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A Possible Solution to Infamy Farmers

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Blackfyre, 13 Jun 2017.

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  1. The Blackfyre

    The Blackfyre New Member

    13 Jun 2017
    As we all know, we have a growing problem in this game. The trend of seal clubbers, or whatever you may call them, seem to be rising. They are players that deliberately lose battles to drop infamy to compete in lower levels of play, with weaker opponents for faster farming of resources etc.. Obviously we don't have to explain its negative effects to the community.

    I propose several solutions. Several will talk about changes in the Infamy system, or points, some will propose tweaks in the reward system. I will basing my ideas from other MOBA games I've played, specifically League of Legends and Dota 2.

    1. Removal of Nominal Infamy System
    In League of Legends, when it first started, ranked play relied on ELO, its a nominal system similar to infamy where you gain and lose points when you win or lose respectively. They changed their ranking system through divisions and promotions, effectively removing the ELO system, only using it every season soft-reset.
    Lets talk about this rigid division and promotion system, and how it can provide a solution. In their system, players need to gain a certain amount of points (if I remember correctly, its 100), before they go under a promotion series; they have to win 3 out of 5 games to get promoted, losing 3 games would mean to a slight drop of division points. Meaning you have to complete 100 points again, not necessarily from scratch, in order to receive a promotion series. This system also disallows the dropping from leagues (in League of Legends there are at least 5 or 6 leagues, you cannot drop from a higher tier to a lower one, e.g. I can not drop from Gold Tier to Silver Tier). This is a genius idea, why? Because the system makes sure that the matchmaking algorithm only matches players on the same league no matter the difference in points.
    Imagine this application in Battle Bay. For example, if I'm currently in the Nightmare League, and let's say I currently have 3.5k infamy, and I intentionally dropped my infamy back to 0, it wouldn't matter. Because even though if I have 0 infamy, I'll still end up being matched with people in the Nightmare League who still has 3.5k+ infamy. So in shorter terms, dropping infamy WONT HAVE A FUCKING POINT ANYMORE YOU FUCKING LAZY, SEAL CLUBBING BASTARDS.

    2. Make climbing the Infamy Ladder harder.

    In games like Dota 2 and League of Legends, the success of their ranking system (even though Dota 2 uses an MMR system, a nominal ranking system similar to our infamy system) is that because its hard. It's simply hard. Dont give me that bullshit, climbing Bronze to Diamond in League is hard AF, so i going from 3k MMR to 6k MMR; I know, I've tried and done it. There's that respect in those ranks or digits, but more importantly, there's fear. Everybody's afraid to play with morons in those games.
    You can apply this through the first suggestion, the removal of the nominal infamy system. This will make players have the motivation to not stay in the lower brackets.

    3. Reduce or regulate the seasonal rewards.
    I'm not going to lie, I love the seasonal rewards. I mean, I get 300 rare parts (I need it because I'm still around 1.5k infamy) for doing jackshit the whole 2 weeks. Like that's 300 fucking rare parts, that's like more or less 400k hard-earned gold for a lazy poor boy like me. But that's the problem, these seal-clubbing bitches would abuse that shit because they can reach 1.3k at the end of the season, then intentionally go up and down the fucking infamy ladder for the next 12 days; and even though the season ends with him having 0 infamy, he still gets that fucking 300 parts.
    Although, my throat burns (in this case, my fingers) while I say this, we need to reduce the seasonal rewards, if we won't change the matchmaking algorithm or the infamy system.

    I have more ideas, but these are the ones that seem to be more relevant and reachable. I play a lot of games and these are just what I observed. Although I do know that if Battle Bay is in deed classified as a MOBA game, the difference between the previously mentioned games (DOTA 2 and LoL) should be noted; every match the hero or champion reverts back to level 1 with no items, unlike in this game which is pretty much progressive.

    Am I mad? Hell fucking yes I am, I played with a guy with a tier 3 legendary Big Bertha that blasted me into oblivion with a single shell. Fuck that shit.

    Good luck to the moderators! I still love this games (since last week).
  2. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Why are we creating new threads for the same issues? There are literally 4-5 other threads.

    If you have a suggestion, add it to the existing thread that A LOT of other people are making suggestions in. Good ideas, but what's with the language?
    Last edited: 13 Jun 2017
  3. ThreeFloyd

    ThreeFloyd Member

    25 May 2017
    Maybe you should have started a new thread to complain about this thread that is trying to begin a new thread which is actually the same thread as other threads. Whew... my head is spinning now. lol
    David Bonaparte and lolawola like this.
  4. Rango8

    Rango8 Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Just because someone has a t3 leg doesn't mean they're seal clubbing. Could just be a paying player on his way up.
    ChickenSurprise likes this.
  5. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    League's ranking system is by far the best ranking system I have ever come across.Tho like others have said you should have posted this in the infamy manipulation thread lol.
  6. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    You have my head spinning aswell lol
  7. The Blackfyre

    The Blackfyre New Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Im kinda new here. My bad, just too lazy to find them too. And for the language, Im not sure how to respond but I doubt we're a bunch of 13 year olds that get offended by the words like fuck and shit.
  8. The Blackfyre

    The Blackfyre New Member

    13 Jun 2017
    He was lvl 34 at 1.4k lmao
  9. lovemachine

    lovemachine New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    I had an idea few days ago ill just explain it once more.
    1.add 0.5 stars every game.(easier star gain)
    2.star crates prize raise to 20
    (Here's the math I did , if normal players gain about 1.5 star per game on everage, that makes it 10 games for a crate , with 0.5 more stars per game , the crate prize should be about 20.The actual calculate should be done by devs if they want to.)

    1.Players don't need hella a game to get a star or two as the losing team , but the most you can get is still 3 stars , so the value of farming is lowered a lot.
    2.Change the system in a minimal way , needs less valuation and testing.
    3.most players are barely influenced by the change.

    1.best players will have less income since the value of 3 star games are lowered a bit.
  10. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Ok well wouldn't it be best if all the topics stayed in one thread(and it was on the first page, with the most views)?

    Yes, we're not all 13 year olds. I get free expression and you can say whatever you want (under the forum rules), however, cursing doesn't add much value to an intelligent and articulated discussion, and it discredits your efforts to be taken seriously.
    GhostYasuo likes this.
  11. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    I have to agree with this.It will only make most people think you are being salty or tilted when you actually are genuinely trying to start a discussion.
  12. The Blackfyre

    The Blackfyre New Member

    13 Jun 2017
    With what I said, there's no need to explain the single thread thing. I completely understand and I apologize since I just started using the forums.

    I suppose you could say that about the cussing thing. Although I doubt itll make any difference if Im making sense; since it works well enough for me in real life.

    Anyways, thanks. Do you still suggest I repost this to a bigger, similar thread? If you do, can you refer to me which post? Thanks again.
  13. HungryMan

    HungryMan New Member

    5 May 2017
    We create new threads because the old threads are being ignored and what are you trying to run for moderator? Lol
  14. The Blackfyre

    The Blackfyre New Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Another point I forgot to mention too lmao. Thanks for mentioning it.
  15. Zeus

    Zeus Developer

    4 Apr 2017
    QA Lead
    Helsinki, Finland
    Locked thread; Duplicate topic.
    JDAR, The Blackfyre and Rango8 like this.
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