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Guild matchmaking problem

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by .xyz., 18 Feb 2018.

  1. .xyz.

    .xyz. New Member

    18 Feb 2018
    Hi Rovio,
    Hi Developer,
    Hi Moderator,
    Hi Players,
    With all due respect, I really appreciate the improvement made from time to time. BattleBay is much better and more fun to play with many new improvement made. Thanks to all of you who made this happened, however, some of us encounters some problem which would not be fair towards guild rivalry. The purpose of this improvement that includes guild rivalry matchmaking is to have a better and equal play for all battlebay players.
    Firstly, since the new update we encounter guild that is beyond our match. Our guild rank #183 and we gotten rivals of rank #3, #5, #26, & #51. Those guild members , #3,#5,#26,#51, has infamy way beyond our guild members. So in terms of weapon damage they may have more damages than us considering they are aces level 1. Their member lowest infamy is comparable with our guild top players infamy. It seems that no matter how much boost we used, it would catch them up either to do weapon quest since their weapon mostly legendary tier 2 level 20 minimum for a few of their member and the remaining have tier 5 epic and legendary tier 3. Comparing to ours, where majority within our infamy range hold a rare 40 , epic 30, and few epic 40. See the comparison? In additon, knowing that fleeting with other player has a maximum infamy gap of 800, while this guild quest we encounters rival with an infamy range of 1000- 2000 range gap. Will you be able to sort this out please? Last but not least, i would attached screenshot of our guild rival statistics. Our guild is “Three Kingdoms”. Does any other player think the same as me? Or experience the same thing? Thanks

    E0433BA2-C532-420F-890C-67B6429C4B36.jpeg E0433BA2-C532-420F-890C-67B6429C4B36.jpeg

    Attached Files:

  2. PickyCard50

    PickyCard50 New Member

    30 Oct 2017
    I do agree with it. We too are facing the same problem. We are ranked at 478 while our rivalry guilds are ranked at 30, 59 and 103. It seems a bit unfair. So instead of just looking for activity level, both rank and activity level of the guilds should be compared for better rivalry making.
  3. Rushicanna

    Rushicanna New Member

    2 Nov 2017
    Yes same issue with our guild also! Please rectify this
  4. .xyz.

    .xyz. New Member

    18 Feb 2018
    I’m wondering how to get the dev know bout this matter. Sent an email and was reffered to write in the forum, but it seems like many messages or thread in the forum left ignored by moderator. So this is like no need feedback and developer rules all.
  5. Shoot Em' Up

    Shoot Em' Up New Member

    14 Nov 2017
    Also the opposite. The leading guild is full of low level players and are ranked a thousand places below us. Yet looking at the quests it is far easier for them to win the ship sinker, dom, etc quests
  6. Harsh Gupta Hulk

    Harsh Gupta Hulk Active Member

    14 Nov 2017
    I agree with my friends of Battle Bay, This is really a big issue especially for the guilds who were doing great with the competitors around there global rank but this sudden change in Rivalry match making has put them in the difficult position as some are getting rivals way above there level in terms of infamy league and VIP Subscription, I mean I have got the rivals where 20/25 are a VIP member and in our guild there is no one with such privileges, Also one or two from our guild is in Ace 1 and there they have all in Ace 1 and some even at Nightmare means there damage in a game will be equal to ours in 2 games also the added advantage of them doing 3 quests and us 2 only. So I suggest @The Grim Repair that you guys (Developer, Moderator) should bring a patch update where Activity and Global rank both are taken on consideration for rivalry Match making. Because for some guilds there are rivals with 2-3 guilds with added advantages as I have mentioned above
  7. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Eventhough they have higher infamy, more games and better weapons, theyre still not as active as your guild. The devs want close matchups, it makes guilds competitive and people are more likely to buy boosts
  8. Harsh Gupta Hulk

    Harsh Gupta Hulk Active Member

    14 Nov 2017
    But we are getting rivals that are active and way better than us as I have mentioned the numerous advantage of the higher guilds, we also want competition but its should be at your level,How can you compete with the guild of global rank 5-6 with yours of 300 just because you did the same number of quests as we all know how good they are as of now, and since you talk about pearls, we tried last rivalry to compete with the pearls and buy boosts as much as we can but still it wasn't enough for the guild we even didn't come second. I am not saying that the update is wrong we are just saying that consider both Global rank and number of quests while match making of the rivalry that's it. Hope we can have enough voices so as to there would be a patch update for this before the Major update of 2 months trend.

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