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Real talent players OR Mr Money Spending players ?????

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Ciaccio96, 6 Apr 2018.

  1. Ciaccio96

    Ciaccio96 New Member

    20 Mar 2018
    Dear all of my friends ,

    Let me tell you a little bit of my process of BB playing. I have been playing the Speeder about 2 weeks. Now I am at level 14 MK2. I am so unlucky when opening packages and crates , I checked in the game everyday. I am using 1 rare cannon , 1 rare sniper , 1 uncommon overboost , 1 rare overboost , 1 epic turbo . My gear is about 1800 , infamy 900, I played 643 battles , win 335 with those 2 weapon. I am not a good player definitely. From 1 to 10 marks , I am at 4.5 . I did not mention about stupid teammates, unfair match making ... etc. Today I went to my cousin house and found out he has played this game too, he is now at level 15.(speeder , just playing 11 days ) He spend about $525 for this game , surely he got 1 epic blast cannon , 1 epic swift torpedo , 1 epic overboost , 1 epic flare guns, 1 epic torpedo , 1 rare shield , 1 rare nitro , 4 5 epic perk , 6 8 rare perks..... I only remembers these things. My cousin is about 2 3 marks , he got no skills at all.

    And you guys know what , When I played my account 10 random battles , I lose 7 . I tried my best , my dear. And when I play 10 random battles in my cousin account , I win 8 , 1 draw and shit. So what the hell is going on here ? I lost cause I don't have money or just my bad skills ? . For example I have one of the third best armed of anyone tycoon of this game , I can assure you I can play better than my account. You guys know what I mean ?
  2. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Infamy is a mixture of skill plus boat/gear level.

    By the sounds of it, you are more skilled than your cousin. So when you used his account, you won 8 as your ‘real’ infamy was higher than the ‘in game’ infamy, as you can make better use of his boat than he can, and so you were stronger than those he was matched against. (I’ll bet he went on a losing streak after you gave him his account back, as he wouldn’t be as strong as the infamy you left him at)

    There could be a number of reasons why you had a bad run with your own account:
    • Luck
    • Poor teammates
    • You were carried to a too high infamy by teammates before your 10 game run, and you were just coming back down to your own level
    • Etc
    Visout, _devill, #CK and 3 others like this.
  3. a_creeper_won

    a_creeper_won Well-Known Member

    19 Oct 2017
    Basement dweller
    The middle of nowhere
    Answering to the title, I say mr money players
    Ciaccio96 likes this.
  4. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    It's a P2W game. People who pay, win.

    Does that really matter? I run up against a lot of legendaries nowadays and I'm toting around my Rare-40 gear. At least at the 2k infamy mark I can hold my own. The matches I'm offered are fun and push me hard. Whether I do well or poorly matters a lot in terms of win/lose. Overall it's a blast. So long as that remains true then I'm good.

    You're problem is your infamy. Below 1500 and about gear score 3250 the matchmaking system is simply absymal in every possible aspect. I ignored it and just ground through the problem area.
  5. Ciaccio96

    Ciaccio96 New Member

    20 Mar 2018

    I follow the recommendations of Antisniper. He said mk2 mk3 should be below 1100 infamy. Of course you can increase you infamy by spending money or practice in the long run and waiting for surprising packages.
  6. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    You said you played speeder. The best time to use speeder is MK4 and above. Below, not so much. For MK 1-3 use shooter, fixer, or enforcer. When you get MK4 use speeder.
    Ciaccio96 likes this.
  7. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Also, don't worry about being quick to 'complete' the game. I've been playing the game for 2 months. Haven't spent a penny. I tend to lose because I either have bad teammates or an OP enemy team.
    Ciaccio96 likes this.
  8. Ciaccio96

    Ciaccio96 New Member

    20 Mar 2018
  9. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    However, I DO suggest that you take advice from @TheAntiSnipe or another pro speeder ( or speeder/enforcer hybrid) and not me.
  10. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Since when did I become a pro speeder:eek:? Jk lmao.
    #CK likes this.
  11. #CK

    #CK Active Member

    23 Jul 2017
    drone pilot
    just keep playing and upgrade your boat , item & crew .

    i'm sure your cousin gonna hit the wall ( can't climb infamy anymore ) .

    if you're stay like this and not change your mindset that money matter ( yes , money are help but it's not everything )

    lot's of example out there , there purely F2P and now they're in NM competing with legendary item with their epic item even some people use rare .

    i've been playing since global release and i don't care even i loose or win , i'm just try my best every battle , upgarde my skill , aiming , cooperating with teamates , learn enemy movement , learn map control , many more .

    Ciaccio96 likes this.
  12. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Yeah, me too. @TheAntiSnipe has a lot of good advice. I think he's generally right about the M2/3 thing although I'd be a little more specific. I see the entire goal of Battle Bay as getting up to a moderately geared M4 (3250 gear score) and 1500 infamy so the real game can star. So for me, the optimal infamy range is whatever range I'm at when I'm grinding. Grinding, specifically, means looking for quick matches rather than winning ones. Sure, you want to win but you're not going to waste large amounts of time doing it.

    I found my M2/3 tended to hang around 800 or so as I remember and the M4 a bit above that but no higher than 1200. It didn't matter what the infamy was. Just that I was grinding away matches. This kept me rolling in gold/sugar which allowed me to buy every single blue piece and part in the shop. That's how I got out of the hell infamies.
    Ciaccio96 and TheAntiSnipe like this.

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