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Why Exploding Cannon Didn’t Need a Nerf...

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by ViscountSniffit, 30 Mar 2018.

  1. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Oh. I Wonder how this explo-can speeder made it to 6k THIS season then, which is supposed to be after the nerf ._.
    Oh well, whatever, nevermind some players are just better
    What's Up Player likes this.
  2. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Seriously? He’s in a mk7 with t5 Epic everything! That ship is practically indestructible, how do you not get to 6k in it?

    The mk5 doesn’t have space for a Bandage, or Tesla Shield. So we can’t just tank loads of damage, and then heal back up while we’re waiting for cooldowns.
    SlayerofSergeants and TheFixer27 like this.
  3. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    That was for crashedup
    Edit :
    Last edited: 1 Apr 2018
  4. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I’m just saying. Give me that boat and I could probably smash 5k with nothing but Tri-Torps.

    Back in the realms of us mere mortals, without room for Bandage or Tesla Shield, I depend pretty heavily on Tesla Bolt for survival. And I need my weapons to be responsive.

    Since the nerf, I feel like my Speeder isn’t really playable. Let’s say I stun a ship that’s attacking my fixer. Then I take a shot at a nearby Shooter with EC, and maybe do 1k damage (assuming I don’t miss). That’s pretty much game over for me. For the next 15 seconds I’m gonna have to take fire from the Shooter, and at best I’ll get 1 shot off with my weaker 2nd weapon, and I might make him miss once, with my Nitro (if I time it right). But that’s not gonna matter, 15 seconds of fire from a Shooter, means I’m dead, or as good as dead.

    TBH, even before the nerf, it was hard to win 1 vs 1 against shooters, unless they were seriously short on burst damage.

    I’m a pretty die hard Speeder player, never even wanted to try another ship, but I think I’m gonna have to switch to Enforcer if I want to keep playing. (Which will essentially mean giving up both my Ship and my Ex Cannon). So yeah, the nerf did pretty much kill my build.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  5. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Well since you've taken this up, i'll speak a bit too.
    Your one of the members who i believe can understand more.
    Read over your post again, doesn't it feel like your only emphasizing on your build and what is lacking?
    That makes no difference between you and a newbie we see in the forums who complain about the ineffectiveness or wrongs about their setup.

    Dont you sometimes feel silly too when someone just complains about their setup and heeding to only their points and drawbacks whereas each ship, each setup has its own drawbacks.

    Some get too stocked up when they get defeats in a row, whereas its a game, if one wants to win, one must learn to lose too.
    I've seen players posting their defeats and getting their rage out here, along with hinting at the devs/rovio which is fine if you do the same for victories, but rarely someone says about the wins they get and give a word of thanks to the devs for a good game.
    A good player is one who both plays good and accept defeats along the way. Its a part of the game, and hey if someone didnt lose, how would you win?

    Said this since complaining about something is usually because that something leads to defeats in here.
    I keep surfacing across defeats, many times in a row too but have you ever seen me creating a thread about complaints regarding whats lacking about any one defeat game? Or have you ever seen me creating a thread about how fragile my setups/weapons were when i was using all rares or pointing defects that were in my setup saying that it held me in games?

    If i lose, its my fault, even if not completely, am a part of the team. And instead of such posts it would be way better if players tried to look at their mistakes and see what they can do in order to bring optimum of their setup, may it be underpowered.

    Nerfs/buffs are everchanging, whatever stays is how you take it and make it a point to do better with a nerf, or without a buff.
    Jwap, USS_ironsides and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  6. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    That’s all well and good, and I would 100% agree with you, if I had done anything wrong, but I didn’t.

    I just turned on the game one day, and all my stuff was nerfed. And not just a little nerf that you can shrug off, they added almost 10 seconds onto my cooldowns. I watched other Speeders around my level tank over 1000 infamy, and end up trapped down there with zero rewards.

    I’ve been very lucky, managing to hold around 3k, but I’m usually last in all my games now, and the chances of me continuing to progress are gone. My ship is just not good enough anymore to hold on to my previous infamy.

    Can I accept defeat and move on? Actually no... even if I wanted to, I just don’t have the resources to Switch my boat and weapons that quickly. It took me months to build my current ship. And it’s gonna be tough to start over if I end up in the penalty zone for rewards.

    So yeah, I think that’s worth discussing. They put us in an impossible position, and didn’t bother to consider what that would do.

    If you want to front me ~20,000 pearls to get my Enforcer up to Ace 1 standards, then I’ll happily shut up and move on. But otherwise, I’m going to say that what they did sucked, is still sucking, and will continue to actively suck for the foreseeable future.
  7. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Well your not alone. Being there i know f2p users find it hard to scrounge through if they recieve nerfs to their setup, since we usually cant switch to other setups quickly.
    But your setup is good enough as a speeder, most still use it too.(Remember no setup is underpowered) Only thing that can be is your items are underlevelled or rarity is rare instead of epic/leg.
    So like you started the game from scratch even knowing there are bigger whales in the sea, with similar sprites you got to move on, collecting epics and building them slowly, as f2p means good amount of patience and time is required to be like what p2w players can achieve in a day.
    Thats what i kept in mind always and am moving slowly, developing my setup. Likewise you see bittersteel got epic items too now. So i suppose with the same setup you got, you would do better and climb further if you got all turned into epics.

    About the update, i was talking about the explo cannon which is fine still as it still deals high damage with it. (~2.3-2.8k with all burn perks without critical, as stated by my speeder friend jelly). As for tesla bolt, i agree the cooldown increase was irrational and thats one of my reasons why i scrapped my epic t4 bolt which took me lots of months to build as an f2p, so i feel you.

    But what i meant was try to give your best in every match and not care whether its a win or lose. I would have literally spammed the forums if i would bring mistakes from losing.
    For example, here are some of today's battles -
    Taking my case, even though the others didnt do much, Nobody would complain about the first two matches since we won, but for a defeat like the last one, with a 3:1 damage dealt ratio between the first to second topmost damage dealer in team, some would pour their frustration out on the forums, but instead we could try to be better right?
    I feel that i could've won the last one if i gave one last push and evaded the last t4 leg blast cannon shot. Instead of enraging myself on what the rest didnt do, I should be able to do better, and thats how it should go, irrespective of what the others did and thats how i accept my defeats.
    Jwap and USS_ironsides like this.
  8. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Blood raven proved my pt actually he outdid himself doing that.
    Respect man Screenshot_20180331-190153.png
    Anyway this is devs answer which is little too versatile this answer can be used to nerf repair bolt grenade big torp etc etc.
    Last edited: 1 Apr 2018
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.

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