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Current Shop System, does it suck?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by D3X, 26 Apr 2017.


What do you think of the Current Shop / Item System?

  1. Needs work.

  2. Good.

  1. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Same thought process.

    Maybe 5 games a day may be too little to expect much? I play approx. 2hrs a day and yet find it hard to gather the cells/parts to upgrade T4-T5 in a week.

    So I genuinely want to learn from Porthos how he does it, if his playtime is abt the same as mine.
    Captain_Perry likes this.
  2. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Hrm... maybe 10-15 games? On days when my brain is dead... maybe 20-30 or so... my job is quite mentally taxing, so BB is my stress relief in-between tasks. haha.
  3. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Ahh I see. Maybe you are just a really lucky fella. Haha... Who knows? :p
    10-15 games per day... That's around 1-2 hours per day!
    Still, I think that the process of getting resources is a bit tiring and takes a lot of grinding. There are also many other things that might affect personal opinion, including luck, stuff they want, etc!
    360NOSCOPE likes this.
  4. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I knew you would join in Porthos. As much as I do understand that you have no issues with the system. I think being in the elite level 40s have little to no say here to be honest, you guys are the top 1% of player base and to be honest and you already have majority of the weapons. I also think you guys have more reason to defend a more difficult upgrade system for the benefit of your own accounts.

    What works for you may not be what works for the vast majority of players. Also drop the statement that we're whining, we're trying to improve the game for everyone. Would it not improve yours if items were slightly easier to get?

    Like I said, I may be the most unfortunate player out there. Using T2 rare cannons as my main, and as a level 28, it's a pretty sad predicament. I can't even fathom to explain why... But I guess to you, I'm just a scrub and a noob, and not a great player in your books. And to be frank, I don't care what you think about me.

    But putting that aside, the current votes and comments here tell the story.
    Last edited: 28 Apr 2017
    KilleWh4le, chiII, Jammo and 3 others like this.
  5. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @D3X hahaha, I resisted as long as I could. ;)

    Your comments are reasonable. lol. Other than me having my reasons for defending a difficult upgrade system... I want more players in the top ranks, we need more competition and variety! I'm tired of playing with the same old guys all the time. @Dmg don is sooooo predictable.

    Alls I'm sayin is I'm advancing my weapons and building new ones at the same rate as I was before the update. Heck, I'm even training crew again... which I thought I'd never do again under this new system. lol. I really hated the system at first, and still think it needs some tweaks to feel more like you have a choice in it. But I am advancing at the same rate as before.
    Ultrah likes this.
  6. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Right, good that you bring it up. The old system, and I'm not saying that the old system was great either, at least when you bought something, it's exactly what you wanted. The current system is a resource sink and you're absolutely unsure what becomes of it. Collecting puzzle pieces from various puzzle sets and simply don't even know what the puzzles build. So it's a relentless resource drop; especially gold. I'm willing to throw down a wage that majority of active players have their sugar near max or at max 90% of the time, because gold is what gets spent on material parts and item parts and perks with little return as to what you will receive, (because they end up as 6/10, 8/10, 3/10 etc) with no sugar to spend it on.

    The old system, you didn't NEED to buy everything, you simply skipped what you didn't need and bought what you wanted even though it was expensive you ultimately spent less.

    You're absolutely right that you get 4-5 rares a week(what good is a rare item when you don't need them? I'm getting a ton of grease, rudders, swift torps, small shields and such...), but that wouldn't be different than viewing the 4-5 rares you see in the old shop system, except that now you had to buy them to see what they even are.
    Last edited: 28 Apr 2017
    KilleWh4le likes this.
  7. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Captain_Perry @D3X Yes, no doubt the new system certainly is much more grindy. But when I hear "grindy" I translate that as: The more you play, the more you are rewarded. And you will almost always have something to do. Hence it feels like resources are more scarce and like you can never quite keep up with everything you want to do.

    The old system was very "Wait and See." I'd sit with full 4 million gold, 150 stars, and 1.4 million sugar and have nothing to spend it on for over a week sometimes. I waited 6 months for my t2e napalm (a full year for the others to make it a t3e). It took over a year of careful saving to build my epic canon. Heck, it took me 7 months to just build a rare t3 sniper canon. I've never even received more than 2 epic turbos and epic bandages in my entire bb career...

    I had to resort to buying unnecessary items just to store it and bank the extra gold for a rainy day. At one point, I had 15million gold worth of unnecessary items stored in my inventory because i had nothing better to spend my gold on.

    THAT is a broken system my friend.

