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Specifications on Weapons.

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Gold Pow Ranger, 20 Feb 2018.

  1. Gold Pow Ranger

    Gold Pow Ranger New Member

    20 Feb 2018
    I've got a few questions:

    Why isn't the critical hit % shown at the specifications on the right at Explosive Cannon? There are perks To equip for that.

    Simular question for the extra Fire perks and training damage. Why isn't there a specification for all the extra fire damage from perks and training on cannons? It would be nice To know. Like how the Critical hit chance is Build up for cannons, why not extra information on how extra fire damage is Build up?

    Why does the Fixer bolt have a radius shown, while the discription is 'Heals one target'? Multiple targets at once possible, or No radius.., can't be both right?

    Hope You Guys Can help me out :)
    *JAWS*, Ian and FirnenAhead like this.
  2. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    That would be nice.
    There are other threads about that (that you should check out), and no-body really knows.
    Well, repair box has a radius... It just shows how wide the bolt is.
    PastelPiku likes this.
  3. Gold Pow Ranger

    Gold Pow Ranger New Member

    20 Feb 2018
    Why would they specify how wide the bolt is? We can't adjust that. And Every other weapon (Mortars, grenade, explosive cannon etc.) radius is shown as an impact radius , like pulse. Not like a bolt :/.
    PastelPiku likes this.
  4. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Lol so true. We can see the size of the box and bolt clearly and it's a static size that never changes. One use and you know forever. Doesn't need numbers. (Edit: it's actually ok for the box because that radius is its pickup radius)

    I would still love to see more numbers on every item, honestly. Things like burn damage % boost, stun resistance duration, firebomb minimum falloff duration, whether or not certain healblocks are active, the projectile speed of mortars, shield armor, minimum range (torpedoes, missiles, etc)... literally every detail that can be considered useful information.

    Moreover, for the minimum range to be useful information, we should be able to see player's distance regardless of whether or not they're in range. I believe the distance meter above the crosshair should be unified on every weapon, simply showing the distance from your ship rather than the distance from the edge of your firing range.

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