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[Feedback & suggestions] - Guilds

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by *Rubber Duck*, 30 Sep 2017.

  1. Disguised

    Disguised Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    I'm pretty sure it was 'game-changer' or 'game-saver' (the first one most likely).
    PastelPiku likes this.
  2. .xyz.

    .xyz. New Member

    18 Feb 2018
    Hi Rovio,
    Hi Developer,
    Hi Moderator,
    Hi Players,
    With all due respect, I really appreciate the improvement made from time to time. BattleBay is much better and more fun to play with many new improvement made. Thanks to all of you who made this happened, however, some of us encounters some problem which would not be fair towards guild rivalry. The purpose of this improvement that includes guild rivalry matchmaking is to have a better and equal play for all battlebay players.
    Firstly, since the new update we encounter guild that is beyond our match. Our guild rank #183 and we gotten rivals of rank #3, #5, #26, & #51. Those guild members , #3,#5,#26,#51, has infamy way beyond our guild members. So in terms of weapon damage they may have more damages than us considering they are aces level 1. Their member lowest infamy is comparable with our guild top players infamy. It seems that no matter how much boost we used, it would catch them up either to do weapon quest since their weapon mostly legendary tier 2 level 20 minimum for a few of their member and the remaining have tier 5 epic andlegendary tier 3. Comparing to ours, where majority within our infamy range hold a rare 40 , epic 30, and few epic 40. See the comparison? In additon, knowing that fleeting with other player has a maximum infamy gap of 800, while this guild quest we encounters rival with an infamy range of 1000- 2000 range gap. Will you be able to sort this out please? Last but not least, i would attached screenshot of our guild rival statistics. Ourguild is “Three Kingdoms”. Does any other player think the same as me? Or experience the same thing? Thanks

    Attached Files:

  3. Banjar Kelayan

    Banjar Kelayan New Member

    2 Oct 2017
    Yes, I Agree
  4. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Could we have a message board, kind of like a mini forum, for our guilds?
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  5. GrizzlyMoose

    GrizzlyMoose Active Member

    19 Dec 2017
    Guild rivalry is flawed. I understand putting guilds with similar rivalry win records together, BUT...

    If one guild has average infamy of say 2500 and are competing with another with average infamy of over 4000 the contest is not fair.

    Obviously the bigger guild would have better weapons that can do more damage and would complete quests faster.

    It is like putting a Chihuahua against Pit Bull and saying it is a fair fight.
    GigaBeard, Marekg71 and .xyz. like this.
  6. Shatendris

    Shatendris New Member

    20 Feb 2018
    Hi, could you please add some guild management tool?
    - increase guild ranks, like 2 more.
    - allow to set which rank can do what (kick/promote/etc). Would be nice to have a message about who kicked who also.
    - a search tool to find players, with filters like: "lvl range" "infamy range" "nationatilty" etc.
    - make a "message of the day" tool so that It appears as unread message in chat @login.
    - player notes visibile only by selected ranks would be great.
    For now i think that's it, i'll drop more eventually.

    Love the game, gj.
    GigaBeard and PastelPiku like this.
  7. .xyz.

    .xyz. New Member

    18 Feb 2018
    Exactly, well said. This time our guild has majority mk5 ships were against mk7. Infamy average 2500, with one member who has infamy of 3500, in our guild and were match to 4 guild who has member of minimum infamy of 3800 while majority is 5000 and up. We struggle to complete 49 , 50 quest max at 54 quest while they completed 60+ as easy as abc. This is the definition of “FAIR” by rovio.
    GigaBeard and Marekg71 like this.
  8. .xyz.

    .xyz. New Member

    18 Feb 2018
    Bet u need to wait for another 6 month for them to fix the problem (tentatively). By then many has left guild and guild would be useless. 1st week has already shown some loose interest in playing guild quest
    Marekg71 likes this.
  9. Capt Bags

    Capt Bags New Member

    21 Feb 2018
    Hey, Rovio,
    I have cancelled my subscription due to your greed.

    These new guild matches are so unfair, that you have completely ruined them. And since they were the best part of the game, you have ruined the game.

    As others have said, getting matched with guilds ranked in the top 25 when your guild is around 300, is just plain wrong.

    The way I see it, you’re putting the more active (spend more money) players against each other, because you know they’ll spend even MORE money for competitions sake.


    you are penalizing the active guilds and actually REWARDING the less active guilds giving them the weak opponents. Now, those of us who put in the time and effort to be better are getting LESS rewards than the teams who do absolutely nothing each week.

    How did this make any sense at all when you thought up this idea???? Oh, that’s right... because it’ll bring more money in.

    Terrible. Greedy.

