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Divide Nighmare into league tiers

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Terry Morgan, 14 Mar 2018.

  1. Terry Morgan

    Terry Morgan Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Time is here to divide nigmare into league tiers just like the other divisions. The number of nighmare players have grown well and are able to support this now. It gets old having the same top ten players win every season and the rest of us lower equiped players thrown a few scraps. It has become quite boring and redundant. Now the only competition is the rivalries. Time to match similar infamy nightmare players into season competition groups and bring excitement to ALL nightmare players not just the same few players season in and seaon out! You can still crown an overall nightmare league champ if so desired, but this change is needed to spread the wealth and fun to all in nighmare league. Thanks,

  2. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017

    Its about time. They can divide nitemare in 500k a pop and have 3 divisions.

    Or even starting with 2 divisions would be an improvement
    Terry Morgan likes this.
  3. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Is it really healthy to double or triple the number of players receiving 2,3 and 4 Legendary pieces per season? 2 or 3 divisions will still see YSL at the top for one of them. What we really need is a hard cap on league divisions say 100 max per division. That would make it much more fair for people to get a shot at first.
    Terry Morgan likes this.
  4. Terry Morgan

    Terry Morgan Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    If im not mistaken Ace l divides its total members into groups of 100 based on similar infamies of the previous season. That would work at Nightmare level as well
  5. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I feel like the rewards are too good though if nightmare is ever divided to more divisions. You can be at 4001 infamy and receive 1 leg piece, 30 leg part, 30 epic part, 5 epic pieces, 1 million gold
    FataMorgana88 and Terry Morgan like this.
  6. Terry Morgan

    Terry Morgan Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    That is just the minimum rewards for being Nightmare. That doesn't have to change. Just dividing into groups or tier help increase the excitement of competition for all every season, not just the same top ten every season. But if you like it the way it is now, I'll just continue to hit my 4k mark and focus on rival quests as usual instead of trying to increase my infamy for a goal that is only reachable to the same elite players every season. How boring!
  7. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    If the goal was more achievable by everyone then the rewards for just being in nightmare should be nowhere near as good as they are now.
  8. Terry Morgan

    Terry Morgan Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Every league has minimum rewards. Nighmare is no different in that aspect
  9. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Minimum rewards are way too good for nightmare. Separating into divisions allows people to get more than minimum rewards more easily. But the minimum rewards is already SO DAMN GOOD
  10. Terry Morgan

    Terry Morgan Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    This is not about minimum rewards it is about creating more competition and fun in nighmare league. If you make it to nighmare you deserve these rewards. But that doesn't mean you have to be bored every season because you are low tier Nighmare players. If you are concerned about the rewards being too high then feel free to start your own thread about that issue. Thanks

  11. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    Screenshot_20180314-105839.jpg As of now 1833 nightmare players r there. And it is increasing rapidly each season.. so, I wouldn't mind making a new league for the top 1000 or so.
    Terry Morgan and Gnu like this.
  12. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    I have said this too. I said make it into three tiers. And then bring in a new league at 7500+ infamy. With Godlike weapons, THAT YOU CANT BUY IN THE GAME!!!! Mark my words! It’s so hard for f2p players like me to get to the nightmare league. I’m mk5 at 3k. I’m barely swimming!
    Terry Morgan likes this.
  13. Jackowy

    Jackowy New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Absolutely great idea!
    Terry Morgan likes this.

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