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DevReply Why defender is under used

Discussion in 'The World of Battle Bay' started by Capitan Defender, 5 Apr 2018.


Do u think defender needs his hitbox to be fixed?

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  2. No is not an option this time,sorry...(lol)

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  1. Capitan Defender

    Capitan Defender Well-Known Member

    3 Mar 2018
    defender's heaven fields
    In a galaxy far far away called Bulgaria
    Reason 1: to slow acseleration:untill i start going backwards and foward takes way 2 long time

    Reason 2:verry broken hitbox:rest of the ships hav normal hitboxes,but no,defender must have verry weird and invisible hitbox so it can be hitted with torps 24/7...like fmon plz fix dis

    Reason 3:quite slow turret rotation:well defender vs enforser...we all know who will win(the lemon,obvious)why?the lemon will make loops around the defsnder and yea ukno what happenes nekst

    Reason 4:.people cant play it:alot of people have verry low hp for defender/their setup is verry weird and not suitable for defender/2 long cooldowns(and that makes me laugh,becoz i am curious myself how on earth that mk6 defender has 7250 hp and i have 8333 hp,that doesnt make any bloody sence!)and putting mortar on a defender is good?go to the hospital...NOW!

    Reason 5:.porthos's death:i noticed ...that after he quited battle bay,i dont see anymore defenders,is like porthos's death killed the will for defender users 2 be defender...like im alone,in a sea of tomatoes(tomato=shooter)it feels...unoriginal...always same oponents...all is same!

    Why i made this? Defender must shine at least once...ive seen in alot of games that the tanks get tons of nerfes/make them pathetic,so no1 will ever want to play them...just like the heavy in Team Fortress 2...also people must play something else...i did...and i hated it...but i did it becoz we all must remember back in our days that we chose 2 play all ships (man good memories indeed)developers..if u read dis...plz...fix the hitbox...play as a defender and you will uundestand our pain
  2. Hokuse

    Hokuse Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    A high level defender can have so much health and it is really hard to take him down with just cannons or mortars. Of course torpedos should be more effective against big blues than other ships. I aggree that defenders should have some turret speed and agility buff or to improve the different of defenders as a blue item ship, blue items that defenders equiping it should gain %10-15 buff. That will works i guess.
  3. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    I've seen shooters with 10k+ health while defenders have like 7k+, which kind of messes up there role of tank (shooter can do the same with more weapons apparently).
  4. NotTheOneYouKnow

    NotTheOneYouKnow New Member

    6 Apr 2018
    I played defender for the first time and it didn't end well. Made to take hit. But, It just gets hit all the time. If I shot a guy one time. He hits be back with two. Before I even get reloaded.
  5. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Because enforcer is better defender.
  6. Capitan Defender

    Capitan Defender Well-Known Member

    3 Mar 2018
    defender's heaven fields
    In a galaxy far far away called Bulgaria
    Thx for reminding us that enforser is the best ship...not needed...at all
  7. Capitan Defender

    Capitan Defender Well-Known Member

    3 Mar 2018
    defender's heaven fields
    In a galaxy far far away called Bulgaria
    This will be nice for turret agility...but the hitbox is crap!they need 2 fix it!
  8. Captain flounder

    Captain flounder New Member

    6 Apr 2018
    I dont think defenders need a buff a defender is a tank its job is to get hit to be the focus of enemy fire ( defenders shouldn't just split from the team but rather be in front of them)
  9. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Or so many high level bandages they just hide for 30 seconds an re-emerge to hit you and disappear again
  10. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Defenders need to stick together more than yellow ships, if they wander out while your entire fleet sits back at spawn spamming Torpedos into the void they'll get wrecked quick by a smart fleet.

    Two chunky defenders sticking together with a fixer trailing behind can steamroll a fleet of shooters
  11. Harsh Gupta Hulk

    Harsh Gupta Hulk Active Member

    14 Nov 2017
    Try playing Defender sometimes and then you all those who are telling us our roles or what to do and what not to will understand that what you are saying is easy to say sounds good but all these things points you making are hypothetical,You think that we don't know what we are suppose to do but to do those things we need something and that something is what we are asking that to give us a chance to fight on equal front, all the ships always gets some buff in the updates for defenders its like Man they are the Burden, And you guys taking about going away from the fleet I guess you guys are pretty low level players because come at ace 2 and above You will see how original a defender fights and then you will see the disadvantages we have when we think and knew that we could have done better if only we had little bit more of this and that, If you want some test come One on One with me as defender
  12. Hokuse

    Hokuse Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    I remember that i have seen 20k hp defenders.
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  13. Capitan Defender

    Capitan Defender Well-Known Member

    3 Mar 2018
    defender's heaven fields
    In a galaxy far far away called Bulgaria
    Well sometimes i get into a full yellow team and cant keep up(even once every1 was yellow...and i was blue...)
  14. Harsh Gupta Hulk

    Harsh Gupta Hulk Active Member

    14 Nov 2017
    Exactly!!, if we can't get to them how are we supposed to take damage and run over them like a tanks as these guys are telling us thats's the extra thing we are asking when we find ourselves in the situation mentioned above by Captain Defender. That's it.
  15. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    It's already the slowest ship with the worst agility, if hitbox is corrected it still remains the easiest ship to hit with a torpedo...
  16. Hokuse

    Hokuse Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    Yes but it have highest health and defense. Weakness of defender is to be heavy. Just like speeder, it have highest agility and speed but also it have lowest hp and defense. There is wrong about this. I aggree that defenders needs buff but it shouldn't be about speeder and hit box size. They are main weakness of defenders so problem isn't that. Defender is a blue item ship and it should be able to show that difference well but at now i only see a few of them. Mostly defender are weak. I said my solution, blue items that just defenders using should be improve %10-15.
  17. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Your solution is ok but also consider, the extra invisible hitbox size is very annoying to play with and doesn't show good game programming.
  18. Hokuse

    Hokuse Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    You right. I playing defender sometimes and there is definitely a invisible hit box. It is weird and must be fixed.
  19. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    I have trouble with this statement, I'm not sure what you mean?

    Do you mean to say the extended hitbox of the defender is justifiable? I've played shooter and fixer. The graphic of those ships seems to be accurate for the hit box. The defender's hit box seems to extend at least 25% beyond the ship's actual diameter.

    We are already too slow to get out of the way. Isn't that enough?
  20. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Great in theory...

    In my experience as a defender that will occasionally charge, it is quite common to have your team close by. But as soon as you start a charge you will see that your entire team turns to dash behind cover or across the map leaving the slow defender sitting out there, eating shot after shot, all alone, forlorn, abandoned, BETRAYED!

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