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Season and Rivalry Systems

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Trium, 23 Feb 2018.

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  1. Trium

    Trium Active Member

    16 Jan 2018
    I don't know why, but at some point developers have decided to maintain the competition by... dividing players into small groups.
    Because of that we have quite weird Season competition, as well as absolutely awful Rivalry competition.

    Maybe they just missed what I want to suggest, but old system doesn't have any pros comparing with mine:

    My idea:

    The season competition is held between ALL the players.
    The rewards are distributed based on the highest infamy per season in the following way:

    Top 1% of players with the highest infamy earned - top 1 reward
    Top 5% of players with the highest infamy earned - top 2 reward
    Top 10% of players with the highest infamy earned - top 3 reward
    Top 20% of players with the highest infamy earned - top 4 reward
    Top 30% of players with the highest infamy earned- top 5 reward
    Top 50% of players with the highest infamy earned - top 6 reward
    Else - top 7 reward

    We can add more divisions, adjust numbers, but the idea itself is clear. The reward should be given:
    a) based on performance
    b) to some % of players (not absolute numbers, because with increased number of players this system might become unfair)

    The same idea should be applied to the Rivalry competition:

    Create a global competition between ALL guilds.
    The rewards are distributed based on the total clan trophies earned from Guild Quests per season in the following way:

    Top 1% of clans with the highest trophies farmed - top 1 reward
    Top 5% of clans with the highest trophies farmed - top 2 reward
    Top 10% of clans with the highest trophies farmed - top 3 reward
    Top 20% of clans with the highest trophies farmed - top 4 reward
    Top 30% of clans with the highest trophies farmed - top 5 reward
    Top 50% of clans with the highest trophies farmed - top 6 reward
    Else - top 7 reward

    These systems will be fair (you did more - you achieve more), it will stimulate to raise trophies and to increase the guild performance.

    To my mind, this change is essential for the further BattleBay development.

    // I know that some people won't like it, who are used to abuse the current season system. But be fair with yourself and with forum - this competition will be fair and interesting.
    nosesabe, Kowsky, Spinners71 and 7 others like this.
  2. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    I like these ideas. I really like the change to seasons and opening them up to the total population rather than small groups so you can't just constantly cycle between tanking and gaining to maximize your legendary pieces rewards. I do think that the change the devs made to nightmare rewards are a step in the right direction, but this would be even better.

    I like being directly matched up against other guilds because you have an "enemy" to focus on. If they can make this change and keep a set of direct rivals, that would be ideal.
    Tmfh67401 and Trium like this.
  3. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    I prefer the current system, but your suggestion would be cool as well.

    That would be awesome!
    Trium likes this.
  4. yellow flash

    yellow flash Member

    4 Dec 2017
    The current rivalary system is flawed i ve got an easy idea how to get 42k tokens u can just ditch ur guild create a new one which have no trophies which means u can win the rivalary easily and when u cant get high enough to earn the reward ditch the guild and start the cycle again which means 42k again
  5. #CK

    #CK Active Member

    23 Jul 2017
    drone pilot
    it's super bad idea , super unfair .
    current sytem is the best for all , by making similar guild compete each other , this will increase play time in general ,
  6. Darwin nailed it

    Darwin nailed it Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Nah..When you leave the guild you will lose the reward, and it's still way better than previous one we had, where you didn't even need to ditch the guild to farm 42k
  7. #CK

    #CK Active Member

    23 Jul 2017
    drone pilot
    this it some loophole that dev make a couple month ago , many player exploit this by farming lot of tokens , and that kind of player already punished by make their tokens count negative the same as amount of tokens they get .
  8. yellow flash

    yellow flash Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I meant when ur incapable of getting into top 3 guilds in rivalaries i.e. when u wont get reward cause of tough challenge switch ur guild just before that rivalary ends so u can get 42k the next rivalary
  9. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    The new system is overall better, the quests are better designed, and it promotes more fleeting, which are all good things. However, the rivalry change has, as far as I've seen, resulted in overall less engagement. Our guild is capable of around 40 quests per rivalry and In the old system, we could be guaranteed a top 3 finish with extra effort, but now it's a total crapshoot because we are going against 5 other guilds that are capable of at least 40 quests.

    What we've seen so far is several of our rival guilds reaching questing levels we've only dreamed of, and that results in realization that we are only going to win 1 or 2 free raffle spins for the effort, and in that members are playing less toward the end of the rivalry than before. This is happening to half the guilds that used to be making extra effort to try to win the rivalry. Why work extra hard to get 3rd place (2 spins) AND a much tougher rivalry next round?

