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Current Shop System, does it suck?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by D3X, 26 Apr 2017.


What do you think of the Current Shop / Item System?

  1. Needs work.

  2. Good.

  1. X20A-FREEDOM-

    X20A-FREEDOM- New Member

    25 Apr 2017
    It's a trap lol depends on your luck though.
  2. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    One 4K box ain't gonna give you what you want unless you are really lucky. This box is for the big spenders (I.e. Whales)
  3. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Why do you feel that it is not good spend of your pearl and only for big spenders? It is literally the best place to spend your pearls unless you only want to hoard them and never use for anything.
    From an epic container you get at least 10 rares, 1 epic, high chance for an extra epic, 9 epic parts, legendary part, 10+ epic power cells and 10+ rare power cells. If none of the items were interesting you can scrap them for a lot of upgrade materials and more cells and parts.

    I don't even know how one could play the game in a way so that none of the stuff you get from the box wouldn't be a nice boost for your progress. :)
  4. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    hi @Miika,
    the point of most of the players here is that the the epic container is not worth the pearls because it's all completely RNG. In real world money, 3900 pearls is like $35 US, for us filipinos, that's a lot of money already, maybe for other countries that's relatively cheap (i don't know), but in my opinion, that's a considerable amount of money considering this is only a mobile game after all. Regardless of the price, the main gripe here is that for that amount of money, you're not even sure you're gonna get something you really want or need. sure, like you said, if none of the rares and epics are of use to you, you can just scrap it and use it for upgrades. Therein lies the problem, no one wants to spend $35 dollars for potential scraps.

    to prove my point, i dare you to do this little experiment in the shop. put 2-3 full epic/rare or even legendary items for sale in the shop. but you can only buy it using pearls. in the old system, a 2slot epic would cost around 1800 pearls so maybe make it 2,000 pearls for a 2-slot epic, maybe 1400 pearls for a 1slot epic, 500 pearls for 2slot rares, and 350 pearls for 1 slot rare. maybe 3,000 pearls for a legendary. like the old system, these 2-3 items are randomly generated whenever the shop refreshes. so the shop will sell everything that it's selling now plus 3 items that can only be bought using pearls. i'm willing to bet that you'll earn more pearls from those 3 items than from epic container purchases (specially once you go global). Consumers are always willing to pay a premium for something they really want.

    come to think of it, how are your pearl purchases per player nowadays in the new system compared to the old system? if on a per player average, the pearl purchases have gone down, then that already proves half my point. i know that info is confidential so i'm not expecting an answer on that. but if the pearl users are buying less nowadays, that just confirms that your current system is not viable or needs to be tweaked.

    Let's go global! guild wars here we come!!! :)
  5. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    My comment was in relation to "i'll hold on to all my precious pearl" which implies he already has the pearls, most likely through earning them by playing. The game is giving free pearls so that players could buy pearls-only thingies even without spending any money, so never spending them will only hurt your progress. And since the epic container is the best value pearl purchase in the game I was curious why buying it would not be worth it, given that there isn't anything better to spend them on either. Of course everyone is totally free to not use them at all but that will guarantee you nothing. :)
  6. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    If she didn't spend money to get the pearls means she saved it over a long period of time with blood, sweat and tears. Alternatively, she did buy some pearls but it's money hard earned (why else would she be asking what she should do if USD$35 didn't mean much to her). PS: I intuitively made the assumption that she didn't want rare/epic parts and rare/epic power cells because people who use the term 'precious pearls' typically don't spend for a chunk of upgrading parts - unless driven to desperation due to shitty RNG.

    My response to her was "One 4K box ain't gonna give you what you want unless you are really lucky" because that's the truth. She might want an epic carronade but may get an epic rudder instead. So if she could only afford ONE box, my recommendation to her was to not buy it unless she was feeling very lucky. I'm not denying that pearls shouldn't be spent, but only spent on things that are definite. e.g. crew training (cos like at lvl 40, the sugar cap is 1.5m but crew level past lvl25 needs more than 1.5m sugar - go figure!) or speeding up crew training. Because when you spend pearls on that, you know what you are getting. (Thank God the devs didn't 'improve' this like they did to the shop ;))

    Now if I were a whale (i.e. I wipe my ass with $10 bills), I would just keep buying the 4k box till I got the item I wanted :cool:

    See the difference?
  7. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    My only point was that if he/she already has the pearls then it's best to spend them at least on something. And if you are going to use them then the epic container is the best way of spending them if you are looking to get progress on your items. That's all.
  8. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017

    Fair enough, point taken. But you totally ignored most of what i said. whatever the reason is i hope you guys are doing something about the shop issues. As the survey above indicates, nobody has voted "good".

