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Battle Bay as e-sport

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by franksalinas, 14 Jun 2018.

  1. franksalinas

    franksalinas New Member

    22 Feb 2018
    I just saw this video

    My opinion is that battle bay can never be an e-sport to be picked up from professionals simply for the amount of time/money required to reach a competitive level.
    You need several years (not an exageration) of continuous grinding, and/or several hundreds of thousands of dollars (also not exaggerated) to have your full set of favourite legendaries (not all of them). Not even mentionning the sugar training for maxing all the operators.

    So this from me to Rovio, abandon the "e-sports" ship. OR embrace it to the fullest extent. If you want to make money using sponsorships and be the leader to take on the e-sports road, you need to let the opportunity for skilled players to shine. Say for example a Ranked leaderboard, with its own queue of equalized, fully trained operators and fully custom perked legendaries. Only then will the true nightmare players come to light. And people might call this the first mobile e-sport ever made. Until then I only see your youtube vs dignitas as nothing more than a joke.

    If you're afraid people might stop grinding yellows if you give them a special queue for it theres a lot of ways to help against that: ranked wins don't count toward guild quests, special events dont have equalized weapons, infamy system could keep going the way it is in parallel with a new leaderboard for equalized arenas.

    I'm sure Rovio don't really care about e-sports in mobile gaming and just care about making money, so I'm sure this is just a rant that'll get lost in the sea of threads
  2. DarkImmortal

    DarkImmortal Active Member

    20 Jul 2017
    You are very fast at jumping to conclusion without noticing that all players take part in the invitation were using items that have same levels (all Mk7 ships, all T5E items) :)
  3. franksalinas

    franksalinas New Member

    22 Feb 2018
    My concern isnt about the video or the people they invited, its that right now there is no way to judge what skill level a player has because good weaponry overpowers skill.

    If Rovio thinks they can just make events like these inviting youtube players and maybe even the top nightmare players, to THEN acknowledge they need to play equalised arena, it defeats the whole point.

    It just means its a media promotion, those players would be very far from being pros, and the whole event would be far from what an esport is.
    GGodHand likes this.
  4. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    From small acorns, mighty oaks grow. Everything’s got to start somewhere.

    You can’t just click your fingers and have a fully scaled ‘e-sport’, these things take time to grow. And getting together some great BB players and putting them against a professional e-sports team seemed a good way to me.

    This can then be shown to the relevant decision makers and the Devs can say ‘look, here is our product, this is what is could be” and the decision makers can review it from there. If they are in agreement, the necessary investment can then be made and the business plan (gaining sponsors, creating tournaments, approaching potential teams, publicity etc) of developing it into an e-sport can be implemented.
  5. franksalinas

    franksalinas New Member

    22 Feb 2018
    Well right now I guess we have no way of judging on what the future might be, but the fact that they started marketing battle-bay as an e-sport, while it has little to none of e-sport requirements, is actually going to chase away potential professional players and sponsors.

    Unless they are going to let ANY player climb his way to the top and prove himself using skill alone, this whole "e-sport" isn't even relevant to the typical BB player. We'll be just spectators on the scene while some random youtubers or sponsored teams fight their way in a podium, making the game itself look bad because they won't be the top 1% percentile in the skill spectrum.
  6. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Who’s to say we’re not going to get an e-sport event where all of our gear is upgraded to T5E so we can battle anyone with the same gear.

    Anyway, I guess the issues we’re debating will be fully detailed in the business plan, so let’s hope that it addresses the concerns that you have.
  7. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    It really doesn't, though. There are people with legendaries and an mk6 ship sitting at 1000 infamy, and other people with the same stuff sitting at 4000. Why do you think that is?
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Does not, never has.

    Without knowing that the DD cap point has a no-mortar zone, even if you have a mk7 shooter with T5L mortars, you're not gonna be able to do ANYTHING.

    Without the knowledge of what a "kite" is, you can have 23k HP and still get wrecked just by following an enemy speeder into an ambush.

    You can have 1.7 capped speed, two T5 L nitros, but without the knowledge of the environment and the opponent, you'll always be helpless as speeder.

    You can have a T5L healbolt, but it's gonna be no use at all if you're fixing an AFK or a defender with about 200 HP less than full while your team dies.

    You can have a T5L, heck, TWO T5L tesla shields, but they're not gonna do anything if there's two speeders with tesbolts tagteaming you(and you LET them)

    Also, it seems to me that the people in the invitational got their weapons set to a certain level.

    And to fault your logic, Bittersteel got to NML with t4-t5 rares. He's a part of the Toobers FYI;)

    HAPPY SITHSHA Well-Known Member

    24 Feb 2018
    A Place that u could never imagine :P
    @BITTERSTEEL rocking with grenades,mines and Carronade!!:cool::cool:
    BITTERSTEEL and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  10. franksalinas

    franksalinas New Member

    22 Feb 2018
    You say BitterSteel got to nightmare with blue weapons, but all I see is T5 epics on him and on everyone from the top 50 leaderboard.
    You say skill is relevant, but I dare you to play really average, with a full set of yellows and not destroy everyone. I play every other e-sport there is, there's a massive difference between having absolutely no advantage over your opponents besides skill level, and battle bay where your loadout decides a big part of your match.

