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Request from millions of people

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by pratikdgr8, 18 Jun 2017.

  1. pratikdgr8

    pratikdgr8 New Member

    18 Jun 2017
    Plz answer the following question
    1- Is there any way i can fleet up with frnds 5vs5 (more than 2) becoz this is the main feature which is lacking and many of my frnds quiting the game...day by day
    i know Its hard for u to generate a random team with same level strength but when there is a will there is a way ...Request to add that feature so that we can fleet up with frnds more than 1 and enjoy it everyday.
    I suggest do something with guild to make a combination so that we frmds can play together with opposition...

    Q2- When the above said update can come? Are you working on it?That is must needed one

    Q3- If possible decrease the crew training time..its reallt very long like 15 hr ...u can keep max 10 hr

    Q4- Everyday the reward should be big ...if the member playing continuosly evertday not according to calender

    Q5- Any upcoming new feature?
  2. Xilly

    Xilly Member

    21 May 2017
    1) There are already multiple threads and big discussions regarding 5v5 (fleeting up with more than 1 other person). I do not think it was confirmed that they were exactly working on it but it was said that it was something that was being looked into I think. My guess it they will release this at some point but we cannot be sure when.

    2) Above answer

    3) I think the crew training time is okay. Tbh, If the training times are shorter, people will max out on the crews quite early. But that is just my opinion.

    4) This is a nice idea. Make the rewards of daily logins be more and more valuable each day. But then again, they do have a special crate available on every 7th day (currently its purple/premium box for me) so that is good.

    5) None has been announced yet. I really hope they give us a peak of what they are working on and update the game with some big features. Cause a lot of people that I know who's playing is getting tired and some are even hesitant to get VIP now cause they aren't sure what the game will be brin
    pratikdgr8 likes this.
  3. DaveRay35

    DaveRay35 Active Member

    18 Jun 2017
    The problem with 5v5s is the matchup algorithms. You will absolutely get smarty pants people who build a fleet of 2 super awesome boats and 3 entry level boats so that they can skew the match in their favour...
    bossnasti and pratikdgr8 like this.
  4. pratikdgr8

    pratikdgr8 New Member

    18 Jun 2017
    I can understand u r right but i have one idea...We dont want to play with other random players...instead we want to play with frnds or people we know
    Example- Suppose i have 10 frnds So from that 5 vs 5 team battle...(So here we dont care how much opposition have strength less or more) we just wanna a friendly match...
    Other way is that create a 5 people guild and display their inflamy and leave on us whom to challange so then their no problem of algorithm.
    Epicmonolith likes this.
  5. DaveRay35

    DaveRay35 Active Member

    18 Jun 2017
    Then there should be no rewards - a "friendly" set of challenges. Cos if people can fix who you're playing then there will be those who, rather than looking for a meaningful challenge / fair matchup, will exploit it for personal gain.

    I really like the idea of friendly challenges. This could actually be a very good intra-guild improvement
  6. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    Crew training time is already right here...If u can't even wait for 12 hrs, then u seriously can't play Clash of clans bcoz it takes 12 days to train a single troop to a specific level.
    Less training time of crew would make the game easy
    ShøckWãve, Raunak and DaveRay35 like this.
  7. s0pm0d

    s0pm0d New Member

    17 May 2017
    Maybe you should add about unbelievable matchmaking that can drop yo 500 infamy in a row..
  8. Xilly

    Xilly Member

    21 May 2017
    Yep. I suggested 5v5 battle ideas (friendly/guild battles). I hope to see something similar to these one day

    Hahah yeah. I think it was 14 days max for a troop/defense to be upgraded later on. It was nice being able to build 5 at once but still, those waiting times was killing me hahaha
    DaveRay35 likes this.
  9. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    First of all, don't act like your opinion is "request from millions of people". It's just your opinion, and I disagree with most of it.

    - 5v5 would be nice, as long as it's in a seperate matching system with a seperate infamy or equivalent rating. Putting premades of 5 into the current matchups would only destroy the game as people who queue up solo would be at a huge disadvantage.
    - Daily rewards are already big, we have calender + shop refreshes with care packs + quest rewards. Not playing for a day is already a big hit on your progress. It would not make any sense to increase that further.
    - Crew training times are fine. You're not supposed to breeze through them in a few weeks. It's designed to take long so that you can have progression for a long time. Wouldn't be any fun if everyone was max level in a month.
    Raunak, Cyberfisch and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  10. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    I totally agree with u....This game is already good....Just need some minor adjustments which will already be available in the future.
    ShøckWãve likes this.
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Agreed because YOU cannot impose your opinion on OTHERS, mr. pratik

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