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Item Ideas (Area Heal, Laser and Homing Torp)

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Elothean, 6 May 2018.

  1. Elothean

    Elothean Active Member

    19 Jul 2017
    Generally I don't want to add more items because it lessens the probability of me getting the item I need. But just for fun here are my suggestions.

    Green Item
    Area Heal (2 green slots) - This functions similarly to a napalm launcher but instead of setting the water on fire it creates a small area of healing where ships can recharge. If ever the item is too powerful devs can adjust it so that it heals both friends and unfriends so use it wisely (but this feature is optional). Healing perks applies, range perks applies, upgrade increases heal points.

    Yellow Item
    Laser (2 yellow slots) - This functions the opposite of a tesla shield. Instead of blocking point weapons, it is able to intercept mortar or torpedoes by shooting a beam of laser to intercept. Does not block point damage weapons. If the torpedo or mortar explodes close enough you are still susceptible to area damage. It has a very long cooling time. This is a passive skill so it triggers with the first torpedo or mortar it detects. Perks may include range of effectivity, upgrade lessens cool down time.

    Red Item
    Homing Torpedo - This functions like a normal torpedo but it bends towards the first target caught within its range like a heat seeking missile. If it does detect a target, the path bends and circles a target until it hits something, so it doesn't connect right away. It is possible to escape it's range if the ship is fast enough or is able to steer away from its range while circling. Perks may include range of detection and normal torpedo perks. Upgrades damage. If the weapon is too powerful, we could tweak it so that its damage is less than swift torps'

    All damage or healing stats, I leave it up to the developers to decide for better balance of the game.
    SACRIFICER, ShipCrusherCz and Cryix like this.
  2. Cryix

    Cryix Well-Known Member

    20 Sep 2017
    Bro....for the green item.....i may say tht it should be like a mortar and will heal as same as repair bolt......it's cooldown will be like 12 sec. and the radius will be of big berta so if our team is close thn we will get advantage...if the team is at borders thn the healing will be low :) it will make it gud and not op
    Last edited: 7 May 2018
    Nickboi love u and Elothean like this.
  3. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    How about the name "Repair station deployer"?
    Cryix and Elothean like this.
  4. Elothean

    Elothean Active Member

    19 Jul 2017
    yup, just like a napalm launcher, behaves like a mortar with area effect
    Cryix likes this.
  5. Cryix

    Cryix Well-Known Member

    20 Sep 2017
    TheFixer27 and Elothean like this.
  6. Nickboi love u

    Nickboi love u New Member

    7 May 2018
    My idea it would be less like a napalm but still like a mortar shot. I would not set the water on fire but function more like a mortar and how the point repair would be less damage farther from the radius of the shot. It would have the trajectory of a mortar still. I’d think that it would be a two point item because it can heal multiple teammates at the same time.
    Another way to make it a little less powerful if needed would make it like a fire bomb where the heal would not be instant. It would be as if the targets were hit with a repair pulse. The time of effect would still be dependent on how far they were from direct impact.
    Hope you like this
    Elothean and Cryix like this.
  7. Elothean

    Elothean Active Member

    19 Jul 2017
    i like the idea, but i think that could be a separate green item entirely, mine is the napalm launcher of green items while yours is the fire bomb of green items. hehe
    Cryix likes this.
  8. Super Speeder 0

    Super Speeder 0 Member

    17 Jan 2018
    na bud its to OP
    Cryix and Elothean like this.
  9. Elothean

    Elothean Active Member

    19 Jul 2017
    i still believe there is a way to balance it. but i do think that adding items like these will alter gameplay
    Cryix likes this.
  10. Blueee

    Blueee Active Member

    5 Nov 2017
    Always In The Bay!!
    Your local literature club
    How about they add HOMING MINES!!??
    Cryix and Elothean like this.
  11. Elothean

    Elothean Active Member

    19 Jul 2017
    my gosh that would be sooooo OP hahaha
    Blueee and Cryix like this.
  12. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    Too OP , and it is obvious why

    It won't make sense if it heal enemy team too , and it should heal less than repair box/second

    If it has a long CD it will be fair ,
    But does it remove mines ? . it is an AEO but it would be better if it doesn't

    So OP , repair bolt is powerful itself , and also a fixer can launch it near him where his team is and press nitro so that it heal him too
    Elothean likes this.
  13. Cryix

    Cryix Well-Known Member

    20 Sep 2017
    So....it will not repair the fixer itself.....OK? :p I know repair bolt is powerful but everything got it's own uses......repair bolt got an unlimited range until it hit something but this item will have a low range.....and it is 2 slot wep too.....fine now?
  14. Elothean

    Elothean Active Member

    19 Jul 2017
    I get your point but i believe there is a certain way to balance it out.
    The red item won't hit you directly but will take time to zero in to your location even if you aren't moving and if you lessen it's damage then it won't be OP

    The yellow one is passive auto triggered, I don't want it to remove mines, I like the threat of mines in the map

    If the green item can heal enemy too then you would be selective when to use it, and not just spam it in an area, but that is just optional to add dimension to the item.
    Cryix and Kurd1stan. like this.
  15. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    But it should be slow like big torp and deal less damage than big torp and it should be 2 slots

    It should heal enemies more than friend , because most of times only speeders get inside when enemies are , and others " shooter, fixer , defender , and even enforcer most of times " can't get near to your team
    Cryix and Elothean like this.
  16. Elothean

    Elothean Active Member

    19 Jul 2017
    yup im open to any balancing needed. It is doable.
    Kurd1stan. and Cryix like this.

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