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Enforcers with dual shields (exploit)

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Real Baha, 1 Mar 2018.

  1. Te rompi el tuje

    Te rompi el tuje Member

    23 May 2017
    they are two different things ... to have to hit with a weapon to disarm the shield and only there to be able to do damage with another ...
    What they were referring to was direct damage, and that you can only do with torpedoes.
  2. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    And mines (the laziest weapon of the game). Plus being stunned on a yellow boat is as bad as taking a hit, maybe worse because you can easily take more than one hit.
    LimeOnMars likes this.
  3. Te rompi el tuje

    Te rompi el tuje Member

    23 May 2017
    And mines too...
  4. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Flare has a bug so it doesn't break shield as it doesn't take max dmg and take base dmg while it hits on shield.
    Railgun has a long cooldown so by the time it's ready to shoot again you already have time to change two shields
    Excanon same thing high cooldown which lead to less usage of it on ships so less weapon on the bay to breakers shield.
    Napalm usage rate is low.
    Tesla bolt cooldown is too high by the time you put one shield down immediately another one is up as it doesn't stun on breaking shield
    Mines requires other person to step on it so the dmg depends on other person not you
    Carronades doesn't break shield in one hit.
    Blast canon doesn't break shield.
    Fire bomb projectile speed is too slow by the time you hit the enfo with it it it's already moved out of the circle or atleast centre so it doesn't break shield and it's not a good weapon to 1v 1.
    What I am trying to say is 1 v 1 requires players to have direct dmg weapons and right now there is no weapon in the bay which can help against this double shield setup all of the weapons which did it got nerfed or have bug i.e flare gun,ex canon,tesla bolt.
    I am not saying nerf tesla shield because if you do that devs should just delete speeder from the game because tesla shield nerf will hurt speeder more than enfocer.
    What I am saying is just buff the items ( as it is the new trend of the forum)) whichbest for countering this setup.
    1. Fix flaregun dmg on tesla shield.
    2. Lower ex canon cooldown so it's viable again.
    3. Lower the cooldown time on tesla bolt.
    PS: tesla bolt was the biggest counter of tesla shield but since the cooldown was made so high it has lost its ability to take down tesla shield.
  5. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    For gods sake stop crying about excannon! It is still a very reliable weapon, it gives high burst damage with splash, is the best close to mid range weapon in the game and one of the best weapons in the game! A range drop and a 2,2 second cd increase can’t be enough to make excannon suddenly trash.
  6. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    My flare gun is still braking tesla shields every day, maybe I didn't notice it because it only occurs when the gap between your flare and your enemy's tesla shield is closer than the ones I'm facing. Or maybe you're mistaken :D
    If you're using 2 on a defender, I agree with you. I use it on my speeder and it is just fine.
    Low usage of its counters is not a good parameter to nerf any item.
    You know you can hit the tesla shield's user from the inside of the shield, right?
  7. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    Yes but balancing everything else so that the double shield strategy isn’t op is more difficulty than just banning the use of two Tesla at the same time for example
  8. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    The new cooldown on EC does not allow me to both take the shield down, and put damage in on the enforcer. My loadout was EC, swift torp, flare gun. I could hit him with a flare, and an EC shot to dump the shield, then get another flare/EC shot in before his bubble was back. These days, I can knock a shield off, but have not been able to get another shot in before the new shield is up. The EC nerf was a 20% cooldown increase and therefore a 20% damage decrease (dot).
  9. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Faced a team with 2 8.8k hp enforcers this morning and my level 40 epic EC does not break a shield. I have seen several 9k+ and one 10k+ hp enforcers on the bay.
  10. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    I haven't said double bubble is an exploit. I used this thread to complain about the EC nerf. It was a 20% damage reduction. The cooldown reset makes it far more difficult to actually get a shot in on an enforcer without a bubble. We are whining not because we suck ass, but because the weapon we spent money and time levelling is nigh useless now.
  11. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    It depends on the shield you are facing?
    A normal tier 5 fg should break tier 5 tesla shield both epic ofcourse but it doesn't do that.
    What you are facing is a powerful flare gun against a low level tesla shield.
    Timing of shots is lot important at high infamy and cooldown of EC is just too much increase in time b/w shots to take down enfo double shield setup ( at high infamy ).
    It is not certain that what may work at your level will work at top too
  12. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Dude it's not a cry or whining at all you are nightmare right play speeder with tesla bolt excanon without tesla shield for few days you will start seeing the difference when you go against enfocers.
    Being in a shooter doesn't make the cooldown nerf a problem for you at all.
    And moreover there are two other ideas atleast implement 2 of the 3 ideas
    Last edited: 6 Mar 2018
  13. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    And you expect your rare T4 explosive to break Epic T5 Shields? Don't be naive please.

    And what's wrong with them having that much of HP? Obviously they had to replace their turbo to have that much of health. You replace your turbo and you'll have as much health as they do.
  14. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    I understand speeder concerns about bolt when fighting 1v1 against enforcer. I have a suggestions, when a tesla shield is broken by bolt.There should be a 4 second gap before enforcer can turn on other Shield (however it should not leave the enfo stunned). Gives an opportunity to speeder for counter

    It is also useful in long range dis arming of shield, since BOLT has unlimited range
    Last edited: 6 Mar 2018
  15. = Peachy =

    = Peachy = Member

    23 Jul 2017
    Sorry but you don't see 'several' since the top players are all between 8300 and 8900 (MK7 1 big shield full spec), and the average MK6/7 is between 7K+ to 8K.
    I don't argue you met somebody who tried a double shield, but you can't say regular enfos are 9 or 10K+ cause its not realistic
  16. WarCream

    WarCream Well-Known Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Oslo, Norway
    Flare gun is doing fine my flare can break Tesla shields I don't know what your flare gun is made of.
  17. :Beardman:

    :Beardman: Active Member

    18 May 2017
    Max I’ve Seen is like 9k health, So using 2 shields means the boat speed with no turbo is what? Less than .95?my mk6 is 0.86 with no turbo.
  18. WarCream

    WarCream Well-Known Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Oslo, Norway
    True that, they Are trying to nerf less than 15 people. Gods sake they dont even care about the rest.
  19. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Fair enough, I guess I see the same guys over and over with 8k+. With double shield they may as well have 20k hp, won't make a difference to me because I can't damage them.
  20. WarCream

    WarCream Well-Known Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Oslo, Norway
    Pretty sure you Are using defender cause you Are pity. Or perhaps speeder? Just kidding haha

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