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Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by wusolja, 29 May 2018.

  1. wusolja

    wusolja Member

    31 Oct 2017
    In the next update it will be nice if you can obtain your gold/sugar/pearl box regardless of if your inventory is full. They aren't gear, so there shouldn't be a inhibition. this is senseless .
  2. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    They are inventory items and you could actually put them in your inventory without opening them (seen it done through crashing). Is this that big of a deal?
  3. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    There's reasoning behind this, actually.

    If you hit "claim crate" and then your device locks up or you lose connectivity (eg: playing on a train, it goes through a tunnel) then the box is put into your inventory.

    That way you get to open it when you reconnect, rather than it just being lost - or looking like it was, if the resources/items were just silently added to your inventory.

    So while it's a nuisance, it's actually there to ensure that you always get your goodies.
  4. Fish

    Fish Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    Not sold that it’s necessary just for the odd crash situation. The inventory can overflow for those rare cases. Inventory already overflows for things like buying epic crates when you don’t have enough empty slots. They could do the same for crates with crashes.
    It is annoying (not life altering i agree) to not be able to collect sugar and gold because your inventory is full. Same with collecting things like rare pieces from the daily calendar bonus when my inventory is full but I still have room in my stack of those pieces for more (e.g bonus is red rare piece, I have 5/10 red rare pieces in the stack - why do I have to clear an inventory slot to collect it?).
  5. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    But when buying epic crates (or opening multi-item crates) you always have to have at least that one open slot in your inventory. Even if you're going to overflow by 9 items (eg: buying the epic crate) you still need the one space to hold the "placeholder" item in case you crash out.

    obligatory not-a-Rovio-dev-but-a-dev disclaimer

    It's a user-experience issue. Even though the free crate only contains pearls, sugar, and gold - three resources that you "always have room for" in your inventory, if they were to be silently rewarded behind the scenes, and then a player experienced a crash/disconnect, they might get the impression that they didn't get the rewards; because honestly, do you look at your current gold/sugar/pearl count before hit the "claim free crate" button? I know I sure don't. So rather than risk a bunch of people getting upset because they think they've been "robbed" of their resources, it takes the safest approach of "if they crash, put the crate in their inventory and let them open it there."

    I thought it was silly myself until I had that situation happen due to the office WiF... I mean, my home router, I'm not playing at work I swear ... cut out and I went "aw damnit did I lose that?"

    Nope. Box was waiting in my inventory when I logged back in on LTE. Felt good.
    PastelPiku, TheAntiSnipe and Ultrah like this.
  6. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Make posts
    In your bed, computer, and screen
    maybe they should buff the crates accordingly to your infamy and level.
    add epic crates back please?
  7. Fish

    Fish Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    I guess I haven’t bought enough epic crates to have noticed. I stand corrected (except on the “annoying” part). Thanks for the not-a-dev-but-a-dev-explanation.
    PastelPiku likes this.

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