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Thoughts about the game. From a new player.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Brutal Cucumber, 10 Jun 2017.

  1. Brutal Cucumber

    Brutal Cucumber New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    First of all, thanks for the great game. Various ships with different playstyles, capture mechanic and floods which can be used tactically, different weapons that provides different advantages etc. also it's possible to buy anything without credit card, which is great. but there are big problems that REALLY damaging the gameplay;

    Matchmaking: both me and my bro are experienced about those kind of games. (We played various moba games and WoT for a long time.) And this game has probably the worst matchmaking l have seen. As i understand the only factor that affects matchmaking is Infamy points. Both me and my bro played more than %70 of our games against full of mk3 and mk4 ships while we are mk2. This is not cool. Especially when you need to kill a 3000 health and full geared mk3 defender with a mk2 enforcer...
    And the medic problem. If your opponent has medic while your team don't. It means %85 lose. At least in 1000~ infamy points.

    Sugar limit: sugar gain from the matches should be reduced %25-30 and sugar limit should be increased %30~. So we will not stack our quests or waste half of victory rewards. I mean, my sugar bar has never been half. Always full or almost zero.

    Converting pieces: There should be a way to convert our unwanted item pieces to different colored ones. Like 4 rare yellow piece to 1 rare red, green or blue piece.

    The last 2 are just suggestion but the first one is a mandatory. There should be more factors like total level of your gears, mk of your ship, winrate based on your last 10 games etc.

    Hope i caught some good points. Im not a native english speaker but i tried my best. As you guys always joke about "sry for my bad english."
  2. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    agreed on the mm problem. i cant recommend this game to any new player. whoever tries to start now, will be faced as an mk1,2 against mk3,4 with tier 2 rares and epics. if you werent in the initial day 1 global launch or soft launch, chances are, you will drop this game after a week. whomever i try to recommend this game now, will quickly drop when he realizes there is no way to grow and raise his infamy and level unless he spends hundreds $$$ or grind, grind, grind in this unhealthy matchmaking algorithm.
    and when they realize, they cant progress, everyone will simply stop playing and the game will stop growing.

    there are 2 types of players with big ships at lower infamy levels. those who drop intentionally for easy wins, and those who dont play enough to grind, but still get matched with others who lose on purpose. even if they suck at this game, a ship with over 2k-3k health has no business to be paired up with a ship with 600-1k health with a bunch of tier 1 uncommons.

    thirdly, there is no incentive to stay in higher leagues. why waste my time struggling for 5 minutes with the big boys, when i can game the system and play against noobs for half the time and effort. banning these players is a stupid idea, because the game will only suffer in the long run.

    what needs to be done is, to improve the code of the mm algorithm. simply matching solely on infamy isnt working. ship levels and gear levels needs to be accounted for. just like, if the enemy has a fixer, the other team should have one too.
    also the reward per league needs to be adjusted. if you drop too low, from your highest infamy, you need to receive less reward.
    D3X likes this.
  3. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Yes this matchmaking problem needs to be fixed as soon as possible.. I was at 1500 now I'm like 6:50 because of this, and I'm a level 23 and I'm about to upgrade my Defender to MK4. And now I feel bad because I'm going to be in lower infamy matches until I get back up and my four will be against a bunch of lower-level ships. It's not my fault sorry for that lol but I keep getting on teams with crappy teammates or like you said there's one or two fixers on their team and none on ours just ridiculous
  4. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    I definetly agree that the matcaking needs some tweaking.4 days ago I lost 300 infamy because of floaters,no fixers on our team and mk5 ships at my infamy level (1400).These farmers need to be punished and matchmaking should make sure if one team has a fixer the other should aswell.Yes I have won matches against a fixer team with none on our side but that was because the team was cooperative and actually followed my pings which is very rare at that level.Hopefully we see some tweaks to matchmaking and im sure the devs are working hard to improve the game.
  5. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Offtopic but did you get that rare cannon duplicate you were looking for?
  6. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Yep lol now I got it maxed to 20 so I'm waiting on another.. Got it last week finally..
    That and another epic berta! Did you ever get one?
  7. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Still waiting for mine lol.But I got my rare standard mortar to T3!!Was super hyped to get a 3rd duplicate.Tho I did get a useless epic carronade lol...Grats on getting the bertha tho :)
  8. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Matchmaking putting you against higher mk boats is not a problem. That is exactly how the game should work. Those higher mk boats are actually as good as you. They have better boat stats, but you have more player skill. That's the whole point of infamy and the matchmaking system: if you keep rising, you get matched against stronger and stronger opponents, until you hit your limit.

    Now about fixers I can agree. At 500 - 1000 infamy if one side has a fixer and the other doesn't, it's nearly always a win for the fixer side. They should not allow 0 vs 1 fixer matchups in my opinion, or at least not in that infamy range. I also agree on sugar, my sugar is full all the time because the cap is so low, until I spend it on training which then makes it almost empty.
  9. Brutal Cucumber

    Brutal Cucumber New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    First of all, thanks for the expository reply. But i still think it is not cool to make unfair matchups because of skill difference. What is the point of playing good if the game will stabilize your winrate somehow? I mean, once i got 1 hit KO'd by a epic railgun. This is not the life i prepared myself for...

    At least i just got my mk3 speeder and im playing against mk4 ships. Which is acceptable.
  10. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    The point is if it did not do that, it might be more fun for those who are skilled (they will win far above 50% of their matches), but there are also people at the other end. People who are not very skilled and would barely be able to win anything. Those people would likely quit the game. The current system kinda ensures that it's fun for people of all skill levels. It does suck to be destroyed by superior weapons sometimes, but I don't see it as a real problem. You're going to get destroyed every now and then, and whether that's by a highly skilled player, a higher mk boat or an epic weapon, the effect is the same... it's part of the game.

