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How to make the Battle Bay Great

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by F.QTR, 24 Mar 2018.

  1. F.QTR

    F.QTR Active Member

    8 Aug 2017
    I do work unfortunately
    how is everyone doing

    this is F.QTR from GS or Rebz whatever you remember lol

    lately the game has been slow or not as fun as it used to be and I think lack of new things has slowed it down. I saw some leave the game some don't play and it is a shame since we lost some great players.
    I am not here to talked bad about anyone I just want to make this game fun again and it is my goal.

    this is going to be a long post so take your time reading

    1 - Guilds

    Guilds need to improve and the only way to do it is by :

    * increase the guild members to 30 or 35
    we lost some friends due to havey questing and we would love to have them back and 25 is small number for the new quest system.
    * massage to all guild
    Guild members should have the availability ablty to send massage to all so we can communicate easier.

    2 - Questing

    * Rewards

    questing rewards isn't fair since I can creat a guild for my self and do 3 quest and win 42k token like a guild with 110 quests.
    boards are mostly parts cells or perks that most people don't need anymore. so making the reward better will make better competition.

    * Quest time

    7 days for 365 is too much players are going to aim for leader board to get first place and stop questing and people will get burn out and don't do it anymore. right now in GS we take weeks off from the stress of Questing.
    making it 5 days only with every season start will be better option since it is a reset fleeting is easier and 5 days then for 9 days I can enjoy or try to get most inf.

    3 - Weapons


    Introducing new weapons 2-3 weapons will make the game easier and enjoyable more with the new feature. ( I know it will be difficult to get a new weapon idea)

    * Useless weapons
    1 Standard mortar ? what is the purpose of it ? Dmg is low, area is small I hit for 130 from a leg weapon is a shame Ballpark big area ? big breta high dmg ? Long range for Long range ? the standard mortar is for nothing don't tell me cool down since its not that much and the issue you have to use it for every quest week ?

    * mortars dmg

    people don't use mortars why ? frost isn't working anymore the possibility of hitting other than defender is low and dmg is very small if not centered ( if you get centered you mostly sleeping) buff them dmg and make people use them.

    * EC
    the nerf killed speeders and defenders and made me ( enforcer ) even better so I don't see the reason behind it.

    * Legendary weapons and parts

    its too difficult to get them can you find a why to lower the possibility ( I understand the money part * accountant * ) but we need part for sure.

    4 - Ships

    * Defenders

    will I hate the defender ship I don't use it and I wont why ? simple too slow too big and 3 weapons ? every torpo mortar will hit you and everyone can run away from you so what is your purpose. I think buffing it by .15 speed and shrinking the size by 15% would be great.

    * MK8
    how long are we going to wait everyone is maxed now 50 and mk7 just make new training and create MK8 lvl 52 or 53 ( not more please for now )

    * fixer Big shield

    fixers are the most targeted ship giving them big Shield like all the other ships would be fair ( not a fixer too )

    5- Maps

    * New Maps

    can we have new maps please we are sick of these maps already 3 or 4 new would be great and thanks.

    6 - Leaderboard

    * rewards

    I don't think the top 3 get bad rewards I think it is good but more leg part would be amazing

    but 4 to 10 I would never want to be there if a guys only has 4000 inf has a better reward than 4 to 10 really ? who cares about the cells the epic parts are more important to all players I asked.

    * New League for more than 5K

    I think nightmare is full now so 5K new league make sense

    * 3 Months rewards

    in 3 months we will have 6 seasons so the top 10 people from all these season should get something or at least a mention for keeping there place in the top.

    7- Marketing

    the game isn't growing as much as it used to be we need new life and new people in it and only happens by marketing ( for example I found the game from instgeram which I don't see any post anymore) that just a suggestion to increase players and improve the game.

    8 - challenges / Tournaments

    oh boy the reason everyone is mad how can we do this when where to be honest I think you guys are working on it already so my ideas

    * challenges

    well make a way where players have to put 10 pearls ( each to enter ) 1v1 or 2v2 or 5v5 challenges or 100 pearls for more rewards thats would be good for both side ( wink wink) I can go like 10 wins with less than 3 losses for the big prize or something and time after time I introduce new challenge for people for example the game post a challenge 1v1 with enforcer with blast been equipped or something like that where you win a epic blast in the end with the reset of the rewards or leg if it is a 100 pearl challenge. a lot of game are doing this and players are spending and enjoying. so both sides win

    * tournaments / guild wars

    we need the 5v5 guild vs guild war at least 1 each month so people can enjoy where each guild can enter with more than 1 team but 5 members can't be replaced if someone don't show up you play with 4 people. best of 3 or 5 what ever

    then 1 v1 for the best player in the game.
    I Love the game and I enjoyed I don't want to lose that now I already have 3 maxed from each weapon and I been in top of questing for ever ( many call me the best quester in the game and I love it lol ) but then what we need something new for sure. I know dev are trying there best so I thought I would help with this post.