    You have lost my subscription. Enough is enough with your greed.

    I won’t even go into the unbelievable ‘offers’ you make available for people to BUY their way to the top with being able to buy tier 4 epic items for cash, instead of working for them. Allowing players to buy their way up, instead of earn it is absolutely the WORST.

    I know my $10-20 a month doesn’t mean much to you, Rovio. But you’re not getting it any more. Your greed has just gone overboard.
    GigaBeard, Kings of DK and Marekg71 like this.
  10. Nanner Puddin'

    Nanner Puddin' New Member

    9 Oct 2017
    In my guild we all pull together to work on the quests that are more difficult to finish, like mines and napalm, for example. We don't mind the challenge and it really brings out the teamwork we are capable of
    PastelPiku and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    With the new update(and a new guild!) I find a much more friendly type of questing. Good work on the devs side to improve the quality of life for everyone imo.
    PastelPiku likes this.
  12. Nanner Puddin'

    Nanner Puddin' New Member

    9 Oct 2017
    Idk if this has already been suggested but I'm already tired of scrolling thru trying to find out so I apologise if it has been....
    The worst case I have dealt with involves a player I accepted into my guild a couple weeks ago. Within the first 5 minutes of being a member, he had already challenged and insulted every member that was online at the time. After ignoring many requests for him to stop he was kicked. Since then, he constantly spams us with requests to join. I shouldn't have to set my guild to "invite only" bc this kid is a troll! Can't we have an option to "PERMANENTLY BAN" or "BLOCK FROM GUILD" a player so we aren't harassed (even if it's only an option for the leader)?

    Also.... It would be nice to be able to "pin" important messages in guild chat so they don't get lost and constantly have to be reposted :)

    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  13. Nanner Puddin'

    Nanner Puddin' New Member

    9 Oct 2017
    I kinda agree with this. I'm not sure exactly how many of my guildmates are VIP (I know at least a couple spend money) but we have been put in competition against some ridiculously ranked guilds compared to ours. This week, for example, we are against sub 300 ranked guilds and we are ranked WAY ABOVE that....
    GigaBeard, GhostOG and Marekg71 like this.
  14. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Y'know, there's an option that only allows players YOU request to join the guild;) "by request"
  15. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    idk if anyone said anything about alliances but, alliances would be cool lol. What it would be is basically a super guild. Fleeting with guild members for quests is 2x as effective, while fleeting with an ally is 1.5x as effective. Also, during each rivalry, you may work on 1 allied guild's quest to help them out while also earning more tokens for yourself.
  16. Marekg71

    Marekg71 New Member

    9 Mar 2018
    Hi guys
    I totally agree with Capt Bags post, I loosing interest to play guild quest after 3th board, because from 1st day you know who will win. It's pointless spend so much pearls to catch up guilds in lead , that never gonna happen. They got more powerfull guns to make more dmg, so they finish dmg quest quickly.
    I think, guild quest are to be between similar strength guild, no between guild on 600th place and 79th place. If is there different 100 places its fine.
    GigaBeard likes this.
  17. SaltyGator

    SaltyGator New Member

    13 May 2017
    I’m getting screwed by these new fair play rules. I’m the guild leader and I try to help out on all the quest we’re weakest at so naturally I lose more infamy than I’d like. Now I can be the best member on a team and I get 0 stars and crap for rewards. Therefore it’s completely pointless for me to keep playing when I can’t win stars to complete quests or earn rewards to level up. I understand they’re trying to keep people from tanking but at the same time they’re screwing people like me and who will eventually quit playing this stupid game if this crap continues!
  18. Kings of DK

    Kings of DK New Member

    1 Mar 2018
    So true spoken. Everything is about money in this game. If it doesn’t change, Rovio will loose sooner or later. Even guild war is a matter of money, byuing boosts, and nothing else!
    Marekg71, GigaBeard and GhostOG like this.
  19. Kings of DK

    Kings of DK New Member

    1 Mar 2018
    So Rovio.
    I have cancelled my subscription too. You will not get a single penny from me anymore more, until you chance the setup of guildwar!
    Remove the boosts compleatly, or make them reachable for number of fights or so?
    Time to reward the players and not the buyers!
    GigaBeard likes this.
  20. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    instead of just 3 roles in a guild (member, officer, leader) I wanna see 5:
    • Member - same as what we have now
    • Recruiter - officer, but can only invite and accept invitations
    • Officer - same as recruiter but can kick players below their rank
    • Admiral - same as officer but can view audit logs**
    • Captain - the guild owner
    **Audit Logs - keeps track of who invites who, who kicks who, who changes the guild description, etc.
    GigaBeard likes this.

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