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Ideas... Lots of Ideas (By The Otherguy)

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by The Otherguy, 26 Mar 2018.


Which ideas do you feel are viable

  1. 1 (once per battle abilties)

  2. 2 (Automatic external features)

  3. 3 (Critical Hit Mechanics)

  4. 4 (Critical Hit Mechanics Sniper Edition)

  5. 5 (Repair Box Buff)

  6. 6 (Auto Bots)

  7. None of the above

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Okay so I've been thinking in bed for about a week now (Like @yellowocean when he's driving lol), and this is what I thought up.
    1. These involve mk7, mk8, and possibly mk9.
    Buffing mk7 or making an mk8 with integrated one-time per battle talents (I saw a thread about this that had some good ideas, so forgive me if I copy one or two by accident).
    Shooter: Overdrive, removes global cooldown.10s
    Defender: Charge, increases attributes (health, speed, turret rotation, agility) by 5%. 10s
    Enforcer: Adrenalin, start moving in bursts, even backwards. 7s
    Speeder: Go go go!, removes global cooldown for yellow items only. 8s
    Fixer: Buff Pulse, buffs damage, health, speed, turret rotation, agility, and cooldown by 3% for 8s.

    Now along the same track,if the prev. didn't get implemented, this is buffing mk7, if the prev. did get implemented on mk7, then this is buffing mk8, if the prev. was used on mk8, this is buffing mk9.
    2. Automatic external features.
    Shooter, two guns on the back fins <thumbnail shootermk7 guns.png > doing 250 damage each with a cooldown of 5s, auto aiming and firing, possibly upgradable, can set priority by ship type.
    Defender, ?a shield that extends to protect teammates? Damage to shield is dmg to defender.
    Defender idea two, a blue tesla shield that is "skin-tight" (meaning it can only protect defender). Shield starts at 0 hitpoints and gains (idk) 25 every 5s, which gets taken out of the next shot, the rest of the damage goes through, and the shield gets reset to 0. Max it can block is 1k dmg. Remaining damage can still crit.
    Enforcer, lookouts somewhere on the ship that increase range of vision by 2.
    Speeder, ram-jet increases speed indefinably when going straight.
    Fixer, healing aura, boats within half a pulse from the fixer gain 150% from other healing.
    Thats all for that, on to crit mechanics!

    3. Critical Hit Mechanics
    The faster a ship is moving, the less chance of getting a crit. Say both ships are still, chances of a crit are doubled. One ship is moving at 1 speed, standard crit chance, both ships are moving at 1, 75% standard crit chance. One ship is moving a 1 and the other at 1.5+, 50% of standard crit. Crit chance is never less than 1%.

    4. Critical Hit Sniper Edition
    Maybe have an adjustable "optimal crit-chance" range, the closer to that range, the higher the crit chance, the further from that range, the lower the change, till 50% of original. Min. optimal range 10.

    5. Repair Box Buff
    If destroyed by unfriend, deals 25% of it's health as damage to unfriend.

    6. Auto Bots
    Purchasable with large amounts of gold.
    1. Eye in the sky: Increases max view range by 2
    2. Gun boat: you can equip one weapon to it, and it will follow you and fire upon the same target as you. 1k health
    3. Medic: follows behind you and attaches to a friend, healing them for 6s, then it detaches and finds an other friend. 1k health
    4. Minesweeper: can disarm up to 4 mines. Takes 5s to disarm a mine. 1k health
    5. Ammo Boat: all items come off cooldown when you use this boat (be withing 5 of it and tap on it) [Blows up dealing damage to friends and unfriends if sunk] 1k health
    6. Suicide bomber: rushes into the unfriends and explodes, sending shrapnel everywhere. 750 health
    7. One shaped like a dog. 1 hp. When it dies John Wick comes out guns blazing. :p:D (But seriously, not like that, just a booby trap one)
    I realize these are all huge changes/additions, and will prob never get added.
    Thats all, thank.
    Last edited: 26 Mar 2018
  2. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    someone doesn't like crit
  3. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Lol, they don't make much sense. (More than 1%)
  4. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    It'd be awesome if the cooldowns were also cut in half, otherwise most of the free global cooldown time would go to waste. Not OP because in 8s half cooldowns maybe let you use the item like 2 times.
    These would make awesome 2pt blue items, tbh.
    I like the idea but the numbers are too intense imo. If both ships are still, I'd say 150% instead of 200%, and the reduction should only be half as strong as you're suggesting.
    I think it should just have a 10% higher chance to crit at longer range, and 10% less chance at point blank.
    Yes! Or if there was a talent to frost or stun the unfriend for like 3 seconds, that'd be even cooler than damage.
    Drones! Here are my thoughts on each one:
    1. 2 is wimpy, but let it stack with other teammates' Eye in the skies. A team of 5 players with Eye in the sky will have a whopping +10 view range!
    2. Gun boat should deal half the damage the weapon equipped deals and only shoots when you press the 'fire' button. It should still fire even if your weapon is on cooldown when you tap, as long as its own cooldown is refreshed. This should allow speeders to use one without it ruining their stuns and frosts.
    3. Medic should just heal yourself, like a weak but constant pulse. In other words, it should be like a better but destroyable bandage. If your health is already full or if its health drops below 50% it should start healing itself instead. This is overridden if your own health drops below 50%. Healblocks also apply to your drone.
    4. Seems balanced
    5. This dude should be slowwwwwwwww and be pretty tanky, maybe 5k health instead of 1k. Great for your team to go back to and restock on ammo (this would be broken if it were constantly next to you in the middle of the battlefield lol). It should have a 5 second cooldown and be used automatically by being within that 5 radius.
    6. Seems balanced lol
    7. Isn't this one the same thing as a suicide bomber then LOL

    Alright, there's my 2 cents. Good stuff, I like.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You had me at John Wick's Dog:p
  6. WestKach1p

    WestKach1p New Member

    18 Mar 2018
    good stuff bro!! good stuff!

    especialy the auto bots!!! thats a thing for the future for shure!! lets say they would becoume available at mk5 and cost 2mil.. gold??
    below mk5 should be restricted.
    Last edited: 27 Mar 2018
  7. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    1. I like the idea of adding something different to Mk8/9 ships rather than just being bigger, slower and fatter. This could be a major buff to the players that are already lvl48 though.. so it might not be a good thing for balance.

