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3v3 question

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by GSMester, 3 Jun 2018.

  1. GSMester

    GSMester New Member

    23 May 2018
    Why is this ship so badly distributed for 3v3? Why is not it the case for normal battles? So example : if anybody has strong mk6 ship almost always wins, the weak one almost always loses. I have 2000 infamy, but all my opponent 3000-3500. I've got all the time to play the game ... Everyone in my team is in this opinion.
  2. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Infamy isn't taken into account in 3v3. It's just based on gear score. Feel free to adjust your own gear score until you get matches you are comfortable with.
  3. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Some of it is quite sketchy though. I tried playing some games with my mk3, and I’ve got some good gear, so I understand being matched against mk4s, etc... but when my mk3 gets matched against mk5s with legendary weapons, and epic shields, I start to call BS.

    A mk5 enforcer isn’t suddenly on a par with a mk3, just because he equips a common Nitro. Some people in my games are 1500+ Gearscore better than me, others are just stacked where it matters.
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    The game seemed to be displaying incorrect gear scores about half the time I would guess, so it was tough to compare. Whenever I put an Epic or Legendary on my boat my matches instantly bumped up to a higher class, even if the overall gear score was unchanged. However my opponents frequently had Epic items, some lower level, some higher... I think it was fine overall but that gear score bug certainly made it difficult to know how accurate the matchmaking really was.
  5. ryanllts

    ryanllts Active Member

    21 Jul 2017
    i saw you on the other post saying that your mk2 with legend item match with mk4s, that is that is a range of gs mk2 should be, you went too high gs. best is keep legend item and adjust perks and other items to exploit the match making , then you be match with low infamy mk2s. just test the lowest gs you can get by adding gs from 0 untill you don't see the warning message, then keep that gs going you be good to go. detail on my post of how to https://forum.battlebay.net/threads...-exploit-event-matchmaking.19827/#post-145913
  6. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    As I said in another post if I swapped out eqivalent gear score items, but the one left equipped was a high level Epic it changed matchmaking... same gear score! Considering Legendary T1 is pretty much a trash weapon... barely better than a Rare T5, I have no real incentive to use it. I like your idea of swapping perks in and out but on a matter of principle I won't pay the 25 pearls per perk just to unload them for a 3 day event, that's the most ticky-tack expense implemented in this game. Why don't they just charge every time you swap a weapon in/out of a boat too?

    What this latest event showed me is how much fun it would be to be able to have full control over which boat MK level, items, and perks to equip in a given circumstance.. I would love to participate in all MK1 events for example... it's actually a lot of fun to revert to a simpler game play. I think the Devs should continue to roll with the variety like this, but as many have indicated it would be SO nice to be able to have access to a lower level of any of your boats at will for events like this. I proposed flex slots just for this reason, more variety, more challenge, and more creativity. Red/Yellow choice for example. There's so much more that can be done with this game.

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