    I'm not saying there's no skill involved, by all means if the matchmaking is balanced it boils down to who's the better player, but I can't say that I've never played games that were lost since start, regardless of how good I might be. As a level 35 with only an mk5 and already stuck at 1600 infamy because any further and i'll start facing mk7, you tell me I need "skill" to kill a 12k hp defender with a fixer that has as much hp as I do.

    Also please stop using the top percentile as examples, they're already up there on top, the game they're playing is nothing like the remaining 80% is playing. Once you have full gear then yes, talk to me about skill, until then it's a completely different game.
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Hang on, what?

    Dude, I was in a mk4 facing mk6s at 1800 infamy.

    I'm fighting people with t3-t4 legendaries at 3600 infamy right now, in my mk6 enfo with half t4 epic and half rare gear.

    When I was a mk5 I touched 3200 infamy in a SPEEDER. You try that for me, okay, because you haven't seen people getting onehit in a single excannon crit. It ain't easy.

    But if you tell me you cannot go above 1700 in a MK5, dude, come on.
    *JAWS* and Aether_Zero like this.
  12. DarkImmortal

    DarkImmortal Active Member

    20 Jul 2017
    Bittersteel made it to NML when he was using nearly all rare items in his setup IN THE PAST. And now you have a look at him, he is IN THE PRESENT.

    Moreover, which one you really want to talk about? The MM system in Ranked match or the E-sport Invitation? Those two are completely different so please don't put them together to make a comparison

    And do you even read my post about the E-Sport Invitation? All of the Participants were using same MK ships, same items level. So during the Inviation, SKILLS is all they need to win the match because everything esle is 100% balanced
    Last edited: 14 Jun 2018

    BITTERSTEEL Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
  14. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Bittersteel has a YouTube channel. If you look back at his old posts you will be able to verify for yourself how good he was with those weapons, whether he was able to get into nightmare with them and whether he was able to compete with players with much better gear than him. (Hint: it’s all true). You’re right he does now use epic weapons, and again you can see from his videos that he makes that transition when he is already nightmare. He does that to push further up as he had reached the limit of where rare weapon could take him. (Ha ha, as I’ve been typing this he’s posted a link to his video so feel free to watch for yourself)

    You have a contradiction in your argument. Firstly you say that a player can play average and still win as long as they have better gear, but then you highlight Mk7s at 1600 infamy. Surely Mk7s at 1600 infamy should have better gear than those they are fighting, and therefore by your logic, be able to easily win and climb higher. Perhaps what they are missing is skill.

    Infamy is a measure of skill + gear (inc ship level) + ability to work as a team.
    Quality of gear is one aspect of that equation.
    Last edited: 14 Jun 2018
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Well I cannot, since I ACTUALLY HAVE A SENSE OF TEAMPLAY. Something you cannot lose once you acquire it.

    I'm incapable of holding back, sorry.
    Rainbow Warrior and R4Z0R like this.
  16. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    Well this is no longer about E-Sports :p
    I agree weapons play a big part but skill is still the deciding factor, I myself made it to 2600 in a mk5 speeder and I don't consider myself that skilled as my kid is always distracting me!!
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  17. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    Personally, I don't think BB would make a great e-sport due to how slow it can feel... Maybe it's different at the top end, but from where I am (hovering around 2k) it's generally a bit slower.
    If they reduced the cooldowns by say 25% or so (similar to the TDM events, but global cd included) then I'd say it was viable
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  18. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Skill is a huge part of this equation.

    It's been almost a year since I lost 1000k infamy.
    I wouldn't even know how to drop now. Most nitemare players that really play only swing 300 points down at any point and usually trajectory up. Question is this from their better gear? Or have they learned how to manage a battle bay arena and what it takes to consistently win?

    More likely the latter.

    Eventually every player can max out rates. Or epics.

    At this point you are ready to deal enough damage in any areana. The first player to hit 6k used only maxed epics. Many players that the game were forced to nerf Frost.... used maxed epics. Not the Leg 4s and leg 5s you see now.

    But even now these players when they play easily kill any boater out their. No matter the opponent. Ysl, blacktail, orpheus, and others can still completely slay from skill.

    It isn't the weapons. It's the user.

    To go forward to e.sports. only some light balancing issues remain. Ie enforcer current advantage. And defender current weakness in regular mode. But this could easily be done thru top players and developers doing a discord chat group and talk thru each weapon and item to bring it up or down to better ballance. Once this is done. This game will be ready for E.sports
  19. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    Nonsense :)
    YerJokinArnYer likes this.
  20. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    I have no idea about what you are saying.
    Does that mean that I have no skill?:D

    Yeah but now Bittersteel has better equipment. Just ask mothersteel Lol.:rolleyes: @BITTERSTEEL
    TheAntiSnipe and Rainbow Warrior like this.

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