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The Yellow suicide intentional feeders are ruining this game

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Terry Morgan, 5 Jun 2017.

  1. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Cover up? Wtf are you talking about? More assumptions and strawman arguments?

    I said this above and you disagreed and called it a coverup lol

    You get even LESS reward at lower infamy levels.
    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Jun 2017
  2. ThreeFloyd

    ThreeFloyd Member

    25 May 2017
    False. Your rewards are based on what league you are in and your performance of the current match. Infamy doesn't matter.
  3. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    There are some good points here regardless of the personal stuff. At the 1500 - 2000 infamy level, I honestly get more frustrated with speeders that sit back and don't rush. They have so many useful roles that require them to leave the pack immediately: scouting, distracting from the main fleet, dealing with other speeders, taking out lone sheep, and even doing a quick hit of unprepared fixers. I would rather have them die quickly attempting to do these tasks (from bad play or bad luck) than sitting in the back, useless to the team.
  4. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    And if you do what the troll is suggesting and dropping indamy rhen you will lose rank
  5. ThreeFloyd

    ThreeFloyd Member

    25 May 2017
    You will only lose your league if you finish the entire season at a low infamy... so the idea would be to drop and farm. Then before the season ends climb back up to the infamy you were at originally or higher. This way you would never drop leagues. Obviously there would be some risk involved. If you dropped and weren't able to push back up by the end of the season then, yes, you would be dropped to a lower league and thus have lower rewards.
  6. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    There's 2 weeks between each season, more than enough time to drop and get back up several times if you're good and even include pushing.

    As for the name-calling, only people who truely are trolls resort to this. I'm actually really curious how this conversation resulted to this, I mean I wasn't rude nor provoking to get to this level. My only thought is that you're simply defending your stance, and actually not understanding what position I'm actually taking in this conversation. There was no attack on you nor Never0ddEven per say.

    Would you kindly quote where you said that? Because I re-read the thread and could not find where you elaborated on that.
    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Jun 2017
    Kitterini likes this.
  7. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    I tried to change the subject to a useful debate...this thread needs to be shut down for the sake of civility! ;)
    Miathan and D3X like this.
  8. ThreeFloyd

    ThreeFloyd Member

    25 May 2017
    And actually according to other sources... you may even have 2 full seasons to climb back up. Example: Season starts and you are 1305 infamy... you drop... season ends and you are now at 1000 infamy... you would actually stay in Master III because you stay in the league your highest point in the season was.... your highest point was at the beginning of the season 1305 thus you stay in Master III. Now If you don't climb back up to 1300 by the end of the following season then you would be dropped down a league.
    David Bonaparte and D3X like this.
  9. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Interesting, that's certainly a loophole.
  10. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    And the source is Zeus...
  11. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I think it should be cleaned up instead of closed. Personally, the TOPIC title is about
    "The Yellow suicide intentional feeders are ruining this game"
    Which I believe OP meant without the typos (by reading his post) :
    Please add a(t l)east a report(feature) after game for the hundreds of speeder that just rush in and suicide at the beginning of the game. Or better yet only allow speeders in high leagues. They are doing it to drop infamy to gain more items(by gaining resources), but it ruins other(people's) games and is getting unbearable. I'm not wasting another dime until this is addressed and remedied.

    "Intentional Suicide Yellow Speeders are ruining this game" OP if you can confirm.

    Not necessarily about Speeders, but suicide in general as it can apply to any class ship.
    So I'm right on topic, it clearly says "Intentional Suicide", which 2 and a few other people on this thread are trying to divert or deny this state of "intention" by saying it's something else. Which I think is on-topic but derailing the subject to and calling it "assumptions" and not intentional for reasons unknown. I'm being open and transparent about this, accepting that this situation is indeed happening, and not other forms of the game. Awareness of the problem is the first step to solving the issue (which is very deep issue that even ties into game progression and the shop system if you've read my threads and links).

