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MK1 against MK4 ships: trouble with matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Axios, 15 Feb 2018.

  1. Axios

    Axios New Member

    11 Oct 2017
    It's the second time that after reaching 1200 infamy points, I have a lose streak of unwinnable battles like this that I posted.

    I'm doing something wrong or there is a matchmaking issue?

    Now I'm again at 900 infamy.

    This battle: 2 mk1 ships? 3 fixers in a team?

    Thanks in advance for replues.
  2. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Yes, generally speaking you must be doing something wrong if you are a Mk5 with epic items and less than 1k infamy. Of course I can't give you any deeper analysis without actually seeing some of your battle replays.

    But with your level and gear I would estimate something like 2k-3k infamy would be normal.
  3. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
  4. Da Carronade King

    Da Carronade King Well-Known Member

    7 Jan 2018
    A world unknown
    LOL BB has changed, noqw to get to 2k infamy u need tier 3 epics to progress.
    Its irregular as I would have thought that to balance out the two mk5s on ur side they would have put two mk3s. U cant change the type of ship though. just unfortunate u got ships that cant efend themselves.
  5. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I disagree. When's the last time you were down at 900 infamy? What sort of boats do you think you fight at 500, 1000, and 1500 infamy? I can guarantee that you're wrong in whatever you think. Lower infamies are an utter disaster in the current game. The penalty for dropping more than 800 infamy only makes it vastly worse.
    Ash KOT likes this.
  6. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Well, here's a fresh screenshot from my second account. It's sure been a while since I played with it but I would say the basic mechanics can't possibly have changed so much in the past few months. Can't say it for sure but that's what I think. Fact is, to reach this infamy my level 14 mini has been able to compete with higher level boats. The likely reason for this is that they aren't playing as well as they possibly could, and that's just what I think happened with OP too.


    Also, if you haven't already, you might want to check out this graph by @Miika. As you can see, majority of the lvl 30+ players are indeed higher than 900 infamy. But in the end it's not even important since this thread was all about helping the OP. My opinion hasn't changed - with his stuff and level he could be higher. If he can provide additional information that has been requested above, maybe we can help him together to reach that goal.
    Last edited: 15 Feb 2018
  7. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I don't disagree with that. But people ARE tanking and in other ways deliberately throwing battles (guild quests anyone?). So the reality of the landscape down at even very low infamies is that you are fighting M5's. That is the reality for people trying to actually play. Accordingly, I adapt my play style also by similarly keeping my infamy artificially low.

    That is not going to change until it's more profitable for people to fight at higher infamies than it is at lower infamies.
  8. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Well I also agree with that, infamy tanking for sure is a serious problem and I fully support that higher leagues should always be more profitable for the players. But I still believe OP with his level and gear could be able to climb higher and leave the worst tanking zone behind. Ps. Sorry I edited my previous post after you had already quoted it. I just tried to keep this conversation as constructive as possible and I felt that the first version was slightly toxic. :)
  9. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I agree he could be. So could I. The question is whether or not that's wise.

    Miika's chart clearly shows the disaster that is lower infamies. It also shows what sort of boat is "the average" for when you break out of "the land of flotsam & jetsom" below 1200 infamy. My own internal mark is a well developed M5 in the current landscape... think like E30 gear and better. The reason for that is that once I "make my move" I need to be fully stable at that new infamy and I have zero trust in the current matchmaking.

    When I eventually get M5 you'll see my boat there briefly at the 1000-ish infamy range. The only reason it will be "briefly" is that I intend my M5 to spring forth fully born as a mature M5. I'm not "doing something wrong". I'm responding to the actual game Rovio has made.
  10. Axios

    Axios New Member

    11 Oct 2017
    Thanks for the reply.

    Tomorrow I'll post some replay and my profile info.

    I know that I'm still a newbie for several aspects.