  9. AndyAshton

    AndyAshton Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Uncertainty!! Why spend on something that we don't know what we are getting. Expecting players to feel curious and spend impulsively.

    Make power cells available to be purchased in the shop. ( This is the mother of all the problems in the current system)
  10. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    @porthos ... What I find funny in your response that it's not so bad when we finally stop whining about it.... You already have a bunch of epic items levelled from pre update, and the rewards you get from even losing a battle are more than I get for a win ( that may be a 'slight' exaggeration, but not by much) so for you to level up items, you are correct, it's not so hard. But look at a 1-2k infamy player. Most I get for a win is 30k gold and maybe 11k sugar ( at a guess) since the update, I have not been able to level ANY of my epic items, 1 due to the parts shortage and exorbitant gold price and 2 the improbability of actually getting a duplicate to evolve items. So tell me, how is your experience similar to us lowly 2k infamy players?? And for the record I play for at least 4 hours everyday. I log on to collect EVERY free box.. and still don't have any "luck" ....
    --Mr squiqqle
    Ms.Legendary, D3X and gsle24 like this.
  11. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Spot on!!
  12. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Right... Even if you really do get the resources, it takes time. In fact, a bit longer than people want I suppose.
    To make my point clear, I'll compare P0rthos, me, and a random low level player (10-15).
    Remember... A rare piece cost 62k gold and an epic piece costs 287k gold (if I remember correctly... :))
    I'll only be taking gold into account as they are the main currency to buy stuff.

    A nightmare-league player -- 150% reward bonus -- Hitting an estimated 45k gold per win
    Plays 1-2 hours per day -- around 12 matches -- 45k X 12 = 540k gold earned MAXIMUM (assuming if all games are a win)
    Quests yield 100-200k gold (I'll take average of 150k) X 3 (if lucky enough for all gold quest) = extra 450k gold earned
    --> Battle rewards (540k) + Quest rewards (450k) = 990k gold -- near a million!
    Played long ago before update -- has a lot of epics and rare resources collected already -- not much to worry about

    Me (Captain_Perry, 3100 infamy):
    An ACE1 player -- 120% reward bonus -- Hitting an estimated 30k gold per win
    Plays ~5 matches per day (casual gamer) -- 30k X 5 = 150k gold earned MAXIMUM (assuming if all games are a win)
    Quests yield 100-200k gold (I'll take average of 150k) X 3 (if lucky enough for all gold quest) = extra 450k gold earned
    --> Battle rewards (150k) + Quest rewards (450k) = 600k gold -- almost affording a full rare item
    Played quite long ago before update -- has a decent amount of rates and epics -- need to worry about building COMPLETELY new items

    An average low-level player (I have played as a low level one before, and now I'm estimating):
    A warrior league player -- ?% reward bonus (forgot) -- Hitting an estimated 5k gold per win
    Plays ~5 matches per day (casual gamer) -- 5k X 5 = 25k gold earned MAXIMUM (assuming if all games are a win)
    Quests yield an average of 35k gold X 3 (if lucky enough for all gold quest) = extra 105k gold earned
    --> Battle rewards (25k) + Quest rewards (105k) = 130k gold -- not enough to even afford 200 rare parts in a bundle
    Just started recently -- starts empty handed -- needs to worry about everything: Item collection, item levelling, scrapping and resources.

    Can you see my point? In here, a lot of people average 2k infamy are complaining, and sure they are getting quite less.
    Adding on to their stress on collecting without spending is about how are they even supposed to progress at a "satisfactory" rate (they ARE progressing though) with the randomness of combining pieces,
    Hope that proves my point. Thanks.
  13. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Let me fill that for you for my shoes...

