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Defenders are dying

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Carl2801, 2 Mar 2018.

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  1. Carl2801

    Carl2801 New Member

    16 Sep 2017
    Ive been playing as a Defender for some time now. I hover between 2200-3000 imfamy and I going to level him up to level 6 shortly.

    Unfortunately I’m coming to the painful realization that there is no way to compete with a Defender at higher levels. At the higher levels all the Level 6 shooters have 5000-6000 hit points with twice the fire power. Once in someone’s sites you get reapeatidly pelted with weapons that do 1000+ damage. There is no way to dodge anything as you are basically a floating whale. Even if you see a torpedo coming at you from across the water there is little you can do about it.

    It seems all other ships have been buffed in the last updates with the exception of the defender.

    Any tips on how to survive as a Defender would be appreciated.
  2. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    There's 3 threads currently on the front page all discussing buffing Defenders, so people do agree that they need some help. Feel free to check em out.

    As far as advice, right now there is not much that you can do. Either try Shooter for a bit or just bide your time until Defender is buffed. Speeder was also heavily nerfed over the last several updates.

    As a non-defender, the current best strategy I've seen is for defenders to command that the team follow them, stay out of open areas, and get close to the opposing team in smaller, confined spaces. This is not possible on some maps, but it can be deadly on others.
  3. Vile Kyle

    Vile Kyle Member

    15 Jun 2017
    Defender is a whale even at MK6 It was my favorite boat but as you noted its a whale now. Only advice I can give if you keep playing it is similar to above poster depending on your weapons stay in areas with a rooftop so you don't get mortar after mortar but then you'll get torp'ed. Either way the defender is nearly useless now.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  4. FearsomeChicken

    FearsomeChicken Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Until defender is buffed, try loading up dual turbos to achieve max speed. Play it like an enforcer, you'd be suprise the amount of shots you can dodge given that people don't expect defenders to move fast. Still nowhere as agile as the enfo, but at least it gives better value than an extra bandage or shield.
  5. xBonk

    xBonk Active Member

    17 Jun 2017
    dual turbo and t2 epic rudder is a blast on defender....surprised more than 1 speeder. Everyone should try a rudder.
    FearsomeChicken likes this.
  6. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    As a career defender with no other ship options leveled, heed my advice. The boat is broken. Best way to survive is to NOT be a defender.

    The 20% damage nerf on the explosive cannon had a proc effect, 15% infamy nerf. I used to float between 4000 and 4200 infamy, now I'm stuck around 3600.
  7. ryanllts

    ryanllts Active Member

    21 Jul 2017
    i been playing defender since last may, guess what, i switch the talent tree to shooter after last update. just quit defender man, it had no pass and no future to expect.
  8. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Here is the defender solution.

    I am currently the highest ranked defender only player in the bay...
    So take my advice as someone who is still competing at 4.7 to 5.1k. I have done all these scores since updates.

    1)u must hug rocks. Forget torps. Forget how u used to play. Hug rocks, walls, obstructions. While always moving. Never stand still.
    2) abandon double ex cannon. U wont get off enough shots to warrant the cool down nerf. Stick with only 1 ex cannon.
    3) get a great sniper. Or a great flare. These will be your long/mid range weapons. And the only weapon u can consistently hit a speeder with.
    4) use a grenade or a blast cannon as slot 3. Example if u use a sniper. Then put grenade for slot 3. If u use a flare. Add a blast cannon for slot 3.
    These combinations of weapons will pair best. Follow and adapt to what u have.
    1 ex cannon, 1 flare and 1 blast.
    1 ex cannon, 1 sniper and 1 flare
    1 ex cannon 1 grenade and 1 blast
    1 ex cannon 1 grenade and 1 sniper
    1 ex cannon 2 x grenade
    1 ex cannon and 2 x sniper
    Last options but less effective
    2 x ex cannon and flare
    Or 2 x ex cannon and grenade.

    Next Tactically.

    5) determine based off your weapons if u are a close range/mid range fighter. Or if u are a long/mid range fighter. Or one of each. Long/mid/close range.

