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DevReply Match Making Getting Even Worst in Every Update

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Friendly Fixer, 22 Feb 2018.

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  1. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    It’s really a fun game, as long as you don’t play-to-win, since it’s rigged. As long as you aren’t being competitive, you will enjoy it.
  2. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    If I got it right, low infamy players would be also affected by this, they would recieve only "noob rewards" so they won't have chance to get higher without farming for weeks/months more than before
  3. Kaletheshavage

    Kaletheshavage Member

    16 May 2017
    I dont think thats good... You do have good gear, but does that translate to in battle, where you dont make tactical mistakes? Your post says that you generally are a good player, but i dunno about your teammates's perspectives. Not insulting you, just trying to use a counterargument.
  4. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    The chart is gear score vs infamy, so if he's in the 5th percentile then that means 95% of other players at his infamy have better gear than him.
  5. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Yes and no. Try to remember that there is a HUGE amount of overlap in weapon power. Common weapons are hardly useless and you get lots of them. They'd be particularly useful if they weren't going up against E40 gear. So how I would envision it is, I suspect, exactly as Rovio envisioned it. A new player would build up a stock of common gear. As he gained in infamy he'd start seeing his rewards shift from common to uncommon. By the 1k mark it'd be mostly uncommon. So let's assume that leaves our intrepid (and good) Mark1 captain at 1000 infamy and common-30 gear. Common-30 is roughly equivalent to Rare-10.

    Now, as our captain battles on he's still getting some common things (and he ought to be able to downgrade rewards as needed). He can still keep leveling up those common items until they are the rough equivalent of Rare-30. That's only 10 levels off what I"m using at 2500 infamy. But what's going to happen is the cycle will repeat with the uncommon items replacing the commons and some occasional rares thrown in.

    What I've done is given the new captain a smooth progression of items. Even better, I've guided them to level up the right items rather than waste resources on leveling up some epic that will be stuck at level 10 for ages. But most importantly, I've made sure the boats they are fighting are similarly equipped because I got rid of all the reasons for the guys with Epic-40 gear to be fighting sub 1k infamy.
  6. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    As @StrictSalmon307 said, what that chart shows is that for people with the same gear as me, I'm better than 95 out of 100 of them.

    Take that with a huge grain of salt. I, myself, sincerely doubt I"m in the top 5th percentile. I think the chart is filled with noise from seal clubbers and artificially low infamies. But still, according to the actual play data as of a few weeks ago, that's what the infamy ranges looked like.
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  7. HectorBarbossa

    HectorBarbossa Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Engineering Data Analyst
    My guildmate called this situation as ELO Cursed, it’s happened after you have a lot of win after some battle then you will be dragged to your infamy range, you can’t win but you will be lose for sure, nothing you can do to stop this, devs wouldn’t respond a thread like this. Play another game, you will be forget about this.
    Last edited: 9 Apr 2018
  8. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    The matchmaking is fair for me. I'm a speeder. EVERYONE SWITCH TO SPEEDER
  9. BoatyMcBlokeFace

    BoatyMcBlokeFace New Member

    15 Sep 2017
    New season starts today and here are the first games.

    It really doesn't matter what the explanation is anymore - infamy reset, downward pressure, new players, whatever - the fact of the matter is that this is a waste of time. Getting rolled by obviously stronger teams is a waste of time. For the casual player who isn't trying to go pro it is extremely off-putting. I know I'm just a drop in the bay but I hope the devs know that the pattern is becoming clear. I'll stay away from the game for about 1 week after every new season, from now on, until this is fixed.

    Attached Files:

  10. Asigossi

    Asigossi Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I strongly disagree with the initial post.
  11. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I'm not planning on playing today or tomorrow. We'll see how that goes.
  12. CoolDownHSNA

    CoolDownHSNA Well-Known Member

    10 Mar 2018
    This, my friends, is all you need to shut up people who complain about unfair matches, especially the last battle in my video. Just proves how a good player rarely gets affected!
    I had to vs MK5's as a MK2!!!! You can't say that is fair, so yeah! Anyways, don't say that I don't know anything coz of my low infamy and I am a MK2... this is my mini account. On my MEGA account, I was a MK5! ;)

  13. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Over time there is a much larger upwards pressure though - Nightmare has grown from 500 to 2k players over the last few months. First day or two can be rough, but its practically impossible not to regain any lost infamy again over a 2 week period.

    My advice for any Nightmare player that can fight for top 10 is to focus more on fun rather than infamy. Win/lose doesnt matter at all (which is silly). Help with obscure guildquests, work on weapon achievements, fool around.

    Currently I'm working on a legendary grenade, its not great for infamy but getting killing blows with uncommon weapons is fun! Watching my 60damage burn ticks kill a T5 legendary player was legendary :)
  14. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    I started the season about 70 or so points away from Nightmare at my highest ever infamy.
    I was expecting the usual downward pressure, and so expected to drop a few hundred infamy during a losing streak. Maybe I’ll be able to challenge to get into nightmare at the end of this season (I thought).
    What happened....
    I won the first two games (so I was one win away from nightmare)
    Lost the next one.... boohoo :(
    But then won the next two.... hurrah. :D
    So I managed to gain over 70 infamy in 5 games in the 3900 range on the day after infamy reset.

    Now I’m not expecting to stay that high but who knows.
  15. Admiral DJ

    Admiral DJ Well-Known Member

    27 Nov 2017
  16. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    No worries. I'm not insulted. Your question is directly answered in the chart.

    When I'm in a match I do not have good gear. I have crappy gear relative to the people I'm playing against. I'm running R40-ish gear and I am frequently up against legendaries and high-end epics along with M6 boats. The fact that I'm able to hold at my infamy suggests that it is skill which must be making up the difference. That's exactly why I'm top 1%.

    Insofar as what my team mates think, I never know what anyone thinks of a speeder's performance. Sometimes I die with 0 or 800 damage. Sometimes I swoop in like the angel of death and decimate the enemy team. Sometimes I have really low damage and I'm perfectly happy with my performance because my tactics made it possible for the rest of my team to kill them. #SpeederLife yo!
    What's Up Player likes this.
  17. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    I don't think you are understanding, the system is manipulating players to win/lose. Looks like Rovio is blaming it on lag when in fact it appears as though they are using the predictive positioning/aim system to ensure a win/loss. This translates into your shots missing, not being counted, and/or being hit by shots that clearly missed you, etc.
  18. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    Pretty sure that's not real. Just saying :p
    Rainbow Warrior and Spinners71 like this.
  19. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Nicely said! :)
  20. MHz3000

    MHz3000 Member

    1 May 2017
    Yeah that’s pretty much how it is now mk6’s everywhere around 2000 infamy. I unlocked mk6 today and it’s been a loss streak as even though I have a second shield i’m now dying while behind my team due to snipers. Since i’m now more of a target.

    D90D87CA-0083-4785-86AD-93C2F845BFCA.png 3E78DC43-80BD-457F-A062-403B17C86BB7.png

    And yes the mk6’s aren’t due to me being mk6. It happened at 5 as well.

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