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Give good mk1, mk2 and mk3 players stronger weapons / bigger rewards

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Flint, 30 May 2018.


Give good players better weapons

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. NO

    11 vote(s)
  1. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Hello All,

    A lot of the players in mk1, mk2 or mk3 who climb quickly with their Infamy complain they are up against mk4, mk5 and mk6 with their weapons, which often don't do more than 200 to 250 damage. Quite a few of these people left BB early, because they got sick of being killed in just 1 shot.

    So, why not give them stronger weapons? They should not be punished for playing well, but rewarded, so they can stand a chance in the battles with those much bigger boats with most stronger weapons.

    Now Bhurt is locked from level 12 to level 18, which is just too long! If you have an uncommon Sniper T2, it does only 200 damage. I had one and was not able to sink a mk5 with a double epic shield with it. So, lift the lock and give these players the tools they need to compete and so they stay in the game. Too many have left after reaching 800-1000 Infamy now, because of the unbalance in the matchmaking with battles with all mk5s even.

    BattleArmor, ErnestEgret and *JAWS* like this.
  2. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    Well, infamy is supposed to keep you at bay (ha ha I know, terrible pun) so you're not supposed to keep advancing. Once mk 1-3 reach that stage, they'll start losing until they are put into the infamy range they belong in. Also, this is probably the 639,948,938th matchmaking thread.
    wreck your day and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  3. Mong curse

    Mong curse Member

    20 May 2018
    Screenshot_2018-05-31-07-22-59.png where is our proper range? It seems there are many mk4 and 5 boats as low as 100 or 200 infamy! I watch replays of some guild members below 200 infamy and theres a strong mk4 and 5 presancein thier battles too! Screenshot_2018-05-28-21-06-26.png
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  4. Mong curse

    Mong curse Member

    20 May 2018
    I don't think we have a proper place lol
    But no I don't agree we should be given hand outs!
    Ash KOT likes this.
  5. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    You do well in a mk1. But it is weird that we have to lose until we get into 'our proper Infamy range'. Btw the mk5 at 500 Infamy are also not in their range, mk5 should be 800 and upwards.
    Mong curse and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  6. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    It is not a matchmaking thread, because I don't think Rovio is going to change it (sadly), so then something else needs to change. Because if you want to keep your costumers in the game, worst thing is by scaring them away by facing mk5 in a mk1 or mk2 and getting killed everytime in 1 shot.

    So, give these players better tools. Good players should be rewarded more, don't you think? Now they are being punished, the opposite!
    Mong curse likes this.
  7. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    But where does this stop, I am now just hit mk6 so can I ask Rovio to give me leg weapons for free and unblock the training as the limits on sugar etc mean I can't train some I need to unlock Tier 5 items.
  8. Mong curse

    Mong curse Member

    20 May 2018
    Cheers :)
    There's so much potential for this game to take up a lot of my time! Lol but I've just about had enough of being matched against boats so far above my league! Weather my team wins or loses its no fun at all :(
    The rare occasion I am in matches against players my own lvl are excellent, it just rarely happens :(
    It's no fun at all when you need to hit someone 6 times before your even a slight annoyance, barely scratching thier paint and then they kill you in one hit lol I could tolerate 1 or 2 far bigger boats in a match but when nearly every match has 4 mk4 or 5 boats on the enemy team and your only mk2 its complete .... The only word that fits will get this post flagged
    I really hope a dev sees this or are all ready aware of how bad things are at low lvl's and are working on a plan to change things it's probably too late for me, but like I said the games got potential and would be a shame if it doesn't perform as well as it could because new blood is pushed away
    Flint likes this.
  9. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    It's a grind, you need to keep plugging away, find a combo that works and stick with it, buy all parts from the shop you need for you lvl so possibly rare? Most of all always have the training ticking along as this gets you XP plus makes your ship much more powerful. Lots on here are more than willing to help if you post a screenshot of your items etc.
  10. Mong curse