    If new players need any help in the game how to improve pm in the game I can help

    many thinks to everyone

  2. OaTo Wdk

    OaTo Wdk New Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Neptune_Gaming likes this.
  3. Shocky

    Shocky Member

    17 Jul 2017
    no new maps... or add the custom starting maps. no new maps... MK8 too unbalanced right now most of us with the captain level changes cant even get MK6 yet.
  4. F.QTR

    F.QTR Active Member

    8 Aug 2017
    I do work unfortunately

    I understand for low level players but there are a lot of people with mk7 for a year new things are important too.

    New maps are somthing important old maps are small and for new players we need somthing different.
  5. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Well thought out points. I'll mention, however, that if mortars need buffing it's only at the very high levels. Mortars dominate the game at every infamy I've seen (2300 and below).

    They've also simply got to do something about the new player experience. Now, at 2k infamy I'm finally seeing the sort of matches and performance I'd expect. My infamy is reasonably stable and it goes up when I'm obviously playing well and down when I'm not. None of the boats I'm fighting are more than 1 mark above me and most are my own level. This is what a player ought to experience when they graduate from bot-land.
    _devill, *JAWS* and Neptune_Gaming like this.
  6. F.QTR

    F.QTR Active Member

    8 Aug 2017
    I do work unfortunately
    Mortars are useless in mk6 or mk7 lvl and even lower if people know the right setup they will reach faster mortars are useless but I can understand low lvls.

    Yes experience teaches better than anything
    *JAWS* likes this.
  7. Siruslexusaten

    Siruslexusaten New Member

    22 May 2017
    95% of the player base in this game is below 4k infamy. I do agree new maps need to be added, but distancing the higher leagues further will result in an even greater dead zone for players to fight through. I will never fault anyone for wanting a better gaming experience ,but 6 points you made were all related to a better high level experience. A good point is the starter experience, seeing as how there are mk5 and mk6's at 300 infamy. New content is necessary but expanding content is not at all needed at this point.
    _devill and NietonoPanda like this.
  8. YT_GaMeRAchuLes

    YT_GaMeRAchuLes New Member

    26 Nov 2017
    Agreed :)
  9. F.QTR

    F.QTR Active Member

    8 Aug 2017
    I do work unfortunately
    I think most my points were about the game it self not lvls

    Yes the mk8 would make a difference but when I was mk6 I was beating mk7 with no issue. But maps, rewards, tournaments. Challenges, weapons are for everyone thanks for the replay
    _devill and *JAWS* like this.
  10. ArctiC

    ArctiC Active Member

    18 May 2017
    Completely agree! I've been losing interest lately, almost at the verge of quitting - ArctiC_
    ViscountSniffit and Riddlerpaji like this.
  11. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    I like this idea :D
  12. Riddlerpaji

    Riddlerpaji Active Member

    5 May 2017
    Need more resources. Resources are so low compared to other games. New game mode etc much needed.
  13. GS1_GUARDS

    GS1_GUARDS New Member

    24 Mar 2018
    As a leader and on behalf of GS1 (GUARDSMAN ELITE), we totally agreed and support your suggestion!! Sincerely hope Rovio can take this into consideration especially on the followings :
    1) To have a break in between weekly guild quests instead of non stop 365 days questing;
    2) Improve the rewards of rivalry ranking in quest for top 3 places/position as the token used for the spining rewards are craps.. The amount of pearls we spent for boosts are much more better than the rewards.. I rather buy epic containers with better return and lesser pearls spent as compare in boosts for questing;
    3) Defender ship - Is one of the most unpopular in the market and Rovio should improve its ability to balance up the ship users;
    4) Explosive Cannon vs Blast Cannon - i think EC was being nerf down too much with same range as Blast cannon and yet longer recovering with about 14.4 secs as compare Blast at 11.1secs and worst using 2 slots as compare to Blast 1 slot.. The only different is just that estimated 300 damage is not justified;
    5) Leagues - Rovio should implement another higher league above Nightmare as now you can see alot top players above 5k infamy.

