When I got the in-game message for the forums a few days ago, I told my guildmates I was gonna come and tear you a new one. But after few days hard work, I was back on top of my division where I belong and I felt relatively good. Until this morning...all that hard work melted away in less than an hour. Let's see, where do I start. HOW CAN YOU JUSTIFY A MATCHMAKING SYSTEM THAT, IN THE LAST MONTH, HAS GIVEN ME A 24 TO 1 RATIO FOR GETTING A FIXER IN MY TEAM(24 games where other team gets Fixer and we don't) It is so frustrating when you have to evade and manoeuvre continuously while timing your shots and all the other team has to do is stay next to their Fixer and shoot at will.19-1 FOR GETTING A SPEEDER IN MY TEAM?(speeders and enforcers have the speed (and tesla shields)to scout without taking damage, try scouting with a shooter and you get single out quickly and you're done.ALL I GET IS 5 SHOOTERS IN MY TEAMS 93% OF THE TIME. YET OPPONENT TEAMS KEEP GETTING FIXERS, ENFORCERS, SPEEDERS(SOMETIMES UP TO 4...) If it helps, here's a simple class ranking for your game: 1-Speeder 2-Enforcer 3-Fixer 4-Shooter 5-Defender. In other words, speed kills. One way you could help shooters and enforcers is to give them an increase base projectile speed because it's way too slow. I know there are perks but still. Or just give them 1 yellow slot for tesla shield or nitro or something.
Please code in classes in matchmaking, aren't any of your dev team actual gamers? Wouldn't they know that sending 5 warriors vs a team with healers and scout/assassins would be suicide???
I've been a gamer for more than 30 years and never have I been more disappointed by a game with so much potential because I'll give one thing to you guys. In all the mobile games I've played and sampled, your PVP gameplay is the best. Everything flows well and the waves can be a great equalizer. But for the love of god, please fix this.
And to give you an incentive, I play with a group of gamers that spends more than 100k a year on games(oilfield rednecks with money, what can I say). The last mobile game we all played together, we spent around 30 k combine on it in 4 months because of the awesome open PVP, guild wars and all that surrounded it. But so far, none of us has spent any $$$ on your game because of the matchmaking, leveling system, shop system( when we spend $$$, we want to know what we paid for, not gonna buy pearls to get boxes with random stuff in it, I personally keep getting epic fixer stuff, very frustrating).
On a last note, fleet is making things worst, I've been matched with fleets of mk1-3 vs mk4-6...I mean come on.
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