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Positioning & Awareness

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Lil_Torta, 7 Apr 2018.

  1. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
    1. How important are these two traits in a battle to you and the players around you?
    2. Share an a example of good positioning and how it can effect the outcome of a game, whether of your own doing or someone else.
    3. Last but not least how does your load-out effect positioning and feel free to give examples of mistakes people make in positioning considering their own load-out.
    Personal Motive: My hopes are to bring a bit attention to how impactful these two can be in a battle. Even if it’s a short discussion for a brief time.
  2. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
    Hope this brings many ideas and perspectives to the front.
  3. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Anything works. Dynamics change accordingly, situation of battles, oppositions loadouts, etc.
    Just do 1 thing don't camp keep moving( not into traps).
    Find covers everytime, don't sit in middle and assume you're Neo of matrix and would dodge everything.
    Positioning sense, awareness comes through experience it's a long process. Every battle you play you either win or you learn.
  4. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Speeders depend HUGELY on strategy. The main thing: dodging shots and being sneaky. If they just rush into battle, they are worthless. If they go and scout, maybe taking out an enemy fixer or speeder, they are awesome
    Lil_Torta likes this.
  5. kurdish bndo

    kurdish bndo Active Member

    26 Nov 2017
    90% of positions even with a full awareness you can be shooted with a sniper cannon :p:D
    Marquesolution and Lil_Torta like this.
  6. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
    Awesome, please go into detail about scouting scenarios and how impactful they can be even without going all in and firing off your weapons.
  7. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
    Oh dear God lol. Personally as a Enforcer myself I strafe back and forth a lot. I have to say most the time I dodge about half the Sniper shots thrown at me.

    Edit: also I love to use cover of a barrel or rock to stay out of line of sight of a sniper. There are ways to optimize your own cover from enemy snipers that also allow you to shoot your targets. I think this gets overlooked a lot by players who lack the experience.
  8. kurdish bndo

    kurdish bndo Active Member

    26 Nov 2017
    I can say that enforcer with their Tesla shield and dance make sniper cannon the weakest item of them all ,but still not enough

    Don't worry i won't make this as sniper cannon thread :)
  9. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    When a speeder scouts, it can say if the fixer is being guarded, if anyone is far away from the team. It also enables long range weapon (LRW) users to shoot the enemies, without the enemy knowing where your team is. And if for some reason the speeder is spotted, they can provide a distraction to give their team time to get I to position
    Lil_Torta likes this.
  10. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
    Love this, got any good replay examples? Post em cause I’d love to watch.
  11. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Largely depends on player styles. I won't call it scouting but its nature of any speeder just go ahead of the pack. If a speeder sit backs there isn't enough he or she could offer. Speeder is a weakest group ship because of low hp. So staying slightly away from team distracts opposition whom to target first.
    I usually play bait game go in front bring opposition in range of my team. Most of the times my team desserts me but when team understands then game is over in a flash.
    Lil_Torta likes this.
  12. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Lil_Torta likes this.
  13. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
    With your permission I’d love to use this replay maybe as part of a In-Depth Video Guide I want to soon put together. I’ll be sure to give credit on anything you contribute.
  14. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Lil_Torta likes this.
  15. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
  16. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017

    1. How important are these two traits in a battle to you and the players around you?
      In a speeder? These two traits are everything. They are much more important than my gear or my boat mark. When I attack a group of 5 unfriends, my life expectancy is measured in seconds... like 3 seconds... if I am not in the right place during the attack and go to the right place each moment of the attack. In addition, my head is keeping a little mental inventory of all the boats around me. How engaged were they (ie, how much lag time do I anticipate before they realize I'm killing their fixer)? Which direction is their turret pointing (how many seconds do I have before I can't be here any more). All of that adds up to a little internal clock that says, "Time to get the hell out of here!" But it also informs boat path... do I go left or right around that rock. That depends on the enemy boats and their current turret direction.
    2. Share an a example of good positioning and how it can effect the outcome of a game, whether of your own doing or someone else.

      0:45 I am expecting to get shot through that doorway. So I was moving and watching carefully. It was "lucky" that I wasn't hit at all, but it was luck I manufactured myself because I was in the right spot and aware of the danger.
      1:08 I see the battle forming up along the right-hand side of the map. My team is lagging but getting their act together. This is a good thing but I'm in the wrong position to do anything useful so I flank. This decision was the moment we won the match and it was all about position and awareness.
      1:48 Again, a bit of manufactured luck. By the time I got into "pounce position" their fixer had taken a hit. Good luck on my team's part but also someone on my team made that hit and I was in the perfect position to capitalize on it. Their fixer was dead without a chance within 20 seconds and never had a chance.
      2:09 I am aware that no bullets have been going my way. The enemies are not aware of me which lets me open up on the next victim rather than flee. I am acutely aware that somewhere behind me there's a red dot though and I haven't been tracking his actions. That means I have no idea who he's looking at or what he's doing. This informs my upcoming course.
      2:21 I've unloaded on SeaWolf but there are too many enemies around me that I've lost track of. Normally I'd have just stayed behind SeaWolf and finished him off. But given my uncertainty, I'm going to strafe along side him and pick him off on my way out of this area. Note that one of those red dots I'd lost track of nailed me on my way out at 2:30... good call to vacate.
    3. Last but not least how does your load-out effect positioning and feel free to give examples of mistakes people make in positioning considering their own load-out.
      I'm running short-ish range weapons (flare/blast). It's a knife fighters load-out and I need to use it that way. It's also a surgeon's tool set. It's role is to do exactly what I did in that video. Slice out the fixer with surgical precision. The common mistake I make is not picking my entry time right because I'm too aggressive. The other common mistake I make is not getting close enough. I know better. I know that I want to do the turret shuffle with shooters. But for some reason I end up doing the ridiculous circle around them all too often. The most common mistake I see among other players is a lack of aggression... it's that shooter with 3 or 4 cannons who's hiding behind a rock tossing his one mortar. If that's how he wanted to play, why wasn't he using 3 or 4 mortars instead?
    I want to make this observation though. I find the speeder much more responsive to skill than my shooter. Partly that's because the natural play style of a shooter doesn't fit me. But partly that's just because it's a slow, lumbering barge. So I found gear to be vastly more important on the shooter which tended to get into slugging matches than on my speeder that cannot afford a slugging match.
  17. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
  18. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    You have my permission to use it.
    Lil_Torta likes this.
  19. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017

    Beautiful post! Can I have your permission to use your video and commentary in a video guide? You definitely will receive credit and also could I get a link of the replay itself if possible? So I can get a personal recording of perspectives?
    Last edited: 7 Apr 2018
  20. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Go ahead. All permissions granted.

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