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The Yellow suicide intentional feeders are ruining this game

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Terry Morgan, 5 Jun 2017.

  1. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    I feel that you entirely misunderstood the premise of this thread. I doubt most intelligent players have an issue with a GOOD speeder. Those are fine. Its the godawful speeders who clearly don't learn anything, that make this game feel like a lottery.

    we wouldn't have issues if the only speeders we saw knew what they were doing. Most of the "suicidal" speeders don't know how to read a minimap or are colorblind apparently, and walk into places the opponents will likely be, without any caution. They don't wait for the team to be in position. They don't know how to dodge shots, which is sad given how bad their opponents are at aiming. They definitely don't have equipment to block shots effectively. They almost never get any real skate out, and turn the game into a 4v5 if we are lucky, in the first 30 seconds.

    Its not a matter of opinion. Its a fact that this happens a lot, and all the good intent in the world won't change it.

    If people could play ships that they are bad with, at q more appropriate level, then this would be less of an issue. Assuming they aren't just feeding.
  2. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    TBH I don't even know why the good speeders do what they do a lot of the time. There seems to be this irresistible urge to run up by the other team alone at the beginning just because they can. Scouting holds marginal value early on in a match because the maps aren't very big and the encounter options are pretty limited. Many times I have seen a good speeder- good because I have seen them before or can tell they know what they are doing- get caught by bad luck or other good players and badly damaged (mostly taking them out of the match) or even killed when doing that early run-by. And nearly every time I have a speeder on my team I am thinking why, why are you doing that? Just for the thrill of having them (hopefully) miss when they shoot at you? Meantime they are selfishly risking everyone else's entire match. It's a risk play with marginal benefit and it messes things up for everyone else if it goes badly, and the vast vast majority of speeders are doing this every. single. time. that they play.
  3. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I have had the privilege to have played with you, and yes because of our speed we do have to fight the urge to run ahead. However, the sole reason why we run off to one end is to figure out if the opposing forces is intending to flank us and find that as quick as possible. Our goal obviously isn't to die, but sometimes due to bad luck or dealing with good players on the other end, we may get caught. I don't do this often however, and I mainly stick with the group. The other thing is, we jut out in front in the beginning so that we can position ourselves infront of shooters and defenders so they target us first instead, therefore they lob mortars at us first, and generally those shells get wasted. however there's been several occasions where I get sniped, railgun'd or worst, missile launched at where I get severely weakened or even destroyed. Playing Speeder is more of a daredevil ship, we're always luring ships and baiting them to shoot at us, so that shooters don't get shot at (you guys are EASY to hit).

    2ndly, this isn't really about the Speeder class per say or how quickly they can die on an inexperienced player, it's really about intentional suiciders (that are choosing the speeder for their quickest way of transportation), and why they are doing what they are doing and what can we do / suggest to stop it? So far there's only 2 feesible mentions: 1.) Offer bigger rewards for defeated with pride(those that play well) 2.) Create a time limit, players that play less than a certain amount time, or have no motion; should not be rewarded depite having dealt some damage or kills.
    Last edited: 7 Jun 2017
  4. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Well, more on topic, if non-feeding speeders feel that they have good reasons for charging ahead, and sometimes get caught, then it's probably true that a number of speeders have died and people thought it was a suicide and it wasn't. The risk/benefit debate is indeed a topic for another discussion.
  5. IOError

    IOError New Member

    6 Jun 2017
    As a non-feeding speeder. There have been matches where I have been in the thick of it with what looked like a suicide run only to come out with two kills and most of my health. I've also been on the other side where in a move to stir things up (3-4 shooters huddled around a fixer or two) I have made the same gambit and been obliterated. Heck I had one today where I boosted into a corner I didn't see got stuck and only got 600 damage before I was killed off. And this goes to the risk vs reward situation which as you stated is another topic but it's why we do it sometimes. And earlier on in the game I know this happened within seconds (I really didn't know how much faster our boats were) and was pissed I was dead when I did all this great distracting and no one was in range to take advantage.

