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[Patch Notes] v. 2.3 "Patch it!"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Zeus, 19 May 2017.

  1. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    it's a mine, not a bomb/tnt so switch would make it maybe too op. Also mines are traps/road blockers so no need for switch.
  2. Antdog

    Antdog New Member

    8 May 2017
    I love the game
  3. Freybu

    Freybu New Member

    12 May 2017
    O jogo é show muito bom msm só não gosto das injustiças que é feitas quando são selecionados os combates várias vezes eu como Mk2 e infâmia de 905 tenho que lutar com 5 mk3 e minha equipe toda Mk2 que ódio me dá isso pq já está claro que iremos perder já que nossa vida é muito pouca é as vezes os filhos da mãe ainda tem o fixer do lado deles aí ferra tudo.
  4. Speederfanboy

    Speederfanboy New Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Thank you for your explaination mate
  5. firstladyalways

    firstladyalways New Member

    8 May 2017
  6. firstladyalways

    firstladyalways New Member

    8 May 2017
    We are having problems with battle bay. Friend chat isn't working and if you were in fleet when it stop working , you can't play the game at all. Can you please fix battle bay asap
  7. Sumitthapa54518

    Sumitthapa54518 New Member

    21 May 2017
    In the nexf update, I am looking forward to being able to buy items or weapons as much as we can even if we have them. So we can evolve them quicker and dont have to wait for it in boxes.
  8. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Miika Seeing as the old patchnotes didn't make the new forum, I'll drop this here:

    Are we still pretending that the shop/item acquision changes made gathering gear easier? Or are you ready to admit that it has severely cut down on players ability to find epic duplicates?
    Since that patch (which was how long ago? 3 months?) I still havn't managed to assemble 10 green epic pieces & my lvl 32 ship is stuck with mk 2 epic weapons.

    I wish you'd at the very least be upfront about it, rather than the "oh, but its much better for players now" you told us off with back then.... I've tried it for months now & these changes combined has made progress much slower & the game requires tons more farming now if one is to have any hope of lucking into an upgrade. [Unless we buy pearls -- Which is the point, I get that.. Just be honest about it then].

    Stars -> Farm 150 stars (or have pearls to make up for shortage) = Buy random epic every now & then.
    Shop -> Full epic item for sale for around 1.5mill. They we'e rare and what appeared was random, but you also had the option not to purchase it.
    Reaching 3/4k infamy -> Well done, have a random epic item.
    Weekly/season rewards (+quests) -> Rarely a full epic as the weekly login reward.. I was low level so shit weekly quest rewards (unsure of what high level players got).

    Stars -> Farm 15 stars, buy 2 uncommons + miniscule chance of something useful. Would require 1 epic piece for each Star Crate to equate before, I'm sure we can agree this is not the case?
    Shop -> Once every few days a 10th of a random epic appears for 280k. It's one of the only sources for epic gear in the game, so you have to buy it if you want any hope of progress. Meaning spending 2.8million pr random epic. Almost a doubling of the price & now you have to buy epics you could not care less about.
    Reaching 3/4k infamy -> Well done, recieve a 10th of an epic.
    Weekly/season rewards (+quests) -> 3 premium chests pr week = 3/10th of an epic. Perhaps the one part of the game that was changed in players favour / remained constant.

    I know there is zero chance of going back to the old system, but it sure would have been nice if you guys would have just been honest & upfront about it --- Giving you the benefit of the doubt in that you actually thought what you said was true; how about talking straight now & admitting how horribly wrong it was?

    Kind regards - A frustrated player constantly playing against legendary p2w players & the people who picked up the game back when getting to epic mk4/5 was actually possible.

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    Lol @Kitterini, I feel you pain man... Our last game together we got our ass kicked by a group of wallet warriors.
    So far only managed to combined once epic pieces, managed to combined 3 x rare pieces sadly all of them gave me bandage.
    Green items are really hard to upgrade, I'm still stuck with my 2 rare heal boxes @ lv 20 waiting for a duplicate for upgrade.
    I actually putting aside my fixer to play more on shooter now as I have better luck getting a duplicate sniper cannon, napalm and mine to upgrade.
  10. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    See me and my boyfriend play together while sitting next to each other and that's been happening to us too but like if my chats not working and his is still.. His will still say we are in a fleet but mine doesn't if he pushes battle first and then I push battle we all the sudden be fleeting. I know it's not a fix but it does kind of work although you might be fleeting with someone you don't know so it's harder to tell them to do that.

    Hope that made sense lol I got a baby crawling on me while typing this.

    Basically my chat or his won't work but one of ours will and as long as that one person's is working and says you're in the fleet have them push battle first..
  11. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Wait this is still happening?Happened to me and all my friends from the past 2 days but it seems fine today.
  12. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    It's been happening to us for a few days now.. I'm going to test it out when he gets home later I'll post again.
  13. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Hopefully it gets fixed for you soon.Its annoying to keep restarting the game for the friend list to be fixed.
  14. NaveFantasma

    NaveFantasma Member

    21 May 2017
    I completly agree with all what you say, i feel really frustrated too cose of this new shop/ epic-probability-finding system .... i started playng 4 months ago and 98% of my epic gear is from the period of time playng before the last system update... since the game is globally released i founded only 1 or maybe 2 epic weapons/gear .... i like so much this game but this situation is really frustrating as you sayed ...im sure nothing will change but i hope at least the developers will increase the chanche to find epic items in free cases...i dont want this game become a pay-to-win game... it would be the end of this game... many are already leaving the game cose no guild 5vs5 battles and they go tired, if you add the difficult to improove the weapons level and the difficult search and finding of epic weapons ...well you know how it will end... i dont want argue about legendary gears...that is right to be so long to compone 10 legendary pieces (and many have already 2 or more legendary items... cheat? Shop? More shop? Idk) ... but give some fun giving a more realistic chance to find epic items not just a "chimera" or a dream to players not wanting spend real money otherwise people will awake and go find fun somewhere else...
    See you in game, NaveFantasma.
  15. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Can I ask why you intentionally go and die on your speeder to drop infamy and then use your mk5 defender to farm low infamy players? Please stop doing this it spoils the experience for new players.
  16. ricky

    ricky New Member

    13 Jun 2017
    I can't even load up the game! It's starts to load then it crashes when it gets to the loading screen and it just continuous
  17. Renier Fourie

    Renier Fourie New Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I agree, after playing this game for almost 2 years now, I finally reach 4k infamy, and what did I get? A lousy rare mine and an epic part... Past was an epic box... Very disappointing
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.


    7 Jun 2017
    This game so lag
    ricky likes this.
  19. Jigg

    Jigg New Member

    29 May 2017
    How do I update too the newest version?
  20. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    If you can open the app and play you already have it.
    This post is months old.

    Else open play/app store

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