    Your weapons layout determine this.
    Once u know. If u are fight from longer distance. Use one band aid.
    If u fight close distance. Grow shields and forget bandage if u can help it.
    Stacking flares now destroy bandage use. Half the game your bandage wont work.
    6) always grow small shields. And collect epic h.p perks.
    7) your goal is to get your h.p to 18 to 20k.

    8) consider a rudder. Not lube. It will make ship easier to turn.

    9) adjust your thinking. The game now isnt to surviving to end of the battle. Its to knock over the proper domino.

    In dominos.... if i set them all up in a line. And knock over the first. They all fall down.
    So attack the best fixer, or shooter in unfriends first with all your h.p. most likely you kill them. Or almost do. They are useless rest of game. Your team wins.

    10) be the field commander early. Calling out the 2 targets u will attack first in 5 seconds. And then say follow me. And drive straight to target while hugging rocks and obstacles.

    11) don't waste time as a defender. Forget 5 minute battles. Not for u. You are the A.d.d boat of the bay. All battles should be finished for u and your team in 2minutes or less. This week while fleeted with a guild member. I played 40 battles that all ended in 2minutes. We spent less than 2 hours doing this. Zero suiciding. Lots of damage. And we won 70 percent of our games in a full charge.
    So adapt a similar style.
    12) Charge. Charge. Charge. Your role is to lead. And to take shots. So fulfill it. Just not stupid out in the open punishment. Lol.
    Be known to always charge. And your friends team will always know you from your tactics. No one ever questions why I charge now. They know Jaws. And they know if they dont follow. Game over. The whole friends team charges every game I am in. Its heavily enjoyable. But I spent months and months never changing my tactics and it taugh other players the value of charging. So they follow me because of all the victories we have earned together from this.
    13) win 1vs 1 battles. And learn to fight 1 vs 2 battles and at least kill 1 boat. This is important. If u cant do this. U are in the wrong boat! Grow the skill to duel. The great duelist! And abandon at all cost torpedoes. Missiles. Mines, and mortats on a defender. These are useless to a defender. Only exception is for questing. But should be less than 5 percent of your time as big blue.

    14) have fun. And be stubborn about your big blue boat love. Eventually this boat will get buffed. But until then suffer thru. And lol and rofl. Know once this boat is buffed. U will get a major infamy boost. See how many enforcer jumped after buff? So wait it out and become great at what u do.

    15) last. ...never ever ever... miss a shot. As a defender every time u miss a shot. At least 1/5th of your health will dissapear. U are easy target. Make your shots count.

    Best of luck Defenders. Adapt. And destroy weak players who need their stupid shooter boats or fast yellow boats just to survive.
    We know the truth. Big blue and ugly is what the true warrior will use.

    #Defender Life


    @The Grim Repair
    Last edited: 2 Mar 2018
    Valkhadin and SlayerofSergeants like this.
  9. Valkhadin

    Valkhadin Active Member

    1 Nov 2017
    I'm the sad fat boy, you see hanging at 3600. All of jaws points are great! Sadly, I've never been given any multiples of useful fat boy weapons so I use.... epic 40 big torp... leg 10 missile... and... epic 40 cannon... Yes standard cannon... the only weapons I've ever got multiples of, since global launch. Well besides those rediculous mortars that get scrap without a second thought, pleanty of those. I've got great blue gear though. Just sad to know I'll never make a great fat boy since I've held my one epic copy of ex cannon since the game started and just got my first epic flare a month ago... wow these drop rates, what am I doing with my life lol!
  10. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017


    Cannon can be useful. Get er maxed. So can Carronade. Both very quick reload time. Good 3rd slot weapons.

    Porthos used to go with torps. Former best defender player in game. So its been know to work. Some times I arm a big torp like every 30th game. To jack with people. They never see it coming from me. Lol.

    Bigger picture. If u are having fun. Stick with it.
  11. Valkhadin

    Valkhadin Active Member

    1 Nov 2017
    Thanks man, much respect! That helps my feelings a little. Closing in on a year with this game and to think I still have to upgrade a better set of weapons, at the point I ever get the dups... almost sunk me to Davey Jones locker forever lol!
    The Grim Repair likes this.
  12. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    No more defender threads. Please check for existing ones and post there - thank you ;)
    Ian likes this.
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