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Where are the epic parts?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by envylife, 29 Apr 2018.

  1. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I seem to be in perpetual need of epic parts. All the other colors are readily available via the market or regular scrapping but epic parts are a tough to come by (as are items to scrap). Market frequently has them in 5's or 10's but the minimal need is 10 to upgrade an L1 epic, so I'm continually perplexed by the existence 5's and 10's at all. It's obviously a purposeful progression governor, but it's also not proportional to the need and availability of other part types.

    These are the baselines
    L1 common - 17 common parts
    L1 uncommon- 9 common, 13 uncommon
    L1 rare - 15 common, 10 uncommon, 12 rare
    L1 epic - 24 common, 19 uncommon, 25 rare, 10 epic (105 @ L49)
    L1 legendary - 26 uncommon, 96 rare, 30 epic, 8 legendary

    Most common in the shop are batches of 1000-2500 common, 250-1000 uncommon, 60-400 rare, and 5-50 epic. Obviously epic part availability in the market is not proportional to the other part types which come in multiples of the L1 needs rather than a fraction. Aside from market, raffle, and scrapping (it's rare to get one to even consider that), are there any other sources of epic parts or am I just stalled out again in this game? I'm getting tired of the pattern of 1 month progress, 2 months stalled out with no progress to the point where I've started to pick up other games.
  2. Jamesnyc

    Jamesnyc Active Member

    22 Nov 2017
    Systems admin
    Yep.. always need epic parts.. its hard to progress

    Think there unbalanced in the market

    Look at the difference

    22 and 18,000 lol

    Battle Bay_2018-04-29-21-46-28.png
    Last edited: 30 Apr 2018
  3. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I find it’s usually rare parts that bottleneck my upgrades.

    Even though they’re more common than Epic, you need a lot more of them. I tend to find they’re always the first to run out, as you need them for everything.

    My upgrades constantly look like this.
  4. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    Same, I have tons of epic parts, over 2,000 I think
    Edit: 2661 epic parts
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  5. Fluid Bait

    Fluid Bait Well-Known Member

    19 Jan 2018
    Weren't you also the one who was lacking rare powercells awhile ago? lol
    I always need rare parts too. When I scrapped all my items, I had 12k, now I have 2k(after using all my gold for buying the 200 part packs), and I'm not even finished upgrading the basic items of my setup, like the overboost.
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  6. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Guild raffle :)
    If you're a F2P you better think about maxing out your rares to T5 while you farm epics. Then, upgrade only the epics that (1) you are actually going to use (2) have enough duplicates to get to T4. Using epics in lower levels is just intended for P2W players, we F2P have to make rares work :p
  7. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    What if I'm using two of the same items? I use two standard shields so I use one rare and one epic.
  8. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Well I've never used defender or shooter so i'm not quite sure... If you have the epic Shield at T2 or T3, keep using it... but if it's only T1, you could level a temporary uncommon to T4
  9. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    Yeah, I have a T2
  10. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Ha, yes. I have T5'd my rares so I have no further need for rare power cells. You can bet I'm watching my epic cells very closely though... I don't have enough to T5 even 2 items! That works out because RNG doesn't give me anything I actually use. If parts and cells were more plentiful I could experiment with more item types, but I don't dare do anything but wait... and wait.

    I used to have a rare parts issue but I always see them in packs of 200 or 400 in most shop refreshes, which is more than enough while waiting for Epic parts. This latest shop refresh has no Epic parts and the last one offered only 10, while I need 100 parts per single level up (x2).

    I did that months ago and I'm still waiting for RNG to give me enough epic copies to replace them. I'll earn a useless Legendary BC within a couple weeks but it's no better than my T5 Rares. Guild raffle gives a handful of Epics, usually only in 15 packs. I doubt I've ever come out of a 200k guild raffle with more than 60 Epic parts, which again, isn't enough for the single level ups that I currently need.

    It takes 3043 Epic parts to build a single item from T1... how many Market refreshes will that take? I can't count that high! (hint: more than a month).
  11. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Thing is you can get those rare parts in 2-3 shop refreshes (1 day). I see 200-400 Rare parts in 3-4 shop refreshes per day. I have seen 1 pack of 25 Epic parts in 3 days. No 50's. Looking at your epic parts inventory you only have enough for a single level-up anyway. I run out of gold before I run out of Rare parts available from the market so I purposefully hold off on those... I've ignored over 1000 Rare parts just today waiting for Epics. So for Rares it's a simple matter of gold, which you can farm.

    I recently went through a month long training session during which I accumulated every Epic part I could get my hands on for my T5 Evolve... I got up to 880 parts which is pretty solid, yet every bit of that was needed for a single L40-50 evolve. It's a long, slow process.
  12. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Preaching to the choir my man. Screenshot_2018-04-30-00-01-29.png Screenshot_2018-04-30-00-00-02.png
  13. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    In fact a lvl 10 leg is way more powerful than a 50 rare, it's even slightly more powerful than an epic T4 (but that perk though). take a look at comparison charts:
  14. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    Lvl 1 legendary is basically a level 51 rare
    I need about 1mil epic parts and Get maybe 200 epic parts a day factoring scrapping and raffle daily and star crates, shop. Need to be getting about 1k per day to feel like progress now
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  15. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Good point, but even an Epic L41 is a notch better than a L10 Legendary... and since I have no preconceptions that I'll ever receive a 2nd Legendary copy anything, it's still all about Epics.

    Nice missiles! I had you on my team the other day for the first time in Crude Awakenings.
  16. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    I don't just need Epic parts. I'm out of Uncommon and Rare parts too. I have so much that I want to upgrade and give me variety, but the wall to upgrading things is so bad in this game.
  17. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    I’m out of basically both rare and epic. Buying commons and uncommons is easy enough, but rares and epics are tough. I too had almost 1000 epic parts, but now that i’m upgrading more epics, i’m pretty much always buying them.
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  18. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    That’s certainly true. I’ve run Blast/EC pretty much exclusively for the whole time I’ve been here. I’ve been slowly working on other items in the background (namely Flare, Swift, and Napalm), but between sugar, parts and crew training, they’ve never been good enough to run. It was only finding a legendary mine (recently) that allowed me try a different setup.

    The really sad thing is, all the Rare items that I have been slowly building up (hoping to use in the future), will probably always be underpowered now, because Ace League is all mk6s with t4 Epics.

    I wish Battle Bay would run events like they do in Pokemon Go, where they throw certain resources at you for a week, and allow you to upgrade some of the crap that would otherwise be sitting in your inventory for years.

    If I could get some of my other Rares to t4 (which is a level I reached months ago with my Blast) then this might be my last chance to have some fun with them.

    Once I hit mk6, and I’m seriously trying to fight my way into NML, those t4 and even t5 rares, are just gonna be a liability.
  19. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    I buy every max pack of parts on market. 2500 grey, 1000 green, 400 blue for value.

    I buy every bunch of epic parts on market as well, 5, 10, 25, 50, don't matter. I always need more purple crack rocks.

    I've got 50k+ grey, 30k+ green, 20k+ blue, 400 yellow and maybe 17 purple rocks...

    I have copies of many epic items that could be maxxed T5, but just not enough purple crack rocks.

    Could do duct tape, heal bolt, blast cannon, mine, grenade, tri-torp, missiles, overboost, standard shield... Virtually all of those items are around level 1.
    FearsomeChicken likes this.
  20. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    After I buy purple crack rocks and I played more I refresh shop cause I just need that many more purple rocks, after one refresh maybe I buy a rare explosive cannon to scrap.
    But it’s not enough!

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