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Howdy, Im new to the forums

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by ThatOnion, 9 Jun 2017.

  1. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I've been playing for a little over a month, and I want some advice on my loadout:
    I am late lvl 17, i have a mk3 shooter with a lvl 20 uncommon blast cannon, lvl 10 rare blast cannon, lvl 15 cannon and level 10 rare big shield.

    What do you think? Any suggestions?
  2. KellEl

    KellEl Member

    15 May 2017
    Welcome to the forums. I'm only a little higher than you but my suggestion would be to replace one of the blast cannons with something that has some range. Your current build requires you to always be close to the enemy and half of this game takes place at long range. While you are trying to move in to make use of those dual cannons, the enemy is softening you up with some mortar and snipe shots. I'd suggest switching in a long range mortar maybe. Or a sniper but if you do sniper you may want to ditch both the blast cannons at some point as they share a skill tree and only one of them can be maxed on the tree. Other options would be a torpedo or some other mortar in that 3rd slot. Definitely need something that has the potential to do splash damage in an area and damage from longer range. Hope that helps
  3. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Thanks, i tried a big bertha for a while but i need something to shoot inbetween the blast cannon reload, so i might try some type of torpedo. Any suggestions?
  4. KellEl

    KellEl Member

    15 May 2017
    I've never really messed with the torps much personally. Just been hit by them a lot. Big torp is slow but major damage. Swift is faster and therefore more likely to hit, but not as big on damage. Tritorp is the "shotgun" of torps. Since the 3 torps spread out as they move you get the greatest damage up close if 2 or 3 of them connect. So maybe not the tritorp for you as what you need is something that is more effective long range. Just my 2 cents.

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