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My thoughts on the latest Event - Total Mayhem

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by American Marauder, 3 Jun 2018.

  1. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Aslong as global cd also changes thats fine - For any boat with more than 3 buttons this event gimmick made half our items pointless, you’ll be spamming the same 2-3 buttons anyway.

    I can see why this has been fun for defenders, but I really havnt enjoyed pressing bolt, tape, bolt, tape on repeat for 5mins very much. This event dumbed down gameplay to a yolo smash spam spam fest & Id instantly delete BB if a straight port was implemented to ranked. This is the least fun Ive had in BB for a very long time. @Miika this event belongs in the dumpster.
  2. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    That was what I was trying to say. Take the goods of both modes and merge them while keeping something unique for each mode.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  3. Medullaoblongata

    Medullaoblongata Active Member

    14 May 2018
    Why:(,Take off the speed of slowest canon and make it even slower. Screenshot_20180604-210602~2.png
  4. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Fencing off areas of existing maps is a great idea. The area of Wayward Pains at the opposite end from capture would be a great 3v3 battle ground!
    *JAWS* likes this.
  5. xBonk

    xBonk Active Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Why not just have shield drop when they fire 1st shot.
  6. REAL"

    REAL" Member

    18 Sep 2017
    Explosive Cannon definitely need some helps. The cool down time is too long now:(
  7. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Agreed a thousand percent.

    It would be great to speed the game up 10% or so (boat speed and cooldowns).

    At the very least, it would be nice to start matches out with a 5 second speed boost to make that dreadfully boring first 30 seconds go by a little quicker.
    *JAWS* and - Oskar - like this.
  8. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Agreed, I got worn out after a day of having defenders spam EC in my face
  9. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    I have already said it many times and finally I see more people who understand it, the game is very, very slow! in all aspects, it has clearly been the only good thing in this event the faster cooldown. The game would be much, much better, increasing the base speed of all boats, and decreasing the general cooldown. Two really easy things to change.
    Good post Marauder
  10. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    I disagree about Shooter being ineffective because of the quick cooldown and not being able to cycle through all the weapons. First of all, the ability to have 5 weapons is an advantage because you can load something for all occasions. Carronades for up close, missiles and mortars for far away and cannons in the middle. This gives you a nice variety of weapons to call on. You're just not approaching it correctly.
  11. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    I completely agree. Faster game play is needed in Ranked games.
    What's Up Player and *JAWS* like this.
  12. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Yeah, even with the 50% cooldown I could feel it dragging. Like “why isn’t this ready yet!”.

    In regular games it’s so painful having to wait for it, especially when you only have two weapons. And when you need to quickly finish off a 100hp ship... then you have to wait for it again, and if you miss... it’s like 30 seconds without damage.
    *JAWS* and R4Z0R like this.
  13. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I think what you say is accurate for normal matches, but the key elements for 3v3 changed things:

    1. With half-cycling, 3 weapon slots were all anyone actually needed... and in that, Defender is a superior choice to Shooter with all of its extra blue slots which were very handy.
    2. The tiny maps nullified the need for the variety of weapons I take to a standard match. Everyone was right there in your face or sitting right behind a barrier, so in reality I only needed mid-range Canon and Mortar type weapons to reach everywhere.... the heavier the better.
  14. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Considering how imbalanced the half cool down made things, some serious effort is needed to re-balance all items and boats to bring it into normal matches. I think making faster boats could help this cause considering how sloth-like Defender and Shooter feel like in a big map. I would also like the variety that would come with having a flex slot on each boat to accommodate multiple color items... would be interesting to come up on a lone Defender then get surprised by a Stun, or getting a Shooter in your sites only to have it Nitro away.
  15. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    This issue isnt the 50 percent cooldown.

    It was a pleasant surprise in the 3vs3.

    Players that adapted to it did well.

    Players that didnt adapt did poorly.

    What needs to happen is a gradual cool down reduction between each league starting from beginning the game level 0 to level 50. Or beginning league to nitemare league.

    Whatever the case...cool downs should get quicker.

    If this was happening players would naturally adapt and adjust their play styles to the quicker shooting.

    There are multiple other shooting games in app land. Battle Bay regular mode is by far.... one of the slowest per shot games out there.
    The cool downs globally are too long.

    Yes ship speed across the board should also increase by 5% as well.

    But in real shooting games. Its about how quickly one can fire.

    Pro athletes in any sport can do everything faster.

    For the bay to get where it needs to go E sports. Things must speed up. Or its kind of boring to watch.
    How many of you really watch your guild members 5vs5 vids they post in guild chat. After a while. You stop.

    You know why :) . They take forever to kill 5 boats. 5minutes should be a mercy stopping point for games. That hardly ever gets reached. But with regular mode/slow mode. Vids are tough to watch. Lol.

    3vs3 and even the 5vs5 event modes were more exciting.

    This 50 percent cool down from the 3vs3 showed us the universal cool down is a move to highly be considered by developers.

    I suggest 25 to 35 percent faster cooldown for all nitemare players and a 5 percent reduction all the way down to beginning mode.

    And if the developers want to gradually reduce the cool down over the course of 2months so players can adapt play style. Each week an X% of cooldown is reduced. Even better.

    To be a competitive game. The entire game must speed up. Weapons, ships, etc. Or go the way of that other slow flightless bird which went extinct. The Dodo.

    @Zeus @Miika @The Grim Repair @Pinecone
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  16. Stonebanks

    Stonebanks Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    I think

    You have


    Some very

    Good ideas mate.

    I agree



    Help I Cant Swim and *JAWS* like this.
  17. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    I suggested somewhere where ship speeds need to be increase by next MK, not slower. Global cool down should decrease by a tenth of a second for each higher MK. This will allow more shots and yet more misses. The ones with more skills will misses less therefore will rise higher. At the current moment, weapon strengths are more valuable than skills. A whale can get to NM in 2 weeks after starting the game. In Asphalt 8, you can spend all you want and won't get to top 100 after at least 6 months of practice. That's saying it nicely. I played that game for 4 years and quit right before the global lauch of BB.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  18. Hokuse

    Hokuse Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    I don't aggree with you guys. It is a strategy game and you need to think for the making best move. I played most speeder and defender. Game never seemed boring or slow to me. We just need new items with every color for more tactical games.
  19. DrLuigiPhd

    DrLuigiPhd Active Member

    23 May 2017
    They also need to add a way to fast forward replays so that if all someone said to watch was the end, you don’t have to sit thru 5min of gameplay
    Reorge and Rainbow Warrior like this.
  20. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    that's called a scrubber.

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