    Besides, even if it was all perfectly "fair" , it still wouldn't be a skill based game. Then it would become a device war, and people with older phones or tablets, smaller screens or a worse internet connection would become the bottom of the food chain. The current system balances that out too.
    Cyberfisch likes this.
  11. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    as Dory used to say... just keep swimmin'... just keep swimmin... swimmin', swimmin'... :)
  12. Brutal Cucumber

    Brutal Cucumber New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    Nvm i found a quick solution about infamy thing. When it starts to match me up against higher mk's, i just change to another ship and try some new stuff like 3 flare gun shooter. Once my infamy decreases to what it supposed to be, i turn back to my regular gear and play the game like how i really do.
  13. Brutal Cucumber

    Brutal Cucumber New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    It is not "fun" for people to being matched up against overpowered players. And yes, there are people who are not very skilled. But skill is the point of multiplayer arena games. I have never seen a 90 kg boxer went against a 50 kg boxer because he is "unskilled"...
    You are going to die anyways. Overdose, falling from somewhere high, getting stabbed or by getting older. Effect is same. So why not just suicide? Because it is NOT supposed to be a part of the life.

    And device war... You are kidding right? If not, you has to be thinking like LoL, dota, paragon, street fighters, mortal kombat, Cs:GO, and every single online game that depends on knowledge reflex or skill instead of gear is unfair unless you play those games on console.
  14. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Yes it is. I take great pleasure in wrecking people with mk4 or mk5 ships, or tier 2 epics, or legendaries, with my mk3 ship with tier 2 uncommons and rares.

    You can't compare this game to multiplayer arena games (or real life sports) where there is no leveling and gearing up mechanic. Equipment and crew training is a big part of Battle Bay, and that changes everything, including what the best matchmaking system is.

    Did you really just compare dying in a Battle Bay match to dying as a human in real life? Lol...

    And having a terrible PC or connection will prevent you from reaching the top in every single one of the games you listed. What you play on matters in every PvP game, and you won't find anyone at the top who playes on a potato.
  15. Brutal Cucumber

    Brutal Cucumber New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    And i take pleasure to win a fair game. Like how normal people do. But unfortunately there are extremely unskilled players who don't know anything but touching the shoot button when the circle turns to green... And those people don't have a right to play against newbies just because they are bad.

    Yes i can compare. It perfectly fits the situation. A 90kg body has higher potential than 50kg body. Just like a mk4 shooter has better potential than a mk2 shooter. Good crew bonuses and higher mk ships both requies level. Don't even try to make it look like another dimension. It is insanely simple to understand...

    Yes again, i compared real life with battle bay and it was another perfect fit. It is just an exaple to explain situation, i did not really want you to suicide. You simply said "you are going to get destroyed.... whether blah blah...The effect is same." and i said " you will die by blah blah... Anyways you will die somehow why aren't you suiciding?" just put some efford to understand what im trying to say. I am pretty sure you will.

    And device war again... It is not mine or a developer's business. I don't have a right to complain about how i can't play dota2 with max fps/peeformance on my 7 years old computer. So neither "potato" users can complain about how they can't play battle bay on their device. It does not affect competitive side of the game. It just affects their gameplay. The last time i played sf5, dota or cs:GO Nobody gave me bonus stats or I did not matched against lower ranks because my computer is bad. So why this game does? I hope this works. Otherwise we have bigger problems.
    Last edited: 22 Jun 2017
  16. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Then how come you don't understand? The goal of those rules for fighting sports is to ensure skill-based matchups, where nobody has an advantage because of weight. Battle Bay does not have that goal, because of the gearing mechanics. It's in the game's best interest to match people with unequal gear against each other.

    Lol dude, I understand what you're saying. That doesn't mean that you're right, or even that you're making sense.

    Because it's a different kind of game. You're comparing the wrong games. Battle Bay IS NOT a fully competitive game. Winning here is not 100% determined by skill, and will never be. It's pointless to argue that that should be the case, because then you argue against the interests of the devs and the game itself.
  17. Brutal Cucumber

    Brutal Cucumber New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    "Battle Bay does not have that goal, because of the gearing mechanics. It's in the game's best interest to match people with unequal gear against each other."
    The subject is not gear. Of course there has to be a gear difference which makes people want to get better gears. But game does not have to match unequal tiers of ships since battlebay player base is already big enough to find 10 player has ships with same mk.

    "Lol dude, I understand what you're saying. That doesn't mean that you're right, or even that you're making sense."
    I really doubt you do. Since you talking about gears and bad devices.

    "Because it's a different kind of game. You're comparing the wrong games. Battle Bay IS NOT a fully competitive game. Winning here is not 100% determined by skill, and will never be. It's pointless to argue that that should be the case, because then you argue against the interests of the devs and the game itself."

    I did not compare the competitiveness of cs:go, dota or SF5 with battle bay. I gave those examples to show how pointless your "bad device" argument was.

    Also matching ships with equal mk has nothing to do with the interests of devs. People will still try to get higher mk ships and they will still pay for better gear. Since the gears will still be a thing, it will still not be a skill based game. So fixing the matchup system does not have anything to do with interests of devs. And it will also give people a chance to play their lower mk ships without getting wrecked.

    Also, if u are going to reply a comment, reply the whole comment. Don't be like a rat trying to find a hole to get in.
  18. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
  19. Brutal Cucumber

    Brutal Cucumber New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    D3X likes this.

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