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Enforcers with dual shields (exploit)

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Real Baha, 1 Mar 2018.

  1. = Peachy =

    = Peachy = Member

    23 Jul 2017
    This way of thinking will never improve the game, this game needs more options to reach a natural balance between all the ships and possible builds. If there’s ships and builds that are underused means there’s a need to make them more interesting not just nerf what’s working every couple of months
  2. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Maybe if you stuck with your team a bit more, missed less or stopped trying to play pacman with those mines you'd have an easier time of it? ;)

    For real though. I'd much rather 1 vs 1 an enforcer than a monster p2w defender or shooter.
    A55A51N, LimeOnMars, Earel and 3 others like this.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    THIS!!! You, sir, are 100% correct!
  4. Real Baha

    Real Baha Member

    1 Mar 2018
    Jaws, you totally get the point I'm bringing up (and for the love of Rovio you and Banderas should not be allowed to fleet anymore, lol). But you're a prime example of the issue/ exploit. The enforcer boat was never meant to go 1v1 against a maxed out defender and win that battle, yet that is exactly what is happening. I am a maxed MK7 shooter with all T5 epics and a T4 Leg Grenade that can't take down a dual shield enforcer. I literally don have a maxed epic that can out perform a dual shield enforcer. But when the "meta" shifts the game to a point where a 20k HP defender can be destroyed by an Enforcer, Tesla shields seriously need looked at.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You peeps are talking about mk6s arent you? Think of it this way: there's f2ps out there who worked hard for their gear, and irresponsible nerfing leads to them leaving the game.
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    What? It's a duellist-class boat! Defender is a tank! Defenders need a buff. Enfos need some work on the DOUBLE TESSHIELD BUILD ONLY, IN FACT ONLY UNBREAKABLE CLASS TESSHIELDS, not the tesshield as a whole. It's this blind nerfing that has gotten us here, with frost and the mk5 killcombos for speeder dead.
  7. Real Baha

    Real Baha Member

    1 Mar 2018
    Nope. If you do similarly what the devs did with Tesla bolt the first shield won't be affected, it's the second one that should be reduced in strength and duration.
  8. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017

    I wish Peachy.

    But the room to make a shot either in between double tesla shields going up or breaking the shield has gotten unbearable since tesla bolt nerf. And ex cannon nerf.

    Think of it this way enforcers. 2 items got needed that can drop the tesla shield. Ie speeders got needed. And defenders got nerfed.
    Translation. It's harder to fight a dual tesla shield user.
    The devs neefed Bolt and ex cannon to hurt speeders. But in affect. With those items nerfed. Enforcers got a tesla shield Buff.

    This needs to be fixed. I don't care how. But considering I am the only top 75 defender only player in the game. ONLY.

    Let that sink in people.

    All other players ahead of me are primarily enforcers or shooters with a few speeders.

    Recognize the new meta. Recognize no one is upset at enforcers. U got buffed once via ship stats. And twice via weapons nerds that could have broken your shield.

    Come up with solutions to balance the bay. Knowing that it's easier to nerf something than to buff every other ship not named "enforcer"

    @The Grim Repair @Miika
    = Peachy = likes this.
  9. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It's not enforcers, but whales that are overpowered.
    Whales are playing a lot of enforcer at the moment.
  10. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    This meta starts at MK5 because you have 2 yellow slots and 4 slot points, and people don't like to waste slot points. What are your yellow 2-slot options besides Tesla shield and Frost Canon? Considering Enforcer can't equip a big shield at MK5, how else do you beef up the relatively low HP? 2 Tesla Shields. Move 1 yellow slot point to blue and that solves the issue at MK5. MK6/7 when you can throw on a big shield, it starts looking OP. It's really a matter of balancing those yellow slot points and providing more yellow item variety.
    wtfack likes this.
  11. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    In respect of enforcers being OP I just want to point out a couple of things.
    1) many of the very top top players moved from speeder to enforcer. Perhaps part of the perception of enforcer being OP is due to the fact that the best players are now using it. Perhaps part of this OP is the skill level of those players. They would beat 99% of us no matter what ship you put them in.
    2) shooters are as equally successful in NML as enforcer, and are a great ship at all levels. But I’m not reading much about them. It’s all focused on enforcer. The reason that they are focused on is that historically enforcer was terrible, whereas just because shooter has always been good it goes under the radar. It’s that contrast makes enforcers stand out.
    3) it is the ‘double bubble’ that people are actually saying is OP, not the enforcer itself. Not all posts are making that distinction. Please stop saying that enforcers are OP, and be specific that it is the ‘double bubble’ that you view as being OP. Any ‘nerf’ if there is to be one, should solely focus on that. When speeders & defenders received nerfs recently, it was actually the EC and TB which were nerfed, not the ship.
    4) ‘double bubble’ only became a big deal once TB was nerfed. A more creative way to way to reduce the impact of double bubble would be to have more things that counter it. At lower levels, there are far more players who run torps, or get splash damage from mortars to damage a player with a TS.
    5) Looking at the ship representation at the very top level, there is a shortage of defenders. But to buff a defender, you have to increase its stats (I would recommend a reduction in box size and a increase in turret speed), not the stats of its weapons or blue items. Historically the OPness of EC may have acted to mask the weakness of defender, and so it’s only truly being seen now. In a similar way, perhaps historically speeders weren’t so OP, perhaps it was just the OPness of the TB which made speeder appear OP.
    6) if we keep on going as we are, there will be no ‘good’ yellow items as they’ll all be nerfed into the ground. Then you’ll see speeders and enforcers disappear from the bay altogether, as defenders may already be at risk of doing. A less diverse game is a poorer one for all.
  12. = Peachy =