    2. I like the idea of the external features, but do also agree that they are basically blue (passive) items like Piku said. Maybe instead of the idea #1, we could gain a slot for these new items at Mk7/Mk8. Make them purple items. They are more "alive" passive items, if that makes sense.

    3. I think this needs to be turned around 180 degrees. Why make less of a chance to crit on the ships that are hardest to hit? If this was implemented, it should be reversed. Less crit on the slower ships, since you will never miss a defender. And full crit on the faster ships.

    4. Again, I think this is opposite of what it needs to be. Sniper needs to be forced to be used only in long range. Full crit at long range and then reduced crit chance as they get closer. All the way till roughly point blank is 0% crit.

    5. Interesting idea. I like frosting/stunning too. How much does a maxed repair box heal? I'm just terrified thinking about an mk6 Fixer running triple repair boxes and double mines making an entire map a death field.

    6. Additional "npc" characters would be fun, but would completely alter the balance.
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I am yet to hear of a good reason why this cannot be implemented. It's called a sniper cannon for a REASON.
    Blueee, Disguised and The Otherguy like this.
  9. Admiral DJ

    Admiral DJ Well-Known Member

    27 Nov 2017
    Same reason why you can still headshot someone right next to them :p a crit is a crit.
    I’m fine with that type of nerf too. But if they do that then I think they should up the crit chance a little for when you are at its maximum range.
  10. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Yes, if you hit somebody with a rifle in close-range, you will do the same amount of damage IRL. But when was the last time you saw somebody clearing a building in close-range with an M107? Please give me a bullpup shotgun instead (Carronade..).
    The Otherguy and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    That's IRL. A game is not IRL. In conventional FPSes, aniper rifles are prevented from being used closerange by using scopes, and it takes tremendous skill to "noscope" a target.

    This is NOT a conventional FPS. Sniper cnanons having the same crit chance at all ranges is like giving someone a x% chance to hit a target with a noscope. Not skill, chance. See where I'm going with this?

    A shooter can just run sniper cannons with no need for an excannon, and jusr plink away at targets from all ranges. That ain't right.
  12. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    It is just wrong that you could run an entire loadout of Sniper Cannons on any ship and it would be viable.
  13. Da Carronade King

    Da Carronade King Well-Known Member

    7 Jan 2018
    A world unknown
    I like all of that. One question- who is John Wick???
    But its a lot and even one of those ideas might take a while to implement these ideas and they seem complicated especially the bots bit. Also isnt it a waste putting it at mk7 or 8, most people only reach mk5, so it should be added at mk6 or something.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  14. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    The young one has to learn a lot.
  15. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    I was basing this on the fact that Irl there is much less chance of hitting a critical target when it is moving.
    Scopes are sighted in for a certain range. At 25 yards (irl) you couldn't use a scope properly.
    I hate unseen across the map crits as much or more than point blank crits.
    Lol, that would be a great troll setup.
    Exactly my point.
  16. Admiral DJ

    Admiral DJ Well-Known Member

    27 Nov 2017
    What’s the difference between blasting them with a sniper and blasting them with a blast cannon? The sniper’s power comes from its range while the blast cannon comes from its consistent high damage. Sniper could be changed a little but I think it’s just a strong as blast cannon is.

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    Last edited: 28 Mar 2018
  17. Admiral DJ

    Admiral DJ Well-Known Member

    27 Nov 2017
    It’s not right that blast cannons can do just as much damage more consistently but nobody complains about that. Blast cannon has its power, sniper cannon has its range.
  18. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Well, with luck, you can just vaporize the blast user before he gets close. I used to use a sniper cannon, and it's just a death button you press. Blast cannon users need to learn. A LOT.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  19. Admiral DJ

    Admiral DJ Well-Known Member

    27 Nov 2017
    Doesn’t seem like it, kinda looks like a get close press the button and the enemy is dead. Don’t forget the max crit from sniper is 45% so that would require an epic or higher. So from a rare it’s only 37.5%. There is still a good chance that the shot won’t crit.
  20. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Watch this:

    3000+ battles using a blast cannon. It is NOT as simple as getting in close and hitting them. You have their team, your positioning, mines, torps and mortars to worry about and monitor as you move in. When I went for the speeder, I took the massive risk of being hittable from my right flank. Anyone could have gotten me there.

    Snipers? No need. Far away? BOOM crit. Someone closing in? Guess what? You can still crit with the same chance.

    Tell me, other than being reliable and satisfying to use, what is the use of a blast cannon? As @Help I Cant Swim said(hope I'm not misquoting him) the very fact that all snipes on all ships are viable proves its versatility.

    Edit: I see you run triple snipes. If you find sniper cannons to be "balanced", find me a shooter that can use triple blast with the same versatility. Yes I understand shooters are glass cannons, but this ability to take down targets at close and long ranges is wrong.

    And I STILL haven't heard a good explanation as to why crit chance shouldn't decrease at close range.
    Disguised and The Otherguy like this.

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