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Positioning & Awareness

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Lil_Torta, 7 Apr 2018.

  1. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
  2. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    You can absolutely use the material. Let me see about that replay link... If I've constructed this correctly...


    I should make a video of the match I just got out of. It's the perfect counter-example. I was too impatient and I cut in too deep to the enemy team misjudging how focused they were on the rest of my team. I died quickly.
    Lil_Torta likes this.
  3. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    You don't need to construct just go in battle log tap on match code link will be copied then paste it. Done.
  4. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
    Go ahead edit the recent video link into your post. If I may use that also I will. I can use it as a “What not to do segment” but I won’t paint you in a negative light rest assured.
  5. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    LOL. No need to worry on that score. I paint myself in a negative light quite frequently. I like to learn from my own dumb ass mistakes and who knows? Maybe someone else will too?


    Right at 4:13 is where the mistake happened. I could've just jetted out of there again and circled back for another strafing run but no.... That is my ever-present #1 problem. As @TheAntiSnipe says, it takes a certain amount of aggression to even be where I was at all. I attacked the entire enemy team in open water. Keeping that aggression tempered with a realistic sense of survival is my #1 problem.
    Lil_Torta likes this.

    SAME DIFF3R3NC3 Well-Known Member

    26 Apr 2017
    These traits are EVERYTHING in a battle, especially as a fixer


    This is an oldie, as you can tell by the hearts from my pulses, but is a great example. I’m constantly using the terrain as a blocker between myself and the unfriends, while at the same keeping check on where all my teammates are.

    When I notice our shooter attempting a flank I leave the other two boats, in the hands of the 2nd Fixer, in an attempt to support him. The team follows, but sadly we lose the Fixer & Enfo.

    Still using the terrain as a shield, we retreated in the tunnel (suicidal, I know) and hold our ground. Amazingly turning a 5v3 almost certain loss, into an equally amazing 3v1 win.

    As a Fixer, knowing WHEN to use your heals can be the deciding factor in games like these. Just spamming heals as soon as their ready isn’t good enough. Holding off for a second or two can ensure you get more than one boat in your radius, maximizing your output, and doesn’t leave you waiting on a cooldown when a teammate is low on health.
    The Grim Repair and Lil_Torta like this.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Okay, here you go.
    1. The answer to this question: Positioning and awareness can make or break a match. I play both speeder and enforcer, and I can punch H.A.R.D. I just need to be alive to do it. As an enfo, I can oneburst a mk5 fixer. As a speeder, I can kill anything below 2000 HP. BUT. Positioning can change everything. Awareness as well. I keep a track of my opponent's loadouts. If I see a miner speeder, I chase him down before he can latch onto a good chokepoint. If I see a fixer, the fixer goes down in less than 60 seconds, regardless of how well his team is guarding him. Of course, that's if I pay attention and come in from the opposite direction as my team and ONLY AFTER the engagement has begun.

    Both these videos show me with some good positioning. In the first, I use the mid area in foundry to hide and wait until the enemy team crosses the first barrier. I then attack, knowing they are not going to notice a red arrow when fighting, while I kill their fixer. In the second, I use my last teammate as bait, and use my relative velocity to aim better at the speeder in the end. Basically, I moved in the same direction as him to make sure I had an easier shot. Again, with the defender at the end, if I'd let my guard down, I'd have been mined, missiled or torped.

    The vid below is a video from way back when I was dabbling in kiting and control on the speeder.

    Watch carefully, I use my very presence against the enemy. The fixer turns around so as to fight me, since he saw me looking like I was flanking. Since he was looking at me, it caused the frontline shooter he was fixing to die to incredible burst damage from my team.

    3. Yes. My loadout affects my positioning greatly. I try to engage in duels when near the max range of my weapons. This makes my opponents miss, while, with my ON POINT accuracy allows me to hit them even so. Also, I adopt a more close style, which necessitates moving fast and under cover, sometimes under heavy fire as well. This style is not for those with slow reflexes and the tendency to be affected by pressure.
  8. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    ... and stunning humility. You forgot to mention that. :)
    Lil_Torta and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Humility? Where?:eek:
    Lil_Torta likes this.
  10. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
  11. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    This is one of my favorite tricks as a speeder. If I can't really get at the enemy then maybe I can harass their fixer enough to draw his attention away from the shooting line? If so, I've probably killed one or more of their shooters even if I never landed a shot. Things like this are also why getting too focused on high damage numbers is a mistake. Frequently I'm engage in tactics which are designed to let my team mates do damage, not me.

    As a total aside, can i just say that it was a kick to see your infamy in that video. I know you're higher now. But my current infamy is higher than yours was in that video. I'm pleased that that happened at all, forget about the circumstances :)
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Watch this, another "lurk spot", but it's kinda common... Also my second pentakill!
    Neptune_Gaming likes this.
  13. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    +1 for the lurk spot... keep em coming.

    And can I just say that I LOVED the 2v1 on that second enemy shooter. I was laughing watching you draw his attention while your team mate shooter cut him down and then just as he's almost dead and about to hit you one more... *bubble* No hit for him! You're going to make me upgrade my enfo, aren't you? I already knew I liked it from just popping some R1 stuff on a M2 enfo for some questing. And like you, I've already got all the needed gear if I upgrade my epic BC's.

    +1 music
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  14. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    As you always say in terms of positioning, one should always go for turning 1v1s into 2v1s. Solid advice there, mate!

    And thanks for the comments! I'll try to integrate lurk spots as much as possible, but I like to lower enemy morale by giving enemies their best shot at me at the start of the match and making them miss, so I don't tend to lurk much on the speeder;). And about the enfo upgrade: 100% try it, the enfo makes you feel like a total badass, raining down that DPS.
  15. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017

    This whole match (START TIME 19:20 in the video) was about positioning and awareness. Everyone was making sure to push back each enemy as they thought it was ok to charge in. Slowly but surely we dwindled the enemy down and even found opportunities like when the speeder zipped in and just sat there thinking it was cool. I also will say that I noticed him really early on using the map and adjusted to him right as he appeared for his strike from behind.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  16. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017

    "This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds" (Canada)
  17. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
    Oh lame....I’ll have to upload just the battle. Yea when I stream I play music.
  18. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
    I think this link works but you’ll have to be quick before it also gets blocked lol
    Snapshot likes this.
  19. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Awesome teamwork in that video (and some pretty nice shooting from you too).
    Hey, since your'e running both std and sniper, can we get some weapon achievement data from you over a few hundred battles for the sniper thread?
  20. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
    It wouldnt be accurate cause I didn’t really start running the StdCan til after the Sniper cause I barely upgraded to Mk5 recently. So you’d have to consider the Sniper had a huge head start.

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