    = Peachy = Member

    23 Jul 2017
    Hey m8 I get ur point and feel ur pain, I was kidding with the game posted :) I agree there’s a balance needed with some boat/config. But since take months to properly upgrade a specific build the way to go should be to buff or rework some underused mechanism, maybe more difficult to do than nerfing stuff but that’s up to devs to find right balance for all levels
    *JAWS* and Help I Cant Swim like this.
  13. Disguised

    Disguised Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    I only read the OP, but if you're going to nerf enfos, DO NOT:
    • nerf Tesla Shields because that will be another unwanted nerf to speeders
    • nerf enfos in general because everything mk5 and under is actually under powered and can't really use double TS.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  14. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017

    Much respect.

    I was completely in the camp up buff items and fix ship/configurations thru buff of underused items. Even back before the frost nerf. I was against it. As a slow defender. I was against nerfing frost. Can u believe it? Many post.

    Same with nerfing tesla bolt. Same with the nerfing of ex cannon. I was against all of it.

    But now here we are. A bunch of items got nerfed. Primarily as a way devs could hurt speeders. Whatever meta was used by speeders. They nerfed.

    Ex cannon nerf they didn't think it thru. My opinion. Since it nerfe.d Every defender on the bay. Meta defenders were using 2 ex cannons and a flare. At a whopping 85 to 95 percent. In mk5 thru mk7.

    So here were are. I wish it were as simple as saying balance defender and buff it.
    Or do this buff to this other weapon.

    Maybe making more weapons be able to break tesla shield would be a start. But developers aren' interested in even fixing the obvious flare bug vs tesla shield. So most know. Any flare epic maxed should every time be able to break a tesla shield. Epic maxed. But it doesn't. This is a known bug for months.

    And I have no interest in hurting setups that took months to build. I felt rocked when my setup got nerfed.
    And I know many speeders who feel similar.

    There has to be a workable solution tho.

    I would appreciate a longer cool down. Or second tesla shield loses % of effectivenss once armed. Or something. Or an Epic level V nerf of longer stun duration if broken.

    Whatever. If buffs can do it first. Cool.

    But devs have nerfed....so many items to now without ever considering what would happen after. A developer told me Since last 2 updates. Enforcer is the boat to play.

    They brought us to this point. Not players.
  15. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017

    Agreed. This shouldn't be a one tesla shield nerf. It should specifically be aimed at 2 tesla shields usuage.
    PastelPiku and Disguised like this.
  16. DrLuigiPhd

    DrLuigiPhd Active Member

    23 May 2017
    They lack the splash dmg capabilities of 2pt weapons that all the other ships have access to. Makes them less effective against multiple enemies.
    wtfack and Lil_Torta like this.
  17. DrLuigiPhd

    DrLuigiPhd Active Member

    23 May 2017
    I bet that same guy that can wreck you in an enforcer can probably wreck you in his speeder, defender, and shooter.
  18. :Beardman:

    :Beardman: Active Member

    18 May 2017
    Enforcer is the only boat in the bay that can use 2 Tesla’s. They did nerf the shield last time as now there is a stun when broken.
    Pop the shield then hit. Or take out the teammates and hit him last. and as others have stated the nerf on the shield doesn’t just affect enforcers.
  19. _devill

    _devill Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Pune, Maharashtra
    Nerf enfo? Nope.
    Nerf Tesla shield? Nope.

    Buff speeder? Yes.
    Buff Tesla bolt? Yes.
    Oh and buff defender? Yes
    Buff EC? Yes

    Nerf guys who post about nerfs? Sure go ahead. I'll hand out a ton of ideas. Leave the nerfs alone please. Think buff.


  20. Lil_Torta

    Lil_Torta Active Member

    3 Dec 2017
    Personally myself was a Tesla Bolt user as a Mk4 Player and now Mk5 player with still on 1 Spare Yellow other than my OverBoost. I only switched to T-Shield cause T-Bolt got a heavy Nerf. I can’t imagine nerfing TShield when it has already a 20Second Cooldown! It’ll be useless until I get the additional Yellow Slot. Even then it will be horrible.

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