    Needless to say I didn't put much stock in this feeder speeder scenario until yesterday. I started a match with another speeder and we both took off to do the scout run, or so I thought. Then instead of turning around when the enemy was located he just ran straight up the middle, 1 shot fired and then they stopped. If throttle lock was on he would have kept going in a lag situation, but he just stopped. Also he had time to fire more than one shot, I know there were two guns on that boat. So while I still firmly believe the mass speeder suicide problem is significantly overblown by seeing speeders just get unlucky or are just not good getting their ticket punched early. I have now seen close up, what I, a fellow speeder, would consider a suicide run. That's my two cents on it. I asked around in my guild which is speeder mains only, and none of us are pulling that trick and I was the only one to have seen it, we've seen other speeders get blown up very quickly but nothing that would make us believe it was intentional except for my observation.
  6. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    What infamy/tier are you? Suiciding Speeders (well, other ships too) are probably mostly in the lower elo tiers, and played either by people trying to farm more resources, or who are genuine idiots. :/
  7. IOError

    IOError New Member

    6 Jun 2017
    Yeah, I'm down in the 1000-1200 range. Would be higher but went on a bit of a tilt in the middle of last season, not dead in 10 seconds tilt but not playing well with my team tilt.
  8. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    You can tell the difference between an idiot, because he's actually trying to fight or maneuver. Intentional Suiciders just boost and rush all the way there in as straight as a line as possible(they probably load 2 turbos and overboost), then there's no retaliation, nothing, just straight into the red cluster on the radar and die.
    IOError likes this.
  9. ThreeFloyd

    ThreeFloyd Member

    25 May 2017
    Yep... either this or at the beginning of the match they don't move at all and wait for someone to die and then run straight into those flames... burning... burning... burning... dead
  10. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    It is not an assumption when I am playing mk3-4 and a speeder mk1 gets on our team and suicides right in the beginning. It is not an assumption. Theyre farming, and I want there to be a report function
    Terry Morgan likes this.
  11. ThreeFloyd

    ThreeFloyd Member

    25 May 2017
    They'll never do a report function for obvious reasons. That will just create a new problem: Reporting Trolls
  12. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Looks like I was misunderstood, mostly because I didn't elaborate enough. My goal was to see where he was, to try to get a sense of where speeders are any good or are even trying. XD

    While really awful speeder players have different motivations from the trolls and farmers, they are similarly effective.
  13. Jerbears

    Jerbears Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Wow that is such a good idea... dropping down into the nub leagues to get easy 3 star games. At least 1 even for losses. Thanks guys for idea :eek:
  14. IOError

    IOError New Member

    6 Jun 2017
    You get good speeders (ones who may die first but not immediately) kind of spread around until you get into the 800+ Infamy speeders. Then you'll start to see speeders making it to the middle of the pack in damage more often than not, and will probably won't be the first to die. That's where you start to see crazy shooters not waiting on their teams or going off on their own because they are used to just fighting their way through any situation go out first more often. I'd say above 800 you'll easily tell the difference between a speeder who accidentally got killed quickly and a banana boat suicide. But there are good speeders around the 600s who just don't have the boat yet to hang any higher and get killed easily. I hope that answers your question better.
    David Bonaparte likes this.
  15. Terry Morgan

    Terry Morgan Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    A better way would be a reward ban if you drop more than 500 infamy in 24 hours or suicide more the 5 times in 24 hours
  16. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    The challenge is to make restrictions/fixes that doesnt penalize people who want to try out other boats.
    Id drop 1k+ infamy if I played enough games with me 2nd best boat - My mk4 speeder cannot compete at 3.5k infamy, yet its fun to play and it involves a massive infamy drop (despite me trying my best) to get near where I belong while speeding.

    The easy fix would be to only give out rewards to people who stay in the game till the match is over - Not much point in suiciding if you need to wait the full 5mins anyway.
    (This goes directly against the main advantage of their vip-sub though, so will never happens)
  17. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I just feel bad bringing my little mk4 speeder into matches. I wish I had a separate infamy on each boat so I wouldn't be letting the team down.
  18. Terry Morgan

    Terry Morgan Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Have a league mode and a normal mode for practicing other boats Maybe that would work. I hardly believe praci ing banana boat suicide applies as practice though

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