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hey the developers, am I punished?

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Adam Freeman, 17 Apr 2018.

  1. Adam Freeman

    Adam Freeman Member

    25 Mar 2018
    it's been two days since I did not receive my stars and two-thirds of gold and sugar that I deserve and by randomly suddenly I became a noob and I keep losing, about 700 fmi and it continues,is it because I commented and I said my opinion about the manipulation of the Games in strategy & class discussion (forum), or what?

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    Leo::12 and opp like this.
  2. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    I don’t believe so. I’ve never heard of anyone being punished in such a way for comments. (I’m not sure what the punishments are for inappropriate comments).

    The only reason that I know that players suffer such a ‘punishment’ as you is due to the anti-tanking rules. These come into play when you fall a considerable amount from your highest infamy level (about 800 but this figure can vary). In these cases, when the player gets back to with that 800 or so of their maximum then their rewards (stars, sugar, gold) start coming again.

    The anti-tanking rules are designed to deter the deliberate manipulation of your infamy score. Some players were deliberately losing games (which is bad for those players on their team during such a run) to be able to play against easier opponents (which is bad for those opponents, as they should not have to fight players that much stronger than them). However, it is possible to lose a lot of infamy whilst still playing your hardest. This can be the case if you’ve switched boats or weapons for quests, if you’ve recentky upgraded your ship to a higher mark - especially if this is coupled with bad luck or ‘poor’ teammates.

    I hope this helps, and that you start to gain rewards again soon :)
  3. Adam Freeman

    Adam Freeman Member

    25 Mar 2018
    [QUOTE = "YerJokinArnYer, poste: 124518, membre: 13315"] Je ne crois pas. Je n'ai jamais entendu quelqu'un être puni de cette manière pour des commentaires. (Je ne suis pas sûr que les punitions sont pour des commentaires inappropriés).

    La seule raison pour laquelle je sais que les joueurs subissent une telle 'punition' est due aux règles anti-tank. Ceux-ci entrent en jeu lorsque vous tombez une quantité considérable de votre plus haut niveau d'infamie (environ 800, mais ce chiffre peut varier). Dans ces cas, lorsque le joueur revient à environ 800 de son maximum, alors ses récompenses (étoiles, sucre, or) recommencent.

    Les règles anti-tank sont conçues pour empêcher la manipulation délibérée de votre score d'infamie. Certains joueurs perdaient délibérément des parties (ce qui est mauvais pour les joueurs de leur équipe pendant une telle course) pour pouvoir jouer contre des adversaires plus faciles (ce qui est mauvais pour ces adversaires, car ils ne devraient pas avoir à combattre des joueurs plus forts qu'eux). ). Cependant, il est possible de perdre beaucoup d'infamie tout en jouant encore plus dur. Cela peut être le cas si vous avez changé de bateau ou d'arme pour des quêtes, si vous avez récemment amélioré votre vaisseau à un niveau supérieur - surtout si cela est associé à de la malchance ou à des coéquipiers «pauvres».

    J'espère que cela vous aidera et que vous commencerez bientôt à gagner des récompenses :)[/ QUOTE]
  4. Adam Freeman

    Adam Freeman Member

    25 Mar 2018
    first of all I thank you very much for your attention and your time and for wanting to help me, but from what you have told me about anti tank system I think it's not the case, because I have never thought about lowering my IMF or howI'm always at the top of the rankings of battles or list of contributors and they can verify that, and it's true that I changed 2 less powerful weapons for a quest guild but I was with them most of the time in the first 2 rankingsas usualandI do almost the same damage as before, despite the fact that the game made me lose successively with reducing battle rewards (gold-star -sucre) since the beginning of the loss of fmi.without talking about what he made me lose and missfor 4days as (EXP - daily bonus- shop trick) normally I deserve a refund, but the misfortune as soon as this problem stopped it started an other problem of reducing the bonuses of the battles about50% .and now the game started again to make melose successively almost 500 fmi as if suddenly I became a NOOB and after it began to degrade me in the ranking of the results of the battles and Reduces me the rewards of battles, as soon as I've reused a weak flame weapon for a guild quest, even though I'm in the top ranks of the leaderboard and I'm doing the same damage as before and more than that have used several times before without any loss of fmi or punishment.and to be honest I start thinking that there is someone among the developers hehates me and he is doing all to make me leave the game and he is almost successful because I'm at the point of doing it because it's been more than 5 months the problems follow one another like my ship will be very slow as if Ihad only one rare turbo while I 'uses tow turbo one of them is epic and sometimes my targets is above the boats and I do not get the right items for example the epic energy modules as if they are legendary, and many other thing.all that is very unfair and is very disappointing and disgusting
    Rez Messing likes this.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Have you lost more than 800 infamy then?
    The Otherguy likes this.
  6. Adam Freeman

    Adam Freeman Member

    25 Mar 2018
    I lost successively 800 infamies 5 days ago and I recovered as soon as the punishment stopped and it started again yesterday and "the game" made me lose again successively about 500 infamy as soon as I used a weak weapon despite that I do with it the same damage and classification as usual, and it began to reduce to me rewards of the battles (stars. gold. sugar) two-thirds and like that I can not neither buy from the shop nor have the daily crates and my EXP does not progress
    Rez Messing likes this.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Sometimes, streaks happen. It's usually because of weekend madness. I'd suggest playing less on saturday and sunday before reset.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  8. Rez Messing

    Rez Messing Active Member

    23 Jun 2017
    San Diego Harbor
    It happens to me too. I go on long streaks of bad teams, where I’m still a top contributor, but other team mates are playing very poorly. And then I get punished for it. That ain’t right! There should be some kind of review of the player before giving such a punishment. And if they are truly being punished, they should receive some kind of notification for it.

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