    Mong curse Member

    20 May 2018
    I haven't even had a chance to try different weapons lol I was 500 infamy on my first day and being killed in one shot while I was still learning to not spin in circles while aiming my mortar lol
    Before I'd even gotten a handful of games past the tutorial I was running into Mk 4s
    Then update came out and everyone under lvl 10 were put in a kiddy pool type thing and I started having fun again but my first match after reaching lvl 10 it was back to how it was and my first match with an Mk 2 boat I was destroyed by an mk5 defender with 6700 HP and guns that killed me in 2hits
    He was biggest boat I've seen so far but not by much and they're not rare either lol
    Screenshot_2018-05-30-20-03-17.png I don't have the patience to grind through this! I know most games are grindy but at least you can compete! There's just no competition here
    rexaroni likes this.
  11. Mong curse

    Mong curse Member

    20 May 2018
    I don't mind the grind so long as I can be competitive!
    rexaroni likes this.
  12. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    There are a few seal clubbers as they are called but they will not be getting any rewards for doing this so that is a crumb of comfort. They get fewer the further you go up so it is worth the effort to get through this. PM me if you want.
  13. Mong curse

    Mong curse Member

    20 May 2018
    Lol I'm not done yet :) the frustration I'm venting now is only fueled by the passion I've all ready gotten from this game lol
    Hopefully my patience holds out long enough but I really don't know
    wreck your day and Cricketmad like this.
  14. ErnestEgret

    ErnestEgret Active Member

    15 May 2018
    This game was great once... Each level ship had a range of infamy that was expected, and for the most part was where a player was... That was before global release... :(
    Ever since, there's been an abundance of seal clubbers, which has in turn pushed half decent players waaay below the infamy range they should be, and deserve to be in. Basically, nothing will improve until they can address that issue. And the best solution I've heard so far is , a certain mk ship can only be used in between a certain infamy range
    IE: mk1 ships between 0 and 800 infamy, MK2 boats from 800 to 1500, mk3 1500 to 2200 and so on... If you drop infamy then your ship is capped at the capability of the relevant MK level.
    Mong curse likes this.
  15. R@jith anand

    R@jith anand Well-Known Member

    15 Apr 2018
    Tamil Nadu, India
    Today morning I just meet this guy in unfriends IMG_20180531_190526.jpg I am only mk4 with t3 rare snipe and big torpedo:(:(:(. He got pentakill with his t5 frost and torp. One shot triple kill. What can we do against him? Their team defenders didnt enter into the match. :mad::confused:
  16. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Not a few, I see mk5s all the time with my mk2 account. Not a few, mk5 and mk6s are as low as 1 Infamy, but a lot are at 500 to a 1000 Infamy, so there is no way to avoid them.
    Mong curse likes this.
  17. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    We should get to a point (discussed before), where someone in a mk1 reached 400 or 500 Infamy, he or she will go to mk2 and so on. This way you avoid a lot of problems.
  18. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    This is nuts, he is way too strong for that levels. Epic T5 with perks, he kills mk4 in just 1 shot, if he or she has a bad day 2,
    R@jith anand likes this.
  19. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    Then report the player to Rovio for deliberately lowering infamy as players were banned I believe for this previously. I guess just hope they are on your team next time whilst you earn decent weapons.

    There is no way this will happen as lots pay good money to buy pearls to speed up training time so your method would cost Rovio lots of profits.
    R@jith anand likes this.
  20. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Then I have to report tens of players a week, because what is the minimum Infamy a mk6 may have? I see them with 1 Infamy and with 300 Infamy. Are they cheaters are do they just lack skill?

    If people leave this game out of frustration, that will cost Rovio too. Maybe more than giving the better players more rewards. They deserve it I think, just read the comments of Mong curse. He is thinking of throwing in the towl already. He or she is being punished because he is good. A good football player who played his first 20 matches and wins a lot is not being placed against Manchester United from the 21st match onwards.

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