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Free Legendaries :)

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Blood Raven, 14 Feb 2018.

  1. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Yes, finally the devs took this into account and those leg aspirants can finally get a leg of their choice, no make that legs of every weapon they want, including the green stuff!
    This update was really good in this viewpoint as if you keep playing long enough at one point you will definitely have a leg, even without spending. It seems devs took a lookout for everyone including f2p this time, cause free legendaries were never expected!
    Thanks devs. Awaiting my leg rail from achievements to make my existent one t2 :')
    For those who dont know, The amount of damage required for a leg weapon (5 star achievement) is 10 million.
    / Keep rocking /
  2. fragglelator

    fragglelator Active Member

    30 Sep 2017
    Apologies in advance for hijacking this thread and also if this has been covered elsewhere – what do the colored bars between the two sides mean and how are they calculated?
    I can see that they are used as a guide to perhaps show relative "strength" of the player, but I cannot see a pattern of how the color is assigned (well, I kinda sorta can but there are outliers).
    For example - I think the bar colors represent the highest equipped item (Yellow - Legendary; Purple - Epic; and so on), but then looking at ArtofDeception's (top screenshot) list of equipped items, he/she only has Epics but has a Yellow bar.
    Then on the 2nd screenshot, (. )Y( .) [yikes i feel dirty after typing that] .. has a Legendary shield equipped but is assigned a Purple bar; and *WEBB* & S.S.Von Snoot are assigned a Yellow bar with Epics equipped.
    Probably not a biggie in the grand scheme of things, but curious to know - if the bars are meant to give a quick glance as to the level of the player/ship, then enquiring minds need to know how the color bars are assigned :)

    Back to topic .. Yay! Legendaries .. at least I have a chance to get a Legendary but given my level of playing time, possibly will only see one in about a years time. Still, something worthwhile to shoot for [pun intended].
    See y'all on the bay.
  3. Kelvs599

    Kelvs599 Member

    28 Jul 2017
    They represent what league the players are in. So the yellow bar means they're in Nightmare league, and the purple bar means they're in Ace league.
    fragglelator and StrictSalmon307 like this.
  4. fragglelator

    fragglelator Active Member

    30 Sep 2017
    Hmm that makes a bit more sense, still a couple of outliers – 2nd screenshot 3xB Bar1's infamy is 4058 (Nightmare) but is given a Purple (Ace) bar. And quite a few in the top screen shot are below 4000 (as low as 3100) infamy with Yellow bar. Could be due to timing of Season awards though and rising/falling infamy, and the bar represents the highest infamy/league the player/ship has achieved.
    Thank you for the information.
    Kelvs599 likes this.
  5. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    The players belong to a League according to the highest Infamy they climbed up last season (Last season ended last Sunday). The players that didn't make it above 4k infamy before last sunday are not in Nightmare yet, even if they are currently above 4k. They will enter Nightmare when the current season ends. Of course players that hitted 4k or higher last season can be 3.5k or even 3k infamy now and still be in Nightmare. The thing is that they must hit 4k again before this season ends to keep in Nightmare next season.
    Kelvs599 likes this.
  6. Disguised

    Disguised Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    It's probably the only way for f2p players to get legendary duplicates(unless they are really lucky of course ;)). Sometimes it's better to add a lot of new small things in an update, than 1 huge thing in update.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.

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