    Now that we know rewards will come almost entirely from quests (odds are we will win 1 in 6 rivalries), we do them at the pace we feel comfortable with, less incentivized by the rivalry itself. In fact, day 3 of the rivalry, I usually know how we are doing, but I have yet to look, because I no longer care.
    Zachiderp, FearsomeChicken and #CK like this.
  10. #CK

    #CK Active Member

    23 Jul 2017
    drone pilot
    yeah , you're correct and i agree with you , this 2.8 path have double edge side , it can resulting like you mention above , so i thing need some improvement a bit like change of match making every week , one week you can get guaranteed 1 , 2 or 3 position just like before the update then next week you get current system where all 6 have a same level
  11. Trium

    Trium Active Member

    16 Jan 2018
    No, it won't.

    Smart people don't care about the rivalry anymore.
    Other people will understand the same thing in few weeks.

    Also you should separate the rivalry and the quest system.
    The Quest System with the update has become much better, rivalry - no.
    Spinners71 likes this.
  12. DoktorTeeth

    DoktorTeeth Member

    20 Nov 2017
    idk... my current rivalry matchup has my 8 player guild competing against guilds with double the headcount... in day one of the rivalry the other guilds outstripped us by a huge margine that would be impossible for us to match even if most of us didnt have real-life jobs...i don't see how this is pitting us "against guilds of similar activity level"
  13. Trium

    Trium Active Member

    16 Jan 2018
    U shouldn't forget that online of battlebay is pretty low, that is why their system doesn't work as they want to.

    The realization of my idea works perfectly for any online. :)
  14. DoktorTeeth

    DoktorTeeth Member

    20 Nov 2017
    as ck said, is very demotivating... we won our last Rivalry, first one after the update and it was pretty good, my 8 player guild was against two guilds with a few more than that and we pulled it together and went from being 2 quests behind to maintain 2 quests ahead until the finish. it was tiring but fun compared to before the update being in a rivalry where my guild was against others that didn't quest at all. unfortunately the raffle was nearly worthless after all that effort, and i wished I hadn't even pushed the button to accept the new rivalry, but then to be outstripped like that that before we even got started was just demoralizing.

    in regard to rewards, the season system is fine, and the rivalry would be too if it functioned better... i don't like the way infamy works in general though. and i think it's a ground-level problem that needs to be addressed before any of this other stuff.
    #CK likes this.
  15. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    So far in my two rivalries of "equals" my guild can't even break into the top 3 as half the guilds are "miraculously" pulling off guild quests counts higher than the prior week. The reward for 4th? A single raffle draw.Battle Bay is an RNG game, no? Just make the rivalries RNG based as well... would be better than setting up a system that promotes sandbagging followed by "overachieving" the following week for the win.

    Infamy is the same and also so easy to manipulate because you can manufacture higher rewards by tanking infamy. Infamy should be a more stable number, and rewards should be proportional to infamy. Battle Bay has a huge problem on their hands because they have set it up to reward sandbaggers arguably higher than achievers. They need to address this better than they have so far else people will decide to move on to games that actually reward efforts.
  16. DrLuigiPhd

    DrLuigiPhd Active Member

    23 May 2017
    Please make the rivalry rewards worth less by increasing the reward for finishing a board similar to how individual quests increase in worth the higher board you get to. This would encourage guilds to keep up the push throughout the entire rivalry by making the bonus for placing feel like less of a necessity. It is still worth placing in the top 3, but also should help guilds not give up when they get poorly matched against a guild that is out of their league.

    Ex. Rather than 12000 token for a reward for finishing board 2, make it 1.25x12000=15000. For board 3 = 18000, board 4 = 24000, board 5 = 27000-30000. Or scale it to where finishing board 5 gives you 42000 just like taking first place in your rivalry.
    Spinners71 likes this.
  17. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    I like the global ladder idea. I think guilds need to pay a certain amount to intentionally participate else all the inactive guilds would be competing as well. It would be nice to have a cool down period so we're not constantly competing without a break.
  18. DoktorTeeth

    DoktorTeeth Member

    20 Nov 2017
    RE: "cooldown period"
    I was thinking the same way until I realized "just don't click the button that accepts the next rivalry"
  19. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    Really? I think the rivalry still beginnings because the rival guilds already begins the contribution competition.
  20. capphil11

    capphil11 Member

    19 Nov 2017
    I can see how activity seemed like a good way to group guilds for rivalries, but if you have an active guild that is mostly FTP players, it gets killed by other active guilds by loaded weapons. Maybe do something that combines rivalry and infamy (as a proxy for weapon strength).
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