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Shots not Registering

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Bo Oetjen, 8 Sep 2017.

  1. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    Thank you for your reply. I am not trying to fuel a fire, I’ve just noticed some very strange patterns. I am not a coder, but my company develops software for healthcare, so being around the development process daily, you naturally start picking up on things, especially things that appear out of the ordinary (patterns).

    So, would you mind setting the record strait so-to-speak. In matches, if team infamy is fairly balanced, how do most players have an almost 50/50 win loss ratio? If there were simply 2 people with almost equal skill, the same ship, and with the same weapons, statistically, it would be plausible for an approximate 50/50 win/loss ratio. But, when you factor in 10-players with different ships, different weapons, different weapon perks, different experience levels, having them play games where only an almost-even infamy level is the deciding factor in matching, would not generate 50/50 win/loss ratios without other “controls” in place. Call of Duty and various other multiplayer games are excellent examples of this. So, are there any controls in place to assist in keeping the win/loss ratios around 50% or are you saying that it’s completely accidental or coincidental? Thank you again for your reply!!
  2. Krishna

    Krishna New Member

    11 May 2017
    I have a solution to this and it works 200%. Download a VPN and play.. u will enjoy it.
  3. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    Thanks for the advise, but that doesn’t answer the question. And I’m wondering why they won’t simply say yes or no, this is what we are or aren’t doing.
  4. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    Could you please answer my question, we really need to end the speculation!!
  5. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Damage not registering happens sometimes to me too. But I don't give a crap.
  6. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    It’s understandable that it would happen from time-to-time. I just think that we all want to know what, if anything, Rovio is doing to manipulate a player and/or game to keep player stats around the 50% mark. I think that it’s strange that Miika (developer) responded almost instantaneously, when I quoted a specific method, however, has not answered if they are doing something else. It’s like, if someone told you that I think you used a knife to scratch a person’s car, and your reply was, I never scratched a car with a knife. Why not just say, I never scratched a car, period. I think that there is a consensus that Rovio is cmanipulating players and/or games, I wish that they would end all of the speculation and just be honest with what they are doing, if anything!
  7. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    I would like to believe you, but I am starting to disagree. You guys have failed to respond to every complaint of "balancing", however, the first time I list a specific way that you might be doing it based on my game play experience, I suddenly get a quick and definitive response! It is clear that you guys are manipulating the game somehow, and it looks like it has something to do with what appears as lag. Not saying that there is no true lag. I am not spending any more money on this game until I know how you guys manipulate my gameplay in order to ensure an approximate 50/50 win/loss ration.
    Last edited: 10 Mar 2018

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