : those boats don't have the speed to close in, so they use carro only when unfriends come to them. On a speeder (and perhaps Enfo but that's the only boat I don't play) it is more of an offensive weapon. My main speeder set-up is carro + XCann. It's good, but you need to understand its limitations : it is an anti-yellow-boats and anti-fixer set-up, so you need to target those in priority.
    2) I cannot imagine playing my Mk6 fixer without a carro (and usually napalm, sometimes missile). As a fixer, you're the unfriend speeders' first target and they will hound you continually — but a good carronade can make them think twice before they come your way. I call it my "speeder repellant". ;-) Besides, you usually can't use the carro because you're way out of range, so it gives you more time to manage all the rest — and you often need it as a fixer.

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