    Basically in most battles I win with some problems. Other times I am scrapped within seconds by other mk5 ships.
  11. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    lol..kidding..share all your weapons that mean..otherl ships too....
  12. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    @Sifa you seriously have a skewed vision of life in the 1000-1500 infamy now.
    Many nightmare players have made baby accounts and cannot believe how competitive it is now.
    Seeing MK6 / MK7 boats with T5 epics and T2 legendaries is the standard now at 1500.
    As a MK5 user with T3 / T4 rares, and T1 / T2 epics I am massively under powered in every game.
    Saying if you are MK5 with epics you should be in 2K-3K range is not really possible without an awful lot of luck and being carried by your team.
    I see people post screenshots of battle logs from 2000-3000 infamy range, and they are using the same gear I see in 1500 infamy range :D
    Da Carronade King likes this.
  13. Da Carronade King

    Da Carronade King Well-Known Member

    7 Jan 2018
    A world unknown
    Snapshot, look at it this way, when these better players were our level, the bay was much easier to play in, mk4s reached so high in those days. For us the game is much harder with so many players stuck down here as mk5s.

    However these days that gear wont help u get to 3k. U need tier 4 epics to get to 3k and I have seen many people at 1.5k infamy with tier 4 weapons who can't get up. Its a hard place to survive these days.
    Alright u got to 900 infamy with mk2 but so did I, the only difference is that it took me a mk4 to get to master and now I am stuck. It gets very hard at these infamies. A better ship doesnt always mean u get better. My mk4 speeder got to 1700 infamy 2 months ago, after I got mk5, everything went bad, that I am using my mk4 fixer to push up. Maybe that player made a bad descision by going to mk5.
  14. Da Carronade King

    Da Carronade King Well-Known Member

    7 Jan 2018
    A world unknown
    Yes they are but not everybody, some mk5s are at 100 infamy.
  15. Da Carronade King

    Da Carronade King Well-Known Member

    7 Jan 2018
    A world unknown
    That is completely true lol. Half the time I have to carry my own team and we still end up lost, I just cant get past 1700 infamy. I often find myself getting dragged back to 1000-1500 and while my legendary helps me win, its not always enough as a mk4 as I have low life. My mk5 speeder is officially screwed so I turned into a selfish fixer, which is doing better but still terrible as some of the torpedos out ther destroy 1.5k life with one shot.
    Snapshot and Ash KOT like this.
  16. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    That's basically my sense too. I get the feel that once I cross 1500 and Mark 5 then I need to be prepared for 3000 infamy because it's all the same gear and boats. I'm fairly confident that I made a mistake getting exuberant with my new speeder and letting myself get into master league. I won't repeat that mistake.

    I wish I understood exactly what it is about Battle Bay that makes it like this. I've played lots of games over the years and I frequently end up punching well above my weight class or doing things like soloing group content. In other games I've found that a rewarding experience. In Battle Bay it's something to be carefully avoided. I hope the devs eventually get it sorted because I sure do love the actual combat part of Battle Bay.
    Ash KOT likes this.
  17. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Yes, its exactly the same boats and gear :D
    Saw a guy yesterday at 1500 and he had a MK6 boat, 3 legendary weapons, of which one was T2 legendary, plus epic T5s on his other parts.
    Then there is me with no legendary weapons, a weaker boat, weaker items all round, and yet "I am doing something wrong" if I cant cruise past him!
    Instead of looking at the MK4 / MK5 players trying to rise in infamy and tell them they are bad if they cant reach 2000+, you should focus on the MK5 / MK6 who are clearly the ones "doing it wrong".
    Da Carronade King likes this.
  18. Axios

    Axios New Member

    11 Oct 2017
    For example, my battles of this morning (I'm from Italy)

    First batte, lost in a couple of minutes. The last player in my team, with an mk5 was shredded in seconds. the mk2 Fixer was sinked immediately.

    Second battle: I sinked all the 5 enemy ships and inflicted 8000+ damage.

    Third battle, we lost, I was the better player in my team

    Fourth battle: mk2 Fixer sinked immediately. I was the best player in my team

    Fifth battle, we lost.

    Sixth battle, we won, I was the best palyer in my team.

    Ok, maybe not significative... I perfectly understand that I cannot always win, but sometimes I lost so quickly that I cannot understand why. Now I'm again at 929 infamy....

    If someone will give me some advices / tips, I will be glad to hear them.

    If more info are needed, please ask.

    Thanks in advance for replies.
  19. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Here's the question I asked myself. "Do I resent the horribly mismatched battles or do I resent being punished for winning them?" For me personally it's the latter.
    Da Carronade King likes this.
  20. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    My observations:
    • Those are some pretty nice matchups. I sure do wish mine looked like that.
    • Those teams are well matched, which means you should expect a 50/50 win rate.
    • That means you're not doing anything wrong.

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