    Me (D3X) average mid-level player- 2k-2.3k Infamy
    Warrior League 1 -- 80% reward bonus -- Hitting an estimated 20k gold per battle
    Plays ~10 matches per day (more dedicated gamer) -- 20k X 10 = 200k gold earned MAXIMUM (assuming if all games are a win)
    Quests yield an average of 75k gold X 3 (if lucky enough for all gold quest) = extra 225k gold earned
    --> Battle rewards (200k) + Quest rewards (225k) = 425k gold -- not enough to even afford 50 epic parts or a rare Perk.
    Started about a month or 2 before the update -- quite empty -- lots of low level items, very little epics, needs to worry about everything: Item collection, item levelling, scrapping and resources.

    @Perry, this is spot on. That's the point I've been trying to make with Nightmare level players not knowing exactly what lower level players are going through. They have no idea, except to guess and to make assumptions based on their past experiences and reflecting on the new system. They think we have it easier, but that's far from the truth.
    Last edited: 8 May 2017
  14. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    1. Please post this on somewhere relevant. I'm sorry, but we are discussing about the shop system here...
    2. The no ad problem is not related to Devs as they said to people that they can't control the ads.
    Hope my response helps. :D
  15. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    What sucks with this system is that you could be waiting for an Epic Carronade to get to T5, and buying 4k crates, but when you'll eventually get it is a complete unknown.

    Ignoring the farming/whaling aspect, lets say everyone got 300k pearls as an experiment. Depending on "luck" / "gamble" (depends on how you think about it), it varies between player to player, and if they are lucky or not, they could get it or not get it at all in the 300k. One could get it on the first try, or one person wold get it midway after 150k, and one could never get it at all. It's not linear at all, but random.

    This "chance" is what doesn't work in my point of view, a player could be level 45 and a player being level 30 with different degrees of playing time can have totally different luck and could end up with the exact same items. Great for the lower level player, but the level 45 would feel shafted. The same applies at lower levels and the disparity could be more extreme.
    Last edited: 1 May 2017
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.
  16. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I truly can't agree more @D3X. This luck disparity... Not sure.
    I occasionally play on my low level account (General_Perry), and while I am carrying uncommon T2 items, I am battling people with rares and even epics (not saying that I don't see commons or uncommons being used). I spotted a player who even had a legendary big torpedo.
    However... I don't have a clue on how to solve the "chance" disparity. Maybe add a higher chance to crew (the more you train a crew, the more likely you get an item from that crew member)? I'll leave it up to y'all to think about it.;)
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.
  17. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Perry Well, that's an excellent idea in itself. An even more extreme is perhaps removing common, uncommon, or even rares parts when you reach a certain point of crew level for even spawning ever again.

    I've also seen some legendary items, been killed with a legendary T1 Blast Cannon on 2 shots (I have 2k hp) and a Legendary T2 Big Torp. Not fun!
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.
  18. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    What we have here are players who have played a couple thousand games, complaining that they can't build ultimate weapons that it took the rest of us 10,000+ games, considerable skill, and a year of work to build. I'm done here, clearly there's no point in arguing.

    Soon there will be a much bigger player pool for u, and u won't have to face the big guys as much. In fact, u will be the big guys, and we will have a whole slew of new players complaining about the OP guys in ace league.
  19. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    This is sad. I mean we're not even arguing directly with you, in fact, we're simply listing suggestions and pointing out the problems. In the meanwhile, you're taking it personal(calling us whiners) and almost seem like we are discrediting your efforts and stripping away your hard work ( 10,000+ games and a year of work), yet you're not even looking at the points we've brought up(tunnel vision perhaps?) that majority of the issues doesn't even apply to you(you achieved everything in the old system!). Also don't like that tone where you refer us as "couple of players with a couple thousand games", I mean 10k is still considered a "couple thousand" with a little more. Most of us speaking here already have 3k and above.

    Your current status in BB may or may not be doable again in the same 10,000 game/1year timeframe, don't you see the argument here? And is your 10,000 game/1year timeframe good for the game even if it's doable anymore?
    Last edited: 1 May 2017
  20. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    That is the point here, isn't it. We're not here to whinge. We care about this game.. and with the global launch 2 days away, just want the Devs to be aware that they need to take into consideration the realistic expectations of a mobile game for the general public. If you advertise that you need to spend 4 hours a day on this game and grind away for a year, just to make mediocre progress, then people wouldn't bother. We here obviously LOVE playing Battle Bay and want it to succeed. Which is why D3X bothered going to the trouble to open this thread. Not sure if many have noticed the lack of interest a lot of the current (700k accounts? Obviously not all active, and some second, even 3rd accounts) player pool even take in participating in the forums?

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