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Rework Chill zone

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by What's Up Player, 5 Mar 2018.

  1. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    You changed Wayward Pains because mortar shooters were complaining about not being able to use mortars.

    Chill zone is the exact opposite. What you need to do to win is just to hide behind the walls and lob mortars on enemy team.
    Team with more mortars (preferably big bertas, fire bombs) wins. What fun is that?
  2. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    Well don't forget missiles..:) They can rip u apart without even getting noticed..:D

    Also torps and mines does really well in chill zone as everyone will be hugging together..lol..

    It's a good map.. no need to change..;) just need to play a bit smarter..:)
  3. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    I love using nitro / OB to zip ahead and throw a Big Torp down the spawn on the other side.
    The other day i caught 4 of them together for 1800+ damage each :)
    Sometimes it does go horribly wrong and I eat the torpedos but its all good fun :p
    The Otherguy and PastelPiku like this.
  4. Zeus

    Zeus Developer

    4 Apr 2017
    QA Lead
    Helsinki, Finland
    You aren't prevented from using your other items in chill zone, but old WWP had way too much random roof which meant using mortars was not consistent. It's still one of the worse mortar maps but it's way more consistent.
    Ian, FirnenAhead, BITTERSTEEL and 6 others like this.
  5. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    LOL, yeah, sometimes it does go horribly wrong. I generally do a scouting run out into the middle area so I can get targets for the 20 gajillion mortar tubes my shooters have. I also might find the enemy speeder out there and getting rid of him early is a fine thing. So there I was... just coming around the tip of the dividing wall, overboost on, turbo just pressed. I scream across the enemy's ally getting solid target dots on all 4 of them. Wait 4? Oh there's the enemy speeder way over by the capture wall. He flicks one tesla bolt my way and nails me as I'm screaming past the enemies at high speed. Then OB & nitro end... dead smack in the middle of the water where all 5 enemies can range on me. Yup... killed by one tesla bolt in the first 20 seconds of the match :)

    To the main point, I detest open water mortar maps but Chill zone is one of my favorites. Sure people can lob mortars over the walls at each other. But there are also lots of those walls to go sneaking around and behind. It's the only map I know of where the capture circle is a serious strategic consideration. I think of this as one of the most balanced maps out there and certainly one of the most fun.
  6. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    I think crash n burn needs more rework than anything, its just a pure mortar spamming map and literally no spot to dodge them
  7. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    My worst map, hate it with a passion.
    PastelPiku and Babablacksheep like this.
  8. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Problem with the Chill Zone is that everybody sticks to the beginning of the map, so you start shooting right away. I like a good chase, not a battle where hardly anyone moves.

    So, I welcome change and let the teams not start at those two position all the time, because it gets boring. Make the capture zone in the middle instead.
    Lightning sword likes this.
  9. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    See I love this map.
    Do you speed forward and meet at the spike divide?
    Or do you spin 180 and meet at the bottom larger area?
    Or do you zip up the side to the capture zone for a cheeky win?
    I am yet to see a game where nobody moves on this map, maybe I am just lucky!
  10. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I love the map, just like you!

    But I come across a lot of people who are just sitting ducks, they hardly move. But that happens in more maps, so just ly still for 2 minutes and only fire torpedos.

    I always admire the ones who sneek away to the capture zone and everybody is too busy to noticed :)!
    PallabKumarS likes this.
  11. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Heh... I can tell you what I do.
    1. I call "Follow <insert biggest shooter/defender>"
    2. Then I wait to see whether he's going up or down.
    3. Then I go scout in that direction.
    4. Then I despair because one of our shooters has decided to capture and our M5 speeder is already dead in a kamikaze run. Our fixer has looked at this whole situation and smashed his iPad so he's just floating now. :eek:
    Just kidding. Usually the team manages to keep it together pretty well and all those strategic options you mentioned are exactly what both makes it fun AND make the potential for awful team coordination. I also love it that the "loops" are short enough that even in a shooter the idea of "going around and hitting them from behind" is feasible. In a speeder it's a constant feature.

    By far this is my favorite map.
  12. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Lol, well said!
  13. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    First few games I had on this map I hated it, but now its slowly becoming one of my favourite ones. The smaller size compared to the others is a welcome change, it just seems to be designed for brawling rather than a mortar spam fest (although that inevitably happens at the tip, throwing them over the wall)
  14. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    No. Just no. Map Control buddy. If your upset about getting hit by mortars in chill zone, then either get one, or get in the tunnel. Disable my enemy!
    Lightning sword likes this.
  15. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I think Chill Zone is one of the better balanced maps with lots of open area for canons as well. It's a tricky map to win, and one of the few with interesting strategy options. It is true it doesn't limit mortars except for one tube, but Crude Awakenings, Damage Depot, Foundary, are also like that. Sub Zero is the real open water mortar map if you want a mortar map to complain about.
    PastelPiku likes this.
  16. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    Look at my second video under the strategies section called Map Control with Harpo
    Lightning sword and PastelPiku like this.

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