    Game life is short unless there always a new improvement and new platform with new challenging events or missions to achieve.. if not u will start to lose out players..
  14. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Progression is wayyyyyyyyyyyy too slow. Even if you have all copies, it still takes weeks if not months to upgrade items. I'm still playing rare items despite having all stacks of epics in my inventory because it will probably take me 50 years to get every one of those to level 40. That's the problem. I've been around since global and still stuck with rares. Most people who play casually don't have that kind of patience.
  15. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Haha whales that want more power? Who'd have thought?
    I've been on here, grinding, for about 2 years now and I haven't reached mk7 yet.
    How much more of an advantage do you guys want?
  16. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    It's not about advantage its about game being boring as there is nothing new to do
    For f2p it's eternal grind and whales same opponents or quests there is no fun in what the game has to offer right now.
    I agree with all pt of the content creator and would like to add one more pt that progression should be made lot easier as compared to its state right now especially time of training of captain from lvl 40-50 should atleast be decreased by half.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  17. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    it´s about fun, not about power mate... fun it´s finish when it´s allways the same map, and the same weapons combinations or the same mode to play... I can tell you from memory the setup of the mostly of the players who are playing in my level, and not for my good memory, only because it´s obvious.
    I am 42 years old, I have played games since I remember, I have many accounts maximized in games, and I assure you that the development in this game is slow and inefficient. a pity because it is a great game that is not taking its potential.
    So nobody wants more power for the whales, only that the game is dynamic and with important updates to an excellent base, that give it life in the long term. So do not turn around the proposals that people bother to do in their free time so that people who charge to do this have it easier if they listen to their customers.
    I also remind you that if everyone in this game were f2p, the game would not exist ... so do not hate whales so much.
    In any case good ideas hopefully some will be reality ... thanks for your time F.QTR
  18. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    New gear, new maps, new game modes etc I'm 100% on board for of course.
    New captain levels and mk8 ships not at all.

    The only people with maxed progression in this game have bought it and the power gap is huge already, there's really no call to make it bigger.
    It's not about hating whales man, but about having some sort of balance in the game.
  19. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Hello, this is i who has signed in and seen the thread on discord. Here's my reply.
    I completely agree with everything here, nice work with making the long wall of text hehe.

    There needs to be more purpose to the game, doing the same thing over and over again is quite boring, especially to players who have been playing for a very long time (like me). Once you hit level 50 i feel there is no purpose to the game afterwards. They need more activities in the game so it can give a meaning to play the game.

    MK 8? Not yet, i think it is not the time to add mk 8 as F2P it takes a whileee to level up each crew member individually and when P2P can instantly rush the levels easy. Let some people catch up first..

    Standard Mortar? It needs a buff, one of the most unpopular mortars out of the 4 you can choose from.
    Explosive Cannon did more things a blast cannon couldn't. It deserved a nerf, just imagine if it was a damage nerf that would've been more severe.
    Defender is on my top priority of "need a buff" list. A whole team of shooters can destroy this big one within a few seconds.

    Just keep the game balance for both F2P and P2P. ATM there is a huge inbalance in the game which needs to be fix first.
  20. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    I have to agree with you FQTR.
    If I may add, T6 and possibly T7 items.
    Can we get specifics maps as well ? Mortars type map, torps map, sniper map (long range where you can’t go forward too much, etc...).
    Maybe add them to the “training mode”.

    I have to disagree with those saying MK8 boats shouldn’t come now. It’s been since June 2017 since we saw new boats. That was the 2.4 update.
    You gain experiences by going into battles and give F2P/P2W players a faster way to reach higher levels.

    A lot of players (myself included) left the game and/or are thinking of quitting because the end game (level 50) has nothing more to offer.
    That, plus the lack of actual “fun contents” is definitely a bad mix (and not even talking/adding about the constant nerfing in every updates).

    I think we can all understand your perspectives about F2P not advancing much but there has to be something at the end game.
    If level 50 is only the end game, even F2P players will get bored once they reach that level.

    And let’s be honest, F2P players are advancing levels rapidly by just doing battles.
    Waveblower, who thought some day he would take months to reach MK7 boats as a F2P, have had his boys for some time now by just battling. This statement holds true to other F2P players, and I saw quite a few of them in the bay last time I played (rare gears, sometimes not fully maxed out) but having MK7 boats.

    Again, the lack of advertisements, lack of contents, the constant nerfing make any player base go find another game.
    If the base player becomes very small, the development of any game/app becomes to a stop and companies start trying something new.

    FQTR, if you can add my suggestions in your post, I would really appreciate.


    Ps : the imbalance doesn’t come from F2P and P2W. It became imbalance because of the constant nerfing in some areas and not in others. That alone, created an imbalance game.

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