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How long do you get punished for a huge drop in infamy?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Flipscuba, 31 Mar 2018.

  1. Flipscuba

    Flipscuba Well-Known Member

    22 Aug 2017
    I want to start playing a new ship, and new weapons, and I don't want to make a new account on a new device. So, as I learn the ship and level the weapons, I'm going to drop a TON of infamy, and I know that when you drop a lot you start losing rewards, I'm just wondering if that's a permanent thing, or the system essentially resets its expectations after a certain amount of time?
    opp likes this.
  2. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    you are punished for as long as your infamy < (your top infamy - 800)
    Flipscuba likes this.
  3. Flipscuba

    Flipscuba Well-Known Member

    22 Aug 2017
    Seriously? Damn.
  4. opp

    opp New Member

    31 Mar 2018
    It's impossible to get out unless you charge. The punishment is too cruel. I gave up because I lost my motivation. I'm serious and hard, but it's impossible to get out of punishment. A person who is not good is not allowed to escape punishment. I was punished for being seriously hard. It's a very unreasonable rule. Only good people can enjoy it. People who are not good are not fun games. I gave up.
    Flipscuba likes this.
  5. CoolDownHSNA

    CoolDownHSNA Well-Known Member

    10 Mar 2018
    U need to be at least more than 800 less than ur highest infamy. What ship r u gonna try mate? Shooter and Enforcer won't really make u drop too much infamy, nor will Fixer. But Defender and Speeder will make u drop a ton of infamy. Trust me, I have used Speeder ever since I started BB
  6. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Great. There's people telling me to use speeder, and others who say no. I'm getting really confused :confused:
  7. FearsomeChicken

    FearsomeChicken Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Wanna try a new ship? Sure, get the weapons and equips and ship mk close to your main, play a few games with it, and if you lose 100-200 infamy, switch back to your main, get back your infamy and repeat until you're good with the new boat.
    Miathan and ViscountSniffit like this.
  8. CoolDownHSNA

    CoolDownHSNA Well-Known Member

    10 Mar 2018
    I am not saying, nor will ever say not to use Speeder! Use it! It will help u in the long run. All I am saying is that u will probably drop a heap of infamy :(
  9. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    • Yes, you should at least try a speeder.
    • Yes, it's a vastly different play experience and it takes a fair bit of learning just to get adequate.
    • No, you don't need to worry about the tanking penalty zone if you are below 1200 or so infamy. For starters, you won't fall that far because the opponents just get too easy down at very low infamies. Secondly, even if you did, it'll be easy to skill or gear up past the problem. I only started worrying about it once I got into a number like 2300.

    Here's what I did. I used my shooter to grind out some upgrades for gear I had in inventory so I could bring the speeder up to a similar gear score as my shooter. If I was going to be suffering a hit from poor skill I didn't want gear adding into it. Then I made sure I thought about the boat I'd built. With only two gun tubes it was clear that lingering in enemy range was mostly pointless since I'd be waiting for reloads anyway. So clearly I was going to be doing hit & run. Then I just had to learn how to do that. I'm still learning that but man, driving the speeder is so much more fun because it actually lets me be aggressive like my instincts want.
  10. Lakshiya

    Lakshiya New Member

    21 Feb 2018
    You need to get used to speeder to win
    Select heavy damage weapons with shortest reload preferably guns and torpedos. Best combos: blast cannon+big Torpedo carronade +blast cannon , flaregun+explosive cannon, carronade+big Torpedo, carronade combo. P. S. : use two overboost+nitro / over boost +nitro +stungun/tesla shield.
  11. •BBZ• Murry¥ V

    •BBZ• Murry¥ V New Member

    3 Jan 2018
    Explain how as soon as I got to level 40 and got my mk6 fixer I went 9 wins and 29 losses? My league top is 2900+ I was down to 2600+ and now I'm all the way down to 2300. I've tried using mk5 defender and speeder to pick it back up but 70+ battles later using mk6 fixer and the 2 mk5s the game won't let me win. I say won't let me win because IT KEEPS EVERYONE AROUND 50% W/L RATE. I alone can not beat 5 ships and I do all I can to win but yet I lose. The game matches you v/s teams you have no chance of winning just to keep you around 50% so how am I to win and raise my infamy back to 2900ish if the games mechanics stops me from the start? I can't understand how after upgrading my fixer raising my battle power from 7000+ to over 9000. I'm to lose so many more battles all because the game stops everyone from getting over a percentage around 50% w/l. How fair is this game that matches you and forces you to lose? It's just sad I put in so much effort to do the best I can then see I lose.
  12. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    That's a well known "feature". When you upgrade your boat, you get into a new class of matches, they are always tougher and you get an initial decline in infamy. I delayed MK6 upgrade until 42+ ensuring I had strong items, and I still shed hundreds of infamy. It of course brings into question how accurate infamy is considering your matches change by boat and by MK class, having one infamy number makes it all misleading, matchmaking is misleading, etc and so forth. It will eventually stabilize.
  13. •BBZ• Murry¥ V

    •BBZ• Murry¥ V New Member

    3 Jan 2018
    At lvl 39 in a mk5 fixer most of my battles were v/s mk6s and even a mk7 from time to time. I made it up to 3400 and when down to 2900 where I started this league season and went down to 2600 by the time I got to lol 40. In my mk5 I was battling about the same as I am now but for some odd and messed up reason I can't win. My mk6 jumped my bp over 2000 points and should had made me stronger but how this game works it do t matter what you do to try to win the game will still make you lose.
  14. CoolDownHSNA

    CoolDownHSNA Well-Known Member

    10 Mar 2018
    Most of ur ideas are pointless to him coz he is MK2, and MK2 Speeders have 2 red slot points, 2 yellow slot and 3 yellow slot points. They also have 1 blue slot with 1 blue slot point :(
  15. CoolDownHSNA

    CoolDownHSNA Well-Known Member

    10 Mar 2018
    Ok, I know that this sounds really savage, and I say it to all my friends as well, but: deal with it. After this massive loss streak, you will almost certainly come across a win streak that you can smile about. Then, it will most likely be neutral, until you get to your next MK, and the cycle might repeat again, until you become MK7.
  16. Salt Upon Wounds

    Salt Upon Wounds New Member

    20 Apr 2017
    I am nearly at the point of retiring as well. I changed from Fixer to Shooter becuz of the raw deal Fixers were given. I lost a heap of infamy while boosting new weapons and learning the ropes, and now cannot crawl up out of the depths becuz of the idiots at this level. And when I finally get a team I can rely on, I get no stars and little to no reward, becuz of my infamy level. Seriously? I’ve already lost one companion I always fleeted up with becuz I wasn’t close enough in infamy level. Now I’m about to lose my shit . Obviously I’m not the only one pissed off about this, maybe the devs should pull their heads out and deal with the problem before too many more good customers go walkabout. BTW, I’ve never dropped infamy on purpose, so why am I being punished?

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