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Average damage

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Marko Retro, 3 May 2018.

  1. Marko Retro

    Marko Retro New Member

    28 Apr 2018
    Dear developers I thin that as a player information you should put an average damage per battle. This you could also use for matching. Kill\ bettle is ok but that is pure luck and waiting to finish somebody. Average damage would be true differences between players and fact about players. Someone has mk6 but still has small infantry because he is not a good player. Also for fixer you should put average fix per bettle, and maybe damage should be for every ship itself. That how we could see who is really good and who is waiting for his team to win to the upright of others.
  2. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Then the seal clubbers would have the best stats on paper, and the guys in tough (equal) matches would appear much worse.
    Definitely do not need another crazy stat for matchmaking, it can be unbalanced at times based on infamy and gearscore.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  3. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Welcome to the forum.

    I’m afraid I disagree for the following reasons:
    1. It would create a more risk averse game. Currently the only stat that matters is whether you won the game. Players will therefore try a ‘do are die’ manoeuvre if it ultimately helps win the match. But with your system, players will be afraid to do so. Staying alive for the longest will suddenly become the most important strategy, rather than winning at all costs.
    2. It will favour shooters. They have no need to worry about having another weapon available, whereas all other ships cannot fire continuously. Also shooters have ability to run more of the high damage 2 slot weapons than others.
    3. It is not just causing damage which results in the win, it is also the ability to distract, cause the opposition to miss, or even not be able to shoot at all. Speeders and enforcers help win matches in these ways too.
    4. It would cause everyone to target defenders. They’re easy to hit due to their size, and slow speed. It’s much easier to deal damage against them than it is a speeder. If I wanted to ‘up’ my average damage output, I’d start by targeting them and ignoring speeders.
    5. Ultimately, even ‘damage dealt’ will fall to some sort of equilibrium point over time (in a similar way that infamy does). You could have the best damage dealers in the bay fight each other, but there’s only so many hit points available to take from the opposition meaning that the ratios will drop.
    However, please don’t let my feedback put you off from:
    a) disagreeing with me (as long as players explain why they disagree, I have no problem with people having different opinions)
    b) making further posts on the forum. I hope to see your name more frequently now. Everyone’s opinion is equally valid.
    Nickboi love u and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  4. Marko Retro

    Marko Retro New Member

    28 Apr 2018
    I agree with you, but I forgot to write it doesn't have to be match making thing, just to know ho fights for kill and who fights for win.
    In battle you usually you go for the strongest one or the problematic one like fixer or speeder...so I think that attacking the defender will not be the case. And of course ather things for matching that are now in use will stay, that was my attention and include dmg AV.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  5. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Ok, I certainly agree with you then. More stats would be better. :)
    Marko Retro likes this.
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I also have a teensy issue here. Suppose I'm an assassin, I am deadly efficient in dispatching my targets. However, when I'm not doing so, I'm in hiding, not "helping" at all. However, what I'm actually doing is denying vision to the enemy, and also giving them no clue as to where my next attack will come from.

    This system might provoke assassins to attack more, and for fragile assassins, this might become a death sentence.
  7. Marko Retro

    Marko Retro New Member

    28 Apr 2018
    I agree with you but since you are talking about speeder, my suggestion was also to have for each boat separately. Someone play only with defender, some players plays only with speeder...and it won't be relevant for matching. And when you are in battle hiding behind the wall to kill, and in the end you win you will gain damage and kill.
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I agree with the fact that the stat is useful, BUT let me tell you something.(TL;DR below)

    I wasn't always a speeder. My first 1500ish battles were fought as defender/shooter. Then I got to work on speeder. For the next 1000 battles or so, I struggled to find my comfort zone in the speeder. This led to a lot of lost matches. The forum didn't HAVE that many speeders back then. My K/D went down from 1.1 to less than 0.5 which, many will tell you, us good only for FIXERS.

    When the guild update came, I found out the hard way that K/D was the deciding factor for people choosing guilds(I was a guild leader). And I found out that people tended to be pretty rude to guild leaders having K/Ds lower than theirs.

    I'm still trying to improve my K/D, it's 0.6 now I believe. One of the worst ratings on the Bay xD. I'm not a bad player at all tho.

    Your system, adding average damage as well, will absolutely kill speeders and fixers. Low K/D OR low damage OR both. I for one know my average damage would fall around 10k or less. I've made too many mistakes in my early days.

    This will play hell on guild recruitment and stuff, the criteria for some of the top guilds are pretty messed up already. Add to that guilds asking for "Minimum 20k AD" just because they have NML players, and there you have it.

    TL;DR it will cause judging based on AD for guild recruitment.
    Ash KOT likes this.
  9. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Would love more stats, aslong as they dont use them for matchmaking. We already have a stat thats perfect for matchmaking, its called infamy!

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