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Some Important Changes needed

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Zachiderp, 19 Feb 2018.

  1. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I'll try and make this thread short and simple

    More frequent balance changes
    It takes a while to fully balance items and Rovio seems to butcher items when it comes to nerfing them. (Except sniper for some ODD reason)

    Make it easier to scroll through players in seasons, TOP 50, friends list, and guild. Like having an arrow to view the next play when viewing a profile so it's easier to gather statistics

    When balancing please take into account ALL level players and not just players above 3k. It sucks how items that are underpowered at lower levels are getting nerfed because of how efficient they are at higher levels for example. Frost, explosive cannon, firebomb, and more. Same thing with ships. Some people find ships like the enforcer underwhelming at lower levels because of its poor slot distribution, slow speed, and low hp while at higher levels it's a frikken monster with double shields greater mobility and strong fire power all due to item levels and finally balanced slot points

    And finally lube and rudder. Literally the most underused items in the game across ALL levels due to the fact that all other choices are more viable. A couple of ways to fix this are either
    1. Make turbo give less of a speed boost BUT give all ships a speed boost in compensation so that turbo won't be needed as much if ships are usable without it
    2. Make a separate slot for each ship only for gear lube and rudder so that all players will use them.

    And remove powercells PLEASE!
    Updates I personally would like to see (but most likely won't ever happen)
    Making all gear viable at all levels (makes balancing a hell of a lot more easier)
    Last edited: 19 Feb 2018
    BasedCarpen and Blueee like this.
  2. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    There’s something I never understood and it’s the fact that all items upgrades are linear growth.

    This is the linear growth of all battle bay items: ( https://battlebayitems.com/items.html )


    Balancing weapons would be way easier if instead of linear growth it was an exponential growth or even a random growth.


    Inverse exponential growth in this case. But I actually believe that the easiest way would be for it to be random. If people think that lv40 explosive Cannon deals too much damage then you just boat that level. If T6/7 speeders have 2 Tesla bolts then you just increase the cooldown time for those levels...
  3. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    No offense, but random growth is a terrible idea. Positive exponential growth is not much better either. You’d have super weapons at higher tiers.

    The only thing that makes more sense than linear growth would be log growth where the curve plateaus. That would mean that you gain less at the very end, but it is still important because every little bit matters.
  4. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    That’s actually what I ment by inverse exponential growth but I just didn’t know how to say it properly haha. Also by random I mean manually set growth.

    Sry I don’t know the English of maths :)
    Help I Cant Swim likes this.
  5. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Ahhh haha! Simple misunderstanding. Then I agree, log growth would be a good alternative to linear growth. However, I don’t think that will solve anything. The people that use the explosive cannon (or any other weapon) are still gna complain that it needs a buff and the people that don’t use it are still gna complain that it needs a nerf or is fine.

    I believe that now that the devs are recording weapon damage data, we might see some more global weapon usage stats. Any possibility to this @The Grim Repair?
  6. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Kinda confused about this growth thing you guys are talking about. I'm just disatisfied with the fact that all gear has a rarity. Tbh there shouldn't even be rarities. Just leveling up gear because you won't see a T5 common unless thst player is dropping infamy neither will you see that for sn uncommon yet we're still allowed to do it anyways
  7. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    That sounds good in theory, but how do you expect to execute that at this point in the game?

    "Sorry that you've spent thousands of dollars collecting legendaries, but now all of the gear is the same rarity"

    You could say bye to basically anyone that has spent decent money on the game. If the money goes, the game goes.
  8. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Make a scale of levels. At some point commons are as effective as uncommons, uncommons as effective as rares and so on. Increase the max level of all gear to 100 and pleace each currently leveled up item on thst scale. Legendaries would be converted to higher level gear while commons at lower levels. The leveling system could still be consistent of duplicates but reduce the chance of recieving them and only allow them to be obtained via star crates and epic crates. Only pieces and parts from common crates.
  9. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    That's a good concept.... for a new game... We are too far down the rarity road to turn back now. Maybe Battle Bay 2 will be like that.
  10. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    If they even have plans for it at this point... Then again after all this money they've made it isn't out of the question

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