    Last edited: 6 Jun 2017
    David Bonaparte likes this.
  12. Chumleetm

    Chumleetm Member

    28 May 2017
    Don't know about the rest of you but I just dropped from high 800 to low 300 in 2 days. It definitely wasn't intentional, I just can't win a game. I wish there was a free for all option so I don't have to rely on my team. Once I died in under 30 secs and still took the top spot for my team. Pathetic
  13. Steven

    Steven Active Member

    10 May 2017
    I'm still curious how u think I should get 0 everything with 3 kills and a 20 sec death? U say I should deserve this but yet to explain why me doing my job and my team being scrubs means I should loose out. And I do have a better idea, it's the one in place now.... works just fine, shit happens just goda move on.... life isn't fair
  14. KilleWh4le

    KilleWh4le Member

    30 May 2017
    I wonder what devs are doing..... this topic was addressed so many times and there is simply no response from them .... I feel like we are ignored
  15. Steven

    Steven Active Member

    10 May 2017
    They are probably not responding because there is nothing to respond to.....theres no issue

    I can't wrap my head around how ppl think games should be made to be fair, or equal....
    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Jun 2017
  16. KilleWh4le

    KilleWh4le Member

    30 May 2017
    pretty sure you will live well in North Korea
    Helius Maximus likes this.
  17. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    YEah to be honest, it's cannon fodder. Someone is got to lose out. That 3 kills within 20 sec death and lose the battle, won't be a very high chance even if you intended it. so I don't think it's a big deal if that ever happens. And maybe you should get rewards based on kills? Or maybe not... because getting kills stolen. anyway, basing performance on kills is not very accurate either. the ideas is to prevent what we're discussing about in this thread.
  18. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    In my observation the people that run in and die... not uncommonly doing zero damage... are speeders most (but not all) of the time. It does tend to drag things down for everyone else. Professional game designers should be able to recognize and fix the problem pretty easily since there are so many ways it could be addressed.
  19. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    I assume that rovio tried to fix this "suiciding speeders" issue by creating this update to the point where you can climb as much infamy as you can and you don't have to camp there. So even if you lose to a suiciding speeder, the season tracks your highest infamy. But thats my ipinion.

    I think that they wanted to stop the complaints from suiciding speeders or teammates. Anyways suiciding speeders.. Im a speeder myself see the point of view from all of your comments. Now its my turn. In the perspective of a high leveled speeder.

    So, suiciding speeders can be intentional or not. I say some people just care too much about this game. I mean its not the end of the world or anything, but back to the topic. Some people can or cannot notice. Maybe the Speeder has an iq of 0? Or maybe the speeder wifi sucks like poop not going down the toliet?

    From my POV, i don't mind. But you guys care so much. Is winning what you want? Well in this game, ya win some ya lose some. Its fine with me how you guys think about suiciding speeders. But if u were to ask which side i would be on the "stop suiciding speeders" side.

    Firstly, there should be videos about each ship in general, which includes the speeder foremost. People won't learn that easily because they're so used to suiciding of course. So why don't ya teach em how its done? If they speak ur language.

    Secondly, repetitively can get annoying. Yes i know how you guys feel, i feel bad man! You can drop about 300 infamy a day if u continually playing with them. But on the bright side, stay positive. You can get back anytime you want.

    Thirdly, It ruins your fun. Thats basically what the game wants. Fun! Well there are speeders griefing the game. If you are upset, just report them if you can. If you can then go! Get them punished.

    Thats all from me, tbh i would go on the against side on this thread. I feel bad for everyone experiencing this, as it can ruin everyone's fun.

    P.S Seriously guys, get over the conflict in the thread. No fights please! Everyone has their own opinions and you must respect that. I understand that debates can sometimes get a tiny bit competitive but this isn't a competition. Just take it down a notch.

  20. ThreeFloyd

    ThreeFloyd Member

    25 May 2017
    Suicide SPEEDERS. Now why are the majority of the kamikaze droppers using a speeder? Think about it. They want to drop as fast as possible. Which ship is the fastest? Duh. Speeder. So obviously they choose the speeder to get to the other side the fastest so they can die the fastest and move to the next match. The speeder is more than likely not even their main ship.

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