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Infamy, is there another to keep score of our achievements?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Flint, 19 Mar 2018.

  1. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Hello All,

    I have spoken to many people who suggested that 'Infamy' does not say much of how good or how bad you are. It comes down to how lucky you get to get a good team and if that teams has had the luck of obtaining good weapons and gear.

    But now if you do you utmost best and get do as much damage as the other 4 Friends combined and you lose, because of some so called suicide players or people who don't work together at all, then you go down in Infamy. But maybe due to your work, you have (as a matter of speech) gained infamy by doing a good battle. So, is it fair to punish everyone, even if one can have played the best battle in her or his life? The same is if one player is so good and thanks to her of him the battle is won, while the others were doing hardly anything. Would the best player not be rewarded more?

    Here are 4 battles I played today. I don't show these out of vanity, because I am often not the best player. But it is just the idea what I mean. If you have played a good battle and have dealt the most damage of all the players, then should that not stand for something? And if your team mates don't work together, then there is nothing you can do about it. I always start the battle with 'Together', but 95% does not respond and you see often people don't care what the others do. Even get a negative sometimes when I called for help, when 3 Unfriends are at my back and the rest is on the other side of the map.

    So, if people say there should be something else instead of Infamy, then what would that be? Or should it be measured differently? I don't have the answer, that is why I started this thread.

    And if someone with a mk1 or mk2 get to a 1000 Infamy, should he get more points as a battle is won than a mk4 or mk5 with the same Infamy? I have seen mk2 players with 200 damage weapons do more damage, than mk5 players with all rares and epics.

    Just a few thoughts.

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  2. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    In my opinion, at the beginning of game people are not sure whether they should stick together or spread (still waiting how the game would develop). Depending on the composition of team, spreading (not staying together) would be better if you have more speeder or enforcer in a team. I realize this when i reach 1500 infamy.

    Anyway, if you are not sure what to do and no one response to stay together, observe if there are any teammate that go in 2 or 3 and follow the one with more teammates. I always do this when i was still a shooter.

    Hope you understand my explanation.
  3. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Infamy is a good way to show how good you are, just not your momentary infamy. What you should be looking at is your average.

    It's true that you can lose because your teammates are bad (just like you can win because they're better than you, something which is often conveniently ignored), but in the end, whatever happens on your team can also happen to the enemy team. Over a large amount of battles, there's only one constant factor in your battles: you. And that is what your infamy will reflect, how capable you are of influencing the match outcome. Now, of course it will fluctuate up and down, as it does for everyone, but your average is definitely a meaningful number.
  4. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Then you have spoken to many people who arent as good as they think they are ;) Noone is consistantly lucky (or unlucky) with teams over thousand of games, that just a bad excuse.

    Infamy vs equipment (mk+items+perks+talents+games played if in Nightmare league) is a fairly accurate measurement of how good you are. There is a reason why some mk4 captains make it to 3k whilst others sit below 1k infamy. When Im matched down and play with the mk6 boats that hover around 3k, then it becomes very obvious why they are where they are. In short they are, almost without exceptions, horrendous teamplayers.
    Ian and Kalbs like this.
  5. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I completely understand the OP because this happens to me, a lot. Considering matchmaking is based on instant-infamy, and infamy itself can go up or down hundreds of points a day, it's easy to see scenarios where matchups are, well, mismatched by a lot, even when infamy numbers are equal in both sides of a given match. I'm composing a lengthy topic of thoughts on this that haven't been covered an any of the 100 other topics on these subjects.
  6. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    You should've asked the people who told you that. I am VERY INTERESTED as well.

    So, with this logic, every successful player is just "lucky" to be carried off to their respective infamy?

    I don't understand your mentality, you are basically claiming that this game does not require that much skill and it's all about luck.
  7. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    The problem is that it is very hard to separate out individual performance in what is, at it's core, a team based activity. For instance, let's talk your example of a high damage dealer. I can name any number of times when the high damage dealer is also the single largest reason for the team loss (you know, the mortar guys who hide behind a rock till everyone else is dead). These are obviously people focused on individual performance rather than generating team wins. I don't particularly want to reward them. Heck, they probably think they are good because they show up at the top of the leader board (at their pathetically low infamy).

    Or, we could look at the low damage dealer. My favorite example is the little M2 speeder in an M4/M5 match who buzz bombed the enemy team and caused such chaos and havoc that our shooting line was able to get into position and unload. That was a very short match. I don't remember but that speeder may well have gotten zero damage. How would you account for their team contribution?

    Finally, I'll note that as much as i have serious issues with the infamy and matchmaking systems, this isn't one of them. It is exactly true that winning and losing is a team function. If the rest of the team sandbags there's little I can do to fix that. What is also true, however, is that to the extent that I'm a skilled captain of my boat and a great team player then I add to the likelihood of my team pulling it together and winning. After all, I'm a part of the team composition of every team I play in. Over time that generates wins not losses. I see about 500 points as a normal infamy swing in Battle Bay. Anything inside that is just noise and the only thing that really matters is whether I'm going up over time.
  8. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    It does require skill, but you can be the best players, but if the other 4 Friends make a mess of it, then you most likely lose. So, yes there is a lot of luck involved which people you get in your team or in the other team for that matter.
  9. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    You are absolutely right. But I I like mortars, but I am often the one who enters the battle field first. Mortar spammers are annoying, they hardly move an inch, but the same goes for torpedo spammers. I noticed some fellow players are going to help me way past the first minute, so even show up after two minutes and then you can almost say for certain the battle is lost.

    I see mk1 and mk2 players with 200 damage weapons who deal more damage, than mk4 and mk5s with 500-1200 damage weapons. So, damage does say something of how good you are and how active you are in a battle. It is a team effort, but only losing or winning 23 or 24 points, is too limited. And a battle which is undecided is -1, but I have seen a mk1 as the last one standing, whereas the last one on the Unfriends team was a mk5. I think the mk1 should have won or gain extra points.

    I am thinking how can we come up with a good way, the right balance between an individual score and a team score. I am not there yet...
  10. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Quite right, but still there is a matter of luck involved getting the right teams. That does not mean you can sit back and relax, not at all. But I have had many teams, where 4 Friends are wiped out within 20 seconds. Then I am left with 5 Unfriends against me. Not change I can win, I wish I was that good.
  11. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Sure, but that is just as likely to happen in your favour. Assuming you are good, then its even more likely to happen for the unfriendlies.

    Over thousand of games it makes a drastic difference how good you are. Being 20% of a team is alot and your performance matters.

    There is a reason why some mk6s have 2k infamy and others 6k infamy, and it has nothing to do with getting lucky teams.

    /But yes there are games where you play with 4 headless chicken that you lose no matter what you do. Its just not significant over xxxx games
  12. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Still yesterday I played 10 battles and 8 of them I had the most damage, but not the strongest weapons. There were mk5s in my teams who had 2x stronger weapons, plus one weapons more. And even with my mk4 Enforcer with a Sniper which does 315 damage and mortar 442 I come at second or first place, but a mk5 shooter who does 200 damage. So, definately can teams hold you back. And it is more than 20% that it happens.

    I know it happens to everyone. But as 3 players do a combined total of 2000 damage and I with 2 weapons 7000 and that several battles in a row. Then I understand why I don't go up in Infamy.

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