    Current system doesn't feel perfect yet... but you kids don't know how good you have it now. ;) At least you have something to do and reach for at all times.
    Ultrah and stoopid sailor like this.
  8. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    Nah! I whould have to disagree with you. Something to do i have, is just that now is not in Battle Bay, I got tired of being stranded, not being able to have real progress, and being bullied by Portos, Nightmares and Vikings. Denial is not the solution, BB is a great game, but now it is no fun anymore...
  9. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
  10. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    If you guys want more players to top ranks, then developers should lower parts prices so weapons could be more easily upgraded so it wont take a week to get epic t2 item upgraded by a level or two max. Also giving up that tier 1 copy needing for evolving would help a lot so we wouldn't get stuck for not being able to evolve since we don't find any same rarity copy of the weapon.
    When we lower rank players would get more powerful weapons, we could get higher in ranks since we would start having a chance to deal some real damage to you top players too. Now we deal so low damage to you that the team with more "noobs" (from your point of viewing) is 90% probability to end up losing the game.

    For developers: I would (probably) use more money to game if I'll know what I can find with my money. Now, for example, if I place 10€ to game, I can only wish it would give me something useful. So please add combining reroll (like 10 pearls per reroll) or something like that.
    Mr squiqqle, k406k and D3X like this.
  11. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    I though abt this in more detail. I currently have a Epic OB at lvl39 which require the following resources to get to lvl40:
    265k sugar
    646 rare parts
    94 epic parts

    Let's assume that from lvl41 to lvl50 takes the same amount of resources as the above (which isn't the case). So to max your T5 cannon in one week would mean:
    2.385m sugar
    5814 rare parts
    846 parts

    Assuming you played 20 games a day and won all of them netting you 25k sugar, within a week you would get 2.5m. But this itself is quite a stretch cos if you won 20 games a day, you'd be above Blacktail and Christmas. So where are you getting the extra sugar from? It can't be all from quests cos 1) it's random and 2) you need gold from quests also for the parts (more below). Also, I haven't factored in your crew training which takes 1m+ sugar at higher lvls and lvling your uncommon and rare items.

    5814 rare parts = avg of 1162 parts / day for 5 days. 400 blue parts cost 409k gold so total would be 1.2m gold/day
    846 parts = avg of 168 parts/day for 5 days. 25 epic parts cost 335k gold so total would be 2.2m gold/day

    So your total gold required per day is 3.4m gold to obtain the parts to lvl your epic cannon from t4 to t5
    In a week. That is if the parts even show up in the shop. I get like one stack of 400 rare parts or 25 epic parts per day if I am lucky.

    How and where are you getting these parts from? If all these were from a previous stockpile then it's not a fair comparison like what D3X pointed out.

    To add, you are able to achieve all this without spending $. As it is, I spend $ for the 100 pearls/day and find it so hard to progress. So it's not that I don't believe you (ok maybe I don't) but if there is something that you are doing efficiently but I am not, I want to learn.

    Also, I think the reason why you are happy with the new system is because you managed to get 2 epic cannons post update. But that had nothing to do with the new shop. Just sheer coincidence. I myself am still waiting for my epic blast cannons. Gathering 10 red epic item pieces is taking SO long and best part is... after spending all that gold, I don't know what I'm going to get. Honestly, I would rather have sat on a stockpile of gold and waited for that blast cannon rather than spend gold only to get some random item I don't want. PS: in the old system, it allowed me to work on side projects which allowed me to explore other weapons/ships/items cos of the surplus gold.
  12. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    after reading through your exchanges... i think the main issues are resource accumulation (mainly power cells/cores and evo1 rares and epics) AND shop "Choices". the evolution levels (every 10th level of an item) since you'll be needing power cells and item duplicates on top of the necessary parts and crew levels. with the exception of perks, you really don't know what you're gonna get when buying/completing "pieces". the new system makes "upgrades" very easy, you just need to grind it out and you'll at least upgrade 1 level every day. it's the "evolving" that's frustrating a lot of the players because it's based on pure dumb luck now hoping that when you press the "combine" button you will get that final evo1 item to evolve to the next tier. the old system was also random and needed a lot of luck in terms of what the shop would be selling BUT you had the "CHOICE" to buy or not to buy that rare or epic item that shows up in the shop. it was still random, but players had a preview of the item. Now, in order to get epics and rare items, you have to spend on pieces and hope for the best when you combine them. in the old system, that's equivalent to mistakenly buying an item in the shop if you don't get the item that you need. Thus, the reason that players feel that they spend more nowadays (in-game currencies) than in the old system.

    Yes, the upgrade costs per level versus the ratio of stats you gain have improved, meaning you get better stats now (e.g. damage, hp, etc) for every sugar you spend on upgrades. but the reality is, after exhausting your initial supply of parts/cells after the update, you actually need to spend lots of gold (parts/pieces) and sugar (tier-scrapping) in order to upgrade your selected item.

    i personally prefer the old shop system but the new system has its merits. so i hope the devs will find a way to combine the best features of the old and new system in the next updates.

    for those who are getting frustrated, you are not alone, but what i can say is the devs do listen and i do believe they are gamers at heart. at the end of the day, you can't please everybody so let's just hope they can get the best balance possible.

