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Sinklair lvl9 upgrade too expensive

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Jackyepic, 7 Jun 2017.

  1. Jackyepic

    Jackyepic Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Behind the railgun
    The Sinklair lvl9 upgrade is unlocked around captain level 16-17 but it requires an abnormally excessive amount of sugar 267500. (it is excessive around that level) It cannot be done without pearls unless the sugar capacity rise to 275000 at captain level 19. I wonder if there is a problem in there?
    Fiendish Fire likes this.
  2. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    The later crewmembers become expensive earlier - Just level someone else (first captains for most efficient leveling) and soon enough 267k sugar will feel like nothing.
  3. Jackyepic

    Jackyepic Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Behind the railgun
    I know it is just a little, but it is bizarre in the way that it exceeds the sugar cap of the unlocking captain level.
  4. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It did feel weird at first absolutely.
    I think it's intended to keep scaling more controlable, some weapons (fx Cannonade / Missile Launcher / cannons with their +% to burning targets) would be scary if you could level the captain to 30 from the get go.
    Although I suppose that logic is lost after seeing the base stats of legendaries -- I cannot imagine how demotivating it must be to face p2w players in low infamy games, I cannot imagine buying your way to zero challenge being much fun either, but to each their own I suppose.
  5. Jon

    Jon New Member

    7 Jun 2017
    I agreewith jacky. Burnice is the same way. I'm Cpt. Lvl 18. With 250k sugar cap. Burnice costs 310k to upg. Other captains say "you must be lvl 20 to upgrade" but burnice I just can't get enough sugar because my cap is too low.
    Frustrating because I have no idea when my cap will be high enough to allow me to get burnice to 8 so I can evolve my gear.
    The mix of sugar cap limits plus hard lvl limits on captains is confusing and frustrating.
  6. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    This is how Rovio forces us to waste pearls. ;) One of the multiple ways to be certain.

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