  13. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Is there some efficient level we should upgrade our items to? I'd like to know how to optimize my return in this system. As far as I can tell upgrading items i don't use for scrapping can net me a few power cells and perhaps a better chance at pieces but I lose parts and sugar. Scrapping an item at level 1 nets me x parts, upgrading Items and then scrapping bets nets me <x parts and perhaps a loss in parts if upgraded high enough. I am limited by parts to upgrade the items I use, so losing parts on scrapping for cells and pieces seems a waste.
  14. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    I don't know where P0rthos is getting his resources but just to comment on this, actually quests are a huge source of income. On average I think it was on equal level to battle rewards. You get 21 quests a week and every 8 hours you can also reroll once, so you can get only sugar quests by just rerolling all gold quests. This way you can make roughly up to 4.5M sugar in a week just from the quests alone.That is already twice the needed sugar even without the battle rewards you would be getting while completing those quests.
  15. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    4.5m / 21 quests = average of 214k per quest.
    Either you guys are the luckiest peeps in the world (and if that is the case, your luck is better spent elsewhere, like lottery?) or my quests are bugged cos they are giving way less than this average.
    chiII and Mr squiqqle like this.
  16. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    The rewards depend on your level. Also, you can just reroll the lower reward quests so that you don't have to settle for the average rewards. That's at least what I do, I always reroll the easy quests.
  17. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Quest rewards go up the higher your levels I believe. I reroll mine till I get the ones around 150k+. I get around 40k gold/sugar per battle because I do high damage.

    As far as parts go, I spent a butt load of gold to get rare / epic parts. I might have had some stored too from the month before... either way, it was crazy expensive. Whatcha gonna do.

    To get most out of the current system, I have to focus on one thing at a time. Right now my focus is turning my uncommon power cells into rare power cells by leveling uncommons to 21 then scrapping. So I'm buying uncommon parts like crazy. im saving all my rares right now to level up to 11 next week. I'll need lots of rare parts that week. Then I will scrap for epic power cells to make my t5e napalm. At that point it'll be another couple weeks of grinding to max that out.

    It's slow going, and very grindy. But I just try to work with what I got. I like to min/max whatever system I find. I'm all for some tweaks that give us more choices, should the devs deem it possible.
  18. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Apologies if I sound 'combative' but the reason for that is because players are providing feedback based on player experience but the responses seem to be flippant and dismissive as they aren't portraying facts of reality.

    I've currently Lvl40 and my sugar quests average about 120-150k. A far cry from the 214k/quest you suggested. Also, i'm not dumb - I re-roll lower reward quests for higher ones. Just FYI, the past 2 days I re-rolled sugar quests to get gold quest but instead got lousier sugar quests. So it swings both ways (that is after all, the law of averages). The thing about re-rolling is this: you can only do it once every 8hrs and you can't re-roll completed quests. Which means you either don't play (in case you complete the quest) or suck it up and take the lower reward quest.

    The point I was trying to make is this: Your 4.5m sugar per week is a theoretical number and not reality. Case in point: If your employer tells you during the job interview, ceteris paribus, theoretically you can earn up to 2mio per year but in reality you earn 100k per annum, would you feel cheated?

    In the previous post you mentioned you accomplished the following within a week without spending money or pearls:
    • leveled up a t5 epic canon to max
    • leveled up a t5 rare big shield to max
    • built 6 t3 uncommon weapons for scrapping
    • built 2 t2 rare weapons for scrapping
    If all this was accomplished thanks to a surplus stockpile, then good for you. Just don't make it seem like the store is working fine when you hardly banked on it.
    My reality is this: I pearl, yet I can't accomplish what you for which you claimed you did not pearl - so I need to know what I am doing wrong. Maybe I am dumb but then I don't want to stay dumb. So do share your min/max tips.
    Rusty Scupper, D3X, chiII and 2 others like this.
  19. X20A-FREEDOM-

    X20A-FREEDOM- New Member

    25 Apr 2017
    What I don't like is the stupid power cells so hard to get it. They should've think a way that they need to convert the powercells example uncommon, common and rare to convert to epic or legendary powercells. Cuz i have tons of powercells but all i need is the epic that very hard to obtain.
  20. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Ha, I see where the confusion is. I did the epic from 41 to 49 in a week, and the rare shield from 40 to 49 in that same week. The following week I did the 6 lvl 21 uncommons and a few lvl 11 rares. I usually focus on one or two things at a time (leveling one thing, prepping for second thing). Sorry, I totally didn't clarify that in the initial post and I see the confusion. You aren't dumb, I was unclear. It is mad grindy, and not as easily controlled as before. On the other hand, there's always something to do, and I'm never stuck waiting with nothing to work on. I wish for a beautiful, and elegant combination of the two methods one day. While at the same time fully knowing I don't have a solution, nor the data to formulate one.

    Currently saving all my stuff to scrap on video and explain my own personal method of doing this. But I don't think it's anything special. ;)
    